All WriteAction Modules in Microsoft.Windows.Library Management Pack

Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagWriteActionPowerShell Script Property Bag Write ActionUse this module as a write action for running PowerShell scripts and the PowerShell script will return a property bag. This module returns data of type System.PropertyBagData. This module should be used for implementing recoveries or as the write action for agent tasks. The StrictErrorHandling parameter should only be set to "true" if the module is being used in an agent task. For more information on this module refer to the "Operations Manager Module Types Reference" online.Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagWriteActionWriteActionModuleTypeAnyPublic
Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellWriteActionPowerShell Script Serialized Object Write ActionUse this module as a write action for running PowerShell scripts when full access is needed to both the screen output and the objects returned by the PowerShell script. This module returns data of type Microsoft.Windows.SerializedObjectData. This module should be used for implementing recoveries or as the write action for agent tasks. The SerializationDepth parameter should be set as small as possible (3 or less) to prevent the resulting data item from becoming too large. The StrictErrorHandling parameter should only be set to "true" if the module is being used in an agent task. For more information on this module and the SerializedObjectData type refer to the "Operations Manager Module Types Reference" online.Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellWriteActionWriteActionModuleTypeAnyPublic
Microsoft.Windows.ScriptWriteActionRun ScriptMicrosoft.Windows.ScriptWriteActionWriteActionModuleTypeAnyPublic