All Unit Monitor Types in EMC.SI.Monitoring Management Pack

 DisplayNameDescriptionIDRunAsAccessibilitySupport Monitor Recalculate
EMC.SI.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeEMC SI Check NT Service Monitor Type (Deprecated)Service monitor that doesn't alert until the service is not running multiple times within an interval. THIS MONITOR TYPE IS NO LONGER USED BUT IS PUBLIC SO CANNOT BE DELETED.EMC.SI.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeEMC.SI.ESIServiceMonitoringAccountPublicTrue
EMC.SI.DataPerformance.DoubleThreshold.MonitorTypeEMC SI Data Performance Double Threshold Monitor TypeData performance double threshold monitor type.EMC.SI.DataPerformance.DoubleThreshold.MonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.DataPerformance.MonitorTypeEMC SI Data Performance Monitor TypeData performance single threshold monitor type.EMC.SI.DataPerformance.MonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.Entity.Status.MonitorTypeEMC SI Entity Status Monitor TypeEMC Storage Integrator Entity Status Monitor Type. This is for all physical and logical components of a storage system.EMC.SI.Entity.Status.MonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.ESIService.Status.MonitorTypeEMC SI Service Connection Status Monitor TypeThis monitor type is for checking the status of an EMC Storage Integrator Service Connection. It attempts to get the current state of the service connection by making an http request.EMC.SI.ESIService.Status.MonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.OrphanedEntity.Status.MonitorTypeEMC SI Orphaned Entity Status Monitor TypeThis monitor type is for checking the status of an orphaned entity.EMC.SI.OrphanedEntity.Status.MonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.SnapshotPool.CapacityMonitorTypeEMC SI Snapshot Pool Capacity Monitor TypeThis monitor type is for monitoring the capacity of snapshot pools.EMC.SI.SnapshotPool.CapacityMonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.StoragePool.CapacityMonitorTypeEMC SI Storage Pool Capacity Monitor TypeThis monitor type is for monitoring the capacity of storage pools.EMC.SI.StoragePool.CapacityMonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.StorageSystem.Status.MonitorTypeEMC SI Storage System Status Monitor typeThis monitor type is for checking the status of a storage system or VPLEX appliance.EMC.SI.StorageSystem.Status.MonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.SubEntity.Status.MonitorTypeEMC SI SubEntity Status Monitor TypeThis monitor is healthy if all subentities of the specified type are healthy, warning if at least one SubEntity is in a warning state with none in an error state and error if at least one is in an error state.EMC.SI.SubEntity.Status.MonitorTypeInternalFalse
EMC.SI.WindowsService.Heartbeat.UnitMonitorTypeEMC SI Windows Service Heartbeat Unit Monitor TypeThis monitor type checks for various events issued by the EMC SI Service to check if it is functioning normally.EMC.SI.WindowsService.Heartbeat.UnitMonitorTypeInternalFalse