| DisplayName | Description | ID | RunAs | Accessibility | Support Monitor Recalculate |
| MSSQL on Linux: Agent Long Running Jobs | This monitor type checks the current execution time of all agent jobs against specified time thresholds. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Agent.LongRunningJobs | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Agent Long Running Jobs Provider (Per Job) | MSSQL on Linux: Agent Long Running Jobs Provider (Per Job) | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.AgentJob.Duration | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Agent Job Last Run State | MSSQL on Linux: Agent Job Last Run State. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.AgentJob.LastRunState | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Two-State System Policy Monitor Type | Two-state Always On system policy monitor type. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.AlwaysOnSystemPolicy | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux:Memory-Optimized Data Filegroup Container Free Space | MSSQL on Linux:Memory-Optimized Data Filegroup Container Free Space | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Container.FreeSpacePercent | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Database Backup Status | This monitor type checks the state of a database backup on a MSSQL Database Engine installation on Linux. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.DBBackupStatus | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Database Configuration | This monitor type checks the configuration of a database on a MSSQL Database Engine on Linux installation. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.DBConfigurationStatus | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Disk Read Latency | This monitor type checks is disk Read latency below threshold or not. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.DBDiskReadLatency | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Disk Write Latency | This monitor type checks is disk Write latency below threshold or not. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.DBDiskWriteLatency | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Percentage Change | This monitor type checks for a change in database free space between subsequent polling intervals. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.DBPercentageChange | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Database Free Space | This monitor type checks the amount of free space of the database on MSSQL Database against the specified thresholds. The monitor type can check for absolute free space, or free space expressed as percentage. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.DBSize | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Database Status | This monitor type checks the state of a database on a MSSQL Database Engine on Linux installation. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.DBStatus | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Log Shipping Status | This monitor detects log-shipping status on Linux installation. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.LogShipping | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Transaction Log Free Space (\%) Performance | Transaction Log Free Space (\%) monitor type for MSSQL DBs | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.Database.TransactionLogSpaceFreePercent | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Average Wait Time Performance | Average Wait Time monitor type for DBs on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.AverageWaitTime | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Blocked Session Provider | | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.BlockingSessions | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Engine Buffer Cache Hit Ratio | DB Engine Buffer Cache Hit Ratio monitor type for DBs on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.BufferCacheHitRatio | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Engine Status Provider | | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.DBEngineStatus | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Engine Page Life Expectancy (s) | DB Engine Page Life Expectancy (s) monitor type for DBs on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.PageLifeExpectancy | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Engine Product Version Compliance | DB Engine Product Version Compliance monitor type for DBs on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.ServicePackLevel | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Smart Admin Health Policy Monitor Type | Two-state monitor type used to monitor Smart Admin Health Policies. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.SmartAdminHealthPolicy | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: SQL Re-Compilation | DB Engine SQL Re-Compilation monitor type on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.SQLRecompilation | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Stolen Server Memory | Stolen Server Memory monitor type on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.StolenServerMemory | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Engine Thread Count | DB Engine Thread Count monitor type for DBs on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBEngine.ThreadCount | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB File Free Space Total | | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBFile.DBFileSpace | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB FILESTREAM Filegroup Free Space | This monitor type checks the Free Space in the DB Filestream Filegroup. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBFilegroupFd.GroupSpace | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Average length of the row chains in the hash buckets | This monitor type checks the Average length of the row chains in the hash buckets on Linux. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBFilegroupFx.HashIndexAvgChainLength | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Empty Bucket percent in the hash index | This monitor type checks the Empty Bucket percent in the hash index on Linux. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBFilegroupFx.HashIndexEmptyBucketsCount | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Memory-Optimized Data Stale Checkpoint Files Ratio Monitor Type | SQL Server Memory-Optimized Data Stale Checkpoint Files Ratio Monitor Type on Linux | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBFilegroupFx.StaleCFPs | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: XTP Configuration monitor type | XTP Configuration monitor type | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBFilegroupFx.XTPConfiguration | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: DB Log File Free Space Total | | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.DBLogFile.DBLogFileSpace | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Securables Configuration Status | This monitor checks the status of Sql Server securables access configuration. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.SecurablesConfig | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Sql Service Status | MSSQL on Linux: Sql Service Status. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.SqlServiceStatus | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Two-State Custom User Policy Monitor Type | Two-state monitor type used to monitor Always On Custom User Policies. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.UserPolicy | | Internal | False |
| MSSQL on Linux: Memory-Optimized Data User Resource Pool Monitor Type | SQL Server on Linux Memory-Optimized Data User Resource Pool Monitor Type | Microsoft.SQLServer.Linux.MonitorType.UserResourcePool.MemoryConsumption | Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.Monitoring | Internal | False |