| DisplayName | Description | ID | Type | Isolation | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Generate Infront EMC Isilon MP License Request File Write Action | Generate Infront EMC Isilon MP License Request File Write Action | EMC.Isilon.GenerateLicenseRequestFile.WA | WriteActionModuleType | Any | Public | |
| EMC Isilon SSH based Command execution Write Action | EMC Isilon Write Action to execute a command via SSH | EMC.Isilon.SSHCommandCaller.WA | WriteActionModuleType | Any | Public | |
| Infront EMC Isilon Verify License Task WA | This WA implements the EMC Isilon MP License verifycation task | EMC.Isilon.VerifyLicenseTask.WA | WriteActionModuleType | Any | Public | |