| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Parent Monitor | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert Auto Resolve | Monitor Type | Remotable | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Authentication/Accounting failure Monitor | The Routing and Remote Access service encountered an error while performing authentication or accounting. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.AuthenticationAccountingfailure | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.ConfigurationState | ConfigurationHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Configuration failure | Internet Group Management Protocol version 2 (IGMPv2) detected a configuration failure. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.Configurationfailure | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.ConfigurationState | ConfigurationHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Hardware device error Monitor | The connection attempt failed because the device connected to the port is not responding. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.Hardwaredeviceerror | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| IPCP negotiation failure | The Routing and Remote Access service encountered an error in handing out IP address to dial-in client(s) during IP Control Protocol (IPCP) negotiation. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.IPCPnegotiationfailure | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| IPsec related failures | The connection attempt failed because a machine certificate was not found for IP Security (IPsec). | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.IPsecrelatedfailures | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.ConfigurationState | ConfigurationHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Memory allocation failure | The Network Address Translation (NAT) protocol encountered a memory allocation failure. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.Memoryallocationfailure | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Memory Allocation Monitor | The Routing and Remote Access service could not start or is not fully functional because of a memory allocation failure. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.MemoryAllocationFailureMonitor | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| No more licenses monitor | A user was unable to connect to the Routing and Remote Access server as the server has exceeded its client license limit. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.Nomorelicenses | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Packet filter related failure | The Routing and Remote Access service encountered an error while configuring packet filter. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.Packetfilterrelatedfailure | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.ConfigurationState | ConfigurationHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Protocol initialization failure | Internet Group Management Protocol version 2 (IGMPv2) encountered an error during initialization. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.Protocolinitializationfailure | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Rasman port open failure Monitor | The Routing and Remote Access service or The Remote Access Connection Manager service encountered an error while opening a port for remote access. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.RasmanPortOpenFailure | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Remote Access Connection Manager Unexpectedly Terminated Monitor | The Remote Access Manager (Rasman) service was unexpectedly terminated. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.RasmanUnexpectedTerminatedMonitor | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.2SingleEventLog2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Routing and Remote Access Unexpectedly Terminated Monitor | The Remote Access (RemoteAccess) service was unexpectedly terminated. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.RemoteAccessUnexpectedTerminatedMonitor | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.2SingleEventLog2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Routing and Remote Access Service Monitor | The Remote Access (RemoteAccess) service is not running. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.ServiceMonitor | Microsoft.Windows.Server.RRAS.2008.Server | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |