| DisplayName | Description | ID | RunAs | Accessibility | Support Monitor Recalculate |
| Web Interface Watcher Monitor Type | This monitor type detects the website state by check the http response code, if fail a property bag is returned with error detail message that will be used in the alert message by the monitor. | Microsoft.OperationsManager.WebInterfaceWatcher.MonitorType | | Internal | True |
| WMI functional Monitor Type | Monitor type for the WMI health monitor | Microsoft.OperationsManager.WMIFunctional.MonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Detect duplicate relationships for agents to server Monitor Type | This monitor type detects any duplicate relationships that exist in the operational database to avoid excessive data being generated by discoveries which can cause a problem in updating configurations. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.OpsMgrDB.DetectDuplicateRelationshipsforAgentsToServers.MonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Checking Grooming and Partitioning Process Monitor Type | This monitor type detects potential problems with the operational database by checking the state of grooming and partitioning processes that could cause performance issues. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.OpsMgrDB.PartitioningAndGroomingMonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Windows Service Not Running State with consecutive samples threshold monitor type | This monitor type provides the capability to check the state of a window service by using a sample count threshold. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.WindowsServiceNotRunningState.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold.MonitorType | | Public | True |
| 32-bit Agent on 64-bit Operating System Monitor Type | This monitor type detects if the 32-bit agent has been installed on a 64-bit operating system. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent.Configuration.ArchitectureMismatchMonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Agent Version Monitor Type | This monitor type checks for the agent version, and generates an alert if the version of an agent is less than the minimum version that is provided. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent.Configuration.MinRequiredVersionCheckMonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Agent Performance Monitor Type | | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent.Performance.AveragerThresholdWithSingleSampleSuccessState | | Internal | True |
| Agent Performance Monitor Type (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold.MonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Agent Last Event Monitor Type | This monitor type checks for agent last event data | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentHealth.LastEvent.MonitorType | | Internal | False |
| Agent Last Performance Monitor Type | This monitor type checks for agent last performance data | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentHealth.LastPerf.MonitorType | | Internal | False |
| Agent Manager Monitor Type | Used by monitors for the Agent Manager. Unit monitors of this type monitor "push" install and agent updates. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.AgentManagerFailureMonitor | | Internal | False |
| Configuration Processing Monitor Type | | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ConfigurationProcessingMonitorType | | Internal | False |
| Health Service Consecutive Sample Double Threshold Monitor Type | Monitor type to measure agent queue length usage. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.ConsecutiveSampleDoubleThreshold | | Internal | False |
| Agent processor utilization monitor type | This monitor type is used for creating monitors which watch the agent processor utilization. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.SCOMpercentageCPUTimeCounterMonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Correlated Event and Missing Event Monitor Type | Used by monitors that need to correlate an event with a missing event. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceModules.CorrelatedEventAndMissingEvent | | Internal | False |
| Management Service Pool Availability Monitor Type | This monitor type reports Healthy State if any pool member where it reside is available, otherwise it turns gray. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServicePool.AvailabilityMonitorType | | Internal | True |
| Excessive Timeouts Monitor Type | This monitor type checks for excessive timeouts for network devices | Microsoft.SystemCenter.NetworkManagement.IsExperiencingExcessiveTimeouts.MonitorType | | Internal | False |
| Operational Database percent free space monitor type | Used by the Operational DB free space monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.OpsMgrDBPercentFreeSpaceMonitorType | | Internal | False |
| System Center Performance with double threshold monitor type | This monitor type provides the capability to check for two different thresholds. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Performance.FilteredDoubleThreshold.MonitorType | | Internal | False |
| Sql Broker Availability Monitor Type | A monitor type that looks at Sql Broker status for Operations Manager functionality. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.SqlBrokerAvailabilityMonitorType | Microsoft.SystemCenter.DatabaseWriteActionAccount | Internal | True |
| Connected Management Group Monitor Type | Used to tested connections to a tiered management group. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Tiering.TieredManagementGroupTest | | Internal | False |