Knowledge Article: ID W0010003 - (Windows) IBM Director Platform Agent Services are incompatible


The currently installed IBM Director Platform Agent*1 Services are not compatible with the current version of Windows running on the system.

IBM Director Platform Agent*1 Services, a basic subset (Level 1) of IBM Director Agent, provide basic platform management functionality, such as hardware component discovery/inventory, health state reporting, and more, by communicating with system firmware (BIOS or UEFI) and/or management controllers like BMC (Baseboard Management Controller), RSA-II (Remote Supervisor Adapter), etc., through device drivers or operating system APIs.

Besides platform-specific hardware component instrumentation, IBM Director Platform Agent*1 Services also contain an SLP (Service Location Protocol) agent, an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) enabled CIMOM (Common Information Model Object Manager) on Linux, or a set of CIM mapping libraries to WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) on Windows.


Because IBM Director Platform Agent*1 Services have dependencies on operating system APIs, a given level of IBM Director Platform Agent*1 Services might be incompatible with a given major OS release. For example, for Windows Server 2008, the system requires "IBM Director Core Services 5.20.2 Service Update 1" or later.


When IBM Director Platform Agent*1 Services are not compatible with the OS, the functionality and/or integrity of the IBM Director Platform Agent*1 Services could be significantly crippled. As a result, all the platform component instrumentations could also be crippled. To ensure a healthy computing environment, software dependencies should be reviewed and resolved as soon as possible.


  1. Visit the IBM Web site and review the following documents to determine software dependencies of the IBM Director Platform Agent*1 for the Windows version running on the system.
    • Release Notes
    • Supported hardware and operating systems
    • Installation instructions

    Document IBM Systems Director Version
    6.2.x 6.1.x 5.20.x
    Release Notes Visit IBM Systems Director resources Web site. See "Release notes" under "Product Documentation" section of this Web page. Visit Information Center Web site. Release notes are under the "Overview" section.
    Supported hardware and operating systems Visit IBM Systems Director resources Web site. See "Hardware and Software Support Guide" under "Product Documentation" section of this Web page. Visit Information Center Web site. See "Hardware and software requirements" under "Planning" section of this Web page. Visit Information Center Web site. Supported hardware and operating systems is under the "Planning" section.
    Installation instructions Visit IBM Systems Director resources Web site. See "Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide" under "Product Documentation" section of this Web page. Visit Information Center Web site. See "IBM Systems Director Agent installation cookbook" and "Installing agents" under the "Installing" section. Visit Information Center Web site. See "Hardware and software requirements" under "Planning" section of this Web page.

  2. Consult the troubleshooting information in the "Additional information" section for troubleshooting issues related to IBM Director Platform Agent*1.

Additional information

Footnote *1 - About IBM Director Platform Agent
IBM Director Version Director Platform Agent name
6.2.x Director Platform Agent or Director Common Agent
6.1.x Director Platform Agent or Director Common Agent
5.20.x Director Core Services (also called Level-1 Agent) or Director Agent (also called Level-2 Agent)