| DisplayName | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Alert Generate |
| ActiveSync Service | ActiveSyncService.DependsOn.ClientAccessActiveSync.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Across cluster problems may be impacting the DAG | AllAcrossClusters.DependsOn.AcrossCluster.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Cluster FSW problems may impact the DAG | AllClusterFsws.DependsOn.ClusterFsw.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Cluster quorum group problems may be impacting the DAG | AllClusterQuorumGroups.DependsOn.ClusterQuorumGroup.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database problem may be impacting database service in the AD site. | AllDatabaseServices.DependsOn.DatabaseService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Network problems are impacting the DAG | AllNetworks.DependsOn.Network.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Anonymous Calendar Sharing Service | AnonymousCalendarSharingService.DependsOn.ClientAccessAnonymousCalendarSharing.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| AvailabilityService Service | AvailabilityServicesService.DependsOn.ClientAccessAvailabilityService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Some mailbox replication services failed to run | ClientAccessMailboxReplicationServicesService.DependsOn.ClientAccessMailboxReplicationService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Client Access Components | ClientAccessRole.DependsOn.ClientAccessComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Some Client Access test cmdlets failed to run | ClientAccessTestConfigService.DependsOn.ClientAccessTestConfig.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Directory Service access by Exchange components | CommonActiveDirectoryAccess.DependsOn.CommonDomainController.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Directory Service access by Exchange Servers | CommonActiveDirectoryAccessService.DependsOn.CommonActiveDirectoryAccess.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Domain Controller access problems maybe impacting the machine | CommonADAccessDomainController.DependsOn.CommonDomainController.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Remote PowerShell Service | CommonRemotePowerShellService.DependsOn.CommonRemotePowerShell.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Common Components | CommonRole.DependsOn.CommonComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Transport Throttling Service | CommonTransportThrottlingClient.DependsOn.MailboxTransportThrottlingServer.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Information Store performance problem may be impacting the content indexing service. | ContentIndexingService.DependsOn.InformationStorePerformance.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Monitoring Correlation Engine | CorrelationEngineRole.DependsOn.MonitoringCorrelationEngine.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Cluster FSW problems may be impacting the DAG | DatabaseAvailabilityGroup.DependsOn.AllClusterFsws.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Cluster service problem may be impacting the DAG | DatabaseAvailabilityGroup.DependsOn.ClusterService.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copies corrupted on server | DatabaseCopiesCorruption.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyCorruption.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copies failed on server | DatabaseCopiesFailed.DependsOn.DatabaseCopy.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copies integrity suppression | DatabaseCopiesIntegritySuppression.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyIntegritySuppression.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copies performance issues on server | DatabaseCopiesPerformance.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyPerformance.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copies replay issues on server | DatabaseCopiesReplay.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyReplay.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copies replication issues on server | DatabaseCopiesReplication.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyReplication.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copies submission issues on server | DatabaseCopiesSubmission.DependsOn.DatabaseCopySubmission.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy's integrity is at risk. | DatabaseCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyCorruption.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy integrity suppression. | DatabaseCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyIntegritySuppression.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A database copy on a server is experiencing log replay errors. | DatabaseCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyReplay.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A database copy on a server is experiencing replication problems. | DatabaseCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyReplication.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A database copy on a server is experiencing mail submission errors. | DatabaseCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopySubmission.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Replay service problem may be impacting the database copy. | DatabaseCopy.DependsOn.ReplayService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Cluster service problem may be causing the database copy to be dismounted. | DatabaseCopyMounted.DependsOn.ClusterService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Information Store service problem may be causing the database copy to be dismounted. | DatabaseCopyMounted.DependsOn.InformationStore.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database disk performance problem may be impacting the performance of the database copy. | DatabaseCopyPerformance.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyEdbLogicalDiskPerformance.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Log disk performance problem may be impacting the performance of the database copy. | DatabaseCopyPerformance.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyLogLogicalDiskPerformance.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Information Store performance problem may be impacting the performance of the database copy. | DatabaseCopyPerformance.DependsOn.InformationStorePerformance.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Content Indexing service problem may be causing the database copy to be unsearchable. | DatabaseCopySearchable.DependsOn.ContentIndexingService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Cluster service problem may be impacting database redundancy. | DatabaseRedundancy.DependsOn.ClusterService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Content Indexing service problem may be impacting search indexing on the database copy. | DatabaseSearchCopy.DependsOn.ContentIndexingService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy is corrupted and impacting search on the database copy. | DatabaseSearchCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyCorruption.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy integrity aggregation impacting search indexing on the database copy. | DatabaseSearchCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyIntegritySuppression.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database unsearchable | DatabaseSearchService.DependsOn.DatabaseCopySearchable.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: NTDS functionality of Domain Controllers | DomainControllerFunctionalityService.DependsOn.DomainControllerFunctionalityServer.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Edge Transport Components | EdgeTransportRole.DependsOn.EdgeTransportComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Edge Transport Service | EdgeTransportService.DependsOn.EdgeTransportComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Organization | Exchange.DependsOn.Organization.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| ECP Service | ExchangeControlPanelService.DependsOn.ClientAccessExchangeControlPanel.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| The required SCOM hotfixes for Exchange MP are not installed. | ExchangeRequiredHotfixesNotInstalled.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Hub Transport Components | HubTransportRole.DependsOn.HubTransportComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Hub Transport Service | HubTransportService.DependsOn.HubTransportComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| IMAP4 Service | Imap4Service.DependsOn.ClientAccessImap4.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Information Store service problem may be impacting the performance of the Information Store. | InformationStorePerformance.DependsOn.InformationStore.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Mounted Database copy issues. | MailboxOnDbCopy.DependsOn.DatabaseCopyMounted.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| High Availability Components | MailboxRole.DependsOn.HighAvailabilityComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Mailbox Components | MailboxRole.DependsOn.MailboxComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Many Database Service unavailable | ManyDatabaseServices.DependsOn.DatabaseService.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| MAPI Service | MapiService.DependsOn.MailboxMonitoring.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Kerberos Authentication for CAS array - shared alternate service account credential password for Kerberos authentication has not been updated in 28 days and may be stale | MSExchangeKerbCredPasswordUpdateNotDetected.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Microsoft Exchange Monitoring Correlation service (MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation) connectivity to RMS. | MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelationConnectivityToRMS.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| The Microsoft Exchange Monitoring Correlation service (MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation) is not running. | MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelationNotRunning.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| OfflineAddressBook Service | OfflineAddressBookService.DependsOn.ClientAccessOfflineAddressBook.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Exchange Services | Organization.DependsOn.ExchangeService.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Performance Failure (Directory) On Local Server - Outlook users may be experiencing slow response times when trying to access the directory. | OutlookPerformanceService.DependsOn.ClientAccessOutlookDirectory.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Performance Failure (Mailbox) On Local Server - Outlook users may be experiencing slow response times when trying to access their mailboxes. | OutlookPerformanceService.DependsOn.ClientAccessOutlookInstancePerformance.AvailabilityReverseRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Performance Failure (RpcProxy) On Local Server - Outlook connections via RPC-over-HTTP may be experiencing connectivity issues. | OutlookPerformanceService.DependsOn.ClientAccessOutlookRpcProxy.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Connectivity Failure On Local Server - If Outlook network traffic is being routed to this server, Outlook users may be experiencing connectivity issues. | OutlookServerService.DependsOn.ClientAccessOutlookLocalServer.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Connectivity Failure - Outlook users may be experiencing connectivity issues. | OutlookService.DependsOn.ClientAccessOutlook.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| OWA Service | OutlookWebAccessService.DependsOn.ClientAccessOutlookWebAccess.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| POP3 Service | Pop3Service.DependsOn.ClientAccessPop3.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Information Store service problem may be impacting the public folder database. | PublicFolderDatabase.DependsOn.InformationStore.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Information Store performance problem may be impacting the public folder database performance. | PublicFolderDatabasePerformance.DependsOn.InformationStorePerformance.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Public folder database problem may be impacting the public folder database performance. | PublicFolderDatabasePerformance.DependsOn.PublicFolderDatabase.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Public folder database (DB) logical disk performance problem may be impacting the public folder database performance. | PublicFolderDatabasePerformance.DependsOn.PublicFolderDatabaseEdbLogicalDiskPerformance.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Public folder database (log) logical disk performance problem may be impacting the public folder database performance. | PublicFolderDatabasePerformance.DependsOn.PublicFolderDatabaseLogLogicalDiskPerformance.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: CheckCircularLogging diagnostic script. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_CheckCircularLogging_diagnostic_script. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseService | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Get-PerimeterQueueInfo diagnostic cmdlet for FOPE Inbound queues. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Get_PerimeterQueueInfo_diagnostic_cmdlet_for_FOPE_Inbound_queues. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Get site name. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Get_site_name. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonServer | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute set-CasConnectivityCredentials cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_set_CasConnectivityCredentials_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.MailboxMonitoring | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: TestGenericRollupHealth diagnostic script for DatabaseServiceContainsDatabaseCopyMounted. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_TestGenericRollupHealth_diagnostic_script_for_DatabaseServiceContainsDatabaseCopyMounted. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseService | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_ActiveSyncConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessActiveSync | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-AssistantHealth diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_AssistantHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-CalendarConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_CalendarConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAnonymousCalendarSharing | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-CalendarConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_CalendarConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAnonymousCalendarSharing | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-EcpConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_EcpConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessExchangeControlPanel | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-EcpConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_EcpConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessExchangeControlPanel | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-EdgeSyncEhf diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_EdgeSyncEhf_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportEdgeSync | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-EdgeSynchronization diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_EdgeSynchronization_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportEdgeSync | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-EdgeSyncMserv diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_EdgeSyncMserv_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportEdgeSync | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-ExchangeSearch cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_ExchangeSearch_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.ContentIndexingService | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-IMAPConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_IMAPConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessImap4 | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-Mailflow CrossPremises diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_Mailflow_CrossPremises_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.CrossPremisesMailflowMonitoring | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-MAPIConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_MAPIConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.MailboxMonitoring | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-MRSHealth diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_MRSHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessMailboxReplicationService | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (AutoDiscover) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_AutoDiscover_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (Enterprise AutoDiscover) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_Enterprise_AutoDiscover_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (Enterprise Internal) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_Enterprise_Internal_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookLocalServer | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (Internal) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_Internal_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookLocalServer | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-OutlookWebServices diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookWebServices_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-OwaConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_OwaConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookWebAccess | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-OwaConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_OwaConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookWebAccess | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-POPConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_POPConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessPop3 | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-PowerShellConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_PowerShellConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRemotePowerShell | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-PowerShellConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_PowerShellConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRemotePowerShell | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-ReplicationHealth diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_ReplicationHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.ReplayService | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-ServiceHealth diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_ServiceHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonServiceMonitoring | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-SmtpConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_SmtpConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | EventCollection | True | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-SystemHealth diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_SystemHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonBestPracticeAnalyzer | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-UMConnectivity (Local Voice) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_UMConnectivity_Local_Voice_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessaging.Availability.Service | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-UMConnectivity (Remote Voice) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_UMConnectivity_Remote_Voice_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessaging.Availability.Service | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Test-WebServicesConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Test_WebServicesConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Troubleshoot-CI diagnostic script. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Troubleshoot_CI_diagnostic_script. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.MailboxMonitoring | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script event collection: Execute: Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace diagnostic script. | ScriptEventCollection.Execute_Troubleshoot_DatabaseSpace_diagnostic_script. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | EventCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: CheckCircularLogging diagnostic script. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_CheckCircularLogging_diagnostic_script. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Get-PerimeterQueueInfo diagnostic cmdlet for FOPE Inbound queues. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Get_PerimeterQueueInfo_diagnostic_cmdlet_for_FOPE_Inbound_queues. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Get site name. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Get_site_name. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonServer | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute set-CasConnectivityCredentials cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_set_CasConnectivityCredentials_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.MailboxMonitoring | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: TestGenericRollupHealth diagnostic script for DatabaseServiceContainsDatabaseCopyMounted. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_TestGenericRollupHealth_diagnostic_script_for_DatabaseServiceContainsDatabaseCopyMounted. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_ActiveSyncConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessActiveSync | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-AssistantHealth diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_AssistantHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-CalendarConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_CalendarConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAnonymousCalendarSharing | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-CalendarConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_CalendarConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAnonymousCalendarSharing | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-EcpConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_EcpConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessExchangeControlPanel | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-EcpConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_EcpConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessExchangeControlPanel | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-EdgeSyncEhf diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_EdgeSyncEhf_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportEdgeSync | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-EdgeSynchronization diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_EdgeSynchronization_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportEdgeSync | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-EdgeSyncMserv diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_EdgeSyncMserv_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportEdgeSync | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-ExchangeSearch cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_ExchangeSearch_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.ContentIndexingService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-IMAPConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_IMAPConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessImap4 | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-Mailflow CrossPremises diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_Mailflow_CrossPremises_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.CrossPremisesMailflowMonitoring | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-MAPIConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_MAPIConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.MailboxMonitoring | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-MRSHealth diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_MRSHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessMailboxReplicationService | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (AutoDiscover) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_AutoDiscover_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (Enterprise AutoDiscover) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_Enterprise_AutoDiscover_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (Enterprise Internal) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_Enterprise_Internal_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookLocalServer | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-OutlookConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet (Internal) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet_Internal_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookLocalServer | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-OutlookWebServices diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_OutlookWebServices_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-OwaConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_OwaConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookWebAccess | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-OwaConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_OwaConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlookWebAccess | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-POPConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_POPConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessPop3 | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-PowerShellConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_PowerShellConnectivity_External_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRemotePowerShell | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-PowerShellConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_PowerShellConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRemotePowerShell | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-ReplicationHealth diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_ReplicationHealth_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.ReplayService | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-SmtpConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_SmtpConnectivity_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-UMConnectivity (Local Voice) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_UMConnectivity_Local_Voice_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessaging.Availability.Service | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-UMConnectivity (Remote Voice) diagnostic cmdlet. (Report Collection) | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_UMConnectivity_Remote_Voice_diagnostic_cmdlet._Report_Collection_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessaging.Availability.Service | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Test-WebServicesConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Test_WebServicesConnectivity_Internal_diagnostic_cmdlet. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Troubleshoot-CI diagnostic script. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Troubleshoot_CI_diagnostic_script. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.MailboxMonitoring | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Script performance collection: Execute: Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace diagnostic script. | ScriptPerfCollection.Execute_Troubleshoot_DatabaseSpace_diagnostic_script. | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Server Role | Server.DependsOn.ServerRole.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Unified Messaging Components | UnifiedMessagingRole.DependsOn.UnifiedMessagingComponent.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Client Access Unified Messaging | UnifiedMessagingService.DependsOn.ClientAccessUnifiedMessaging.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Unified Messaging Availability | UnifiedMessagingService.DependsOn.UnifiedMessaging.Service.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Information Store service problem may be impacting Virus Scan. | VirusScan.DependsOn.InformationStore.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| WebServices Service | WebServicesService.DependsOn.ClientAccessWebServices.AvailabilityRollup.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (EdgeTransport) | _00123D85_9A71_4664_A13D_7ABEA89C95DC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a Fail - Not Permitted Result (Report Collection). | _002D57DC_59F1_4FEA_9CA1_7ADC4D328D76_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeAssistants - Elapsed Time Since Last Event Queued | _00384548_1E2C_4fa2_B930_CB341E269465_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Categorizer for 99 percentile of messages. | _00441AC4_F35D_488b_B781_A5F58242222E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The mailbox database isn't unique. | _004C6F78_DCEA_4df7_82C1_F5A7B04E1FF6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Content Aggregation Subscription Dispatch Submission Failures - increase over 3 hours - Red(>1000). | _0074C3C8_A6E4_49e6_A67F_5ED6A2BE016D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Didn't recover a database failure of a replicated database because the attempted failover failed. | _0079b07e_8b0e_43c7_85a4_ac3ddee70b90_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeAssistants - Events in Queue | _00938722_F0D2_44d9_87CD_D53250DB7A55_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a TempError Result (Report Collection). | _00E08F1D_BFFE_4E99_ADAD_24E0E402FAA2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service is consuming excessive memory. | _00E61208_49F1_491e_84AD_C4B00C6D7882_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Unified Messaging report for an organization became corrupted and was re-created. Past statistics might have been lost. | _012f24ef_8647_4019_986d_6de23ad1abda_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessaging.WithoutCorrelation | Alert | True | True |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. Review MSExchangeOWA event 6 for the cause. | _01940C47_6D13_46A7_99CE_F480A639DB75_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: System Attendant requires the ABV DG dll for offline address book generation but it cannot be loaded. | _019EC805_7FE6_4F51_B3AD_63873754FCF1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Directory Accessed | _01E0FDBD_FFCF_461F_ACA4_4F8FA4654D71_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database disk is full. Deleting log files is not recommended and could stop the database from starting. | _0216038C_4F56_4AA7_8F8C_340B773B4271_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID process (w3wp) | _0225D59F_3FC2_49cc_BF6E_FAE71BA22787_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Retry Remote Delivery Queue Length - sustained for 30 minutes - Red(>1) - Hub Transport. | _026E0E71_A5B3_4781_8FBA_E29D7FC4225D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| System Attendant is stopping. | _0283F996_C8C3_4F10_ABA3_1AB7F922B9AA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxSystemAttendant | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The server is having difficulty becoming an active member of its database availability group. | _028fe911_5c8f_44e9_8f4c_b6be88969139_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Submission Queue for 99 percentile of messages. | _02CC1882_57DA_464c_9132_199F773B7EE4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _02EF25AD_8DEF_487c_A08F_C0A698D46E67_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access service (MSExchangeRPC) isn't running. | _033e8055_4533_49c1_a07f_30ef364551c8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Unable to create a new log file because the database can't write to the log drive. Drive may be out of space or incorrectly configured. | _0341F174_4E35_4FDC_A8F9_A96A0073C349_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. No default theme was found. Review MSExchangeOWA event 26 for the cause. | _035DE000_CD1C_4789_9E91_229192B4C7B3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID process (w3wp#1) | _0391CC57_66C0_4eb2_BF63_0C8F1C490AC6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A required small icon configuration file doesn't exist. | _03BC2341_139C_4983_A449_1B69E0E6798F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Requests per second | _0416BFAF_AC09_4745_97B6_206FFBC60110_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: PhysicalDisk: Current disk queue length | _0437EB87_E095_4418_B978_FD9D48C43023_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a SoftFail Result (Report Collection). | _04583E3A_D8FD_4E41_ABC9_1A6DB42813FF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Test-ECPConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet failed to run. | _04585F0D_1045_489F_98F3_1A05E451E230_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Initialization of outbound authentication failed with the specified error for the Send connector. | _04982720_F096_4718_A7DB_8A5F49EBCBA9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Average Sign-In Time | _04C757DB_5168_4ef2_9CF9_4E0C82AFFFDC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender Id: Messages Validated with a Neutral Result (Report Collection). | _0550CA78_789D_4FE2_BA94_6322258ADFB3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (w3wp#5) | _058C51A3_957C_4f99_82E5_6B5E1ED2F55E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (MsExchangeFDS) | _05992455_0FF1_4f02_8C6F_CE0950E5E80C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS \% RPC Threads (Report Collection). | _05a4502c_4f69_4631_90e3_9c07c9379195_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStorePerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#8) | _05B92E2C_C0E2_4B7F_9C40_A89B01A34CE6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Multiple mailboxes on this database have been quarantined. | _062c6ad6_7f15_446d_8337_c231ee193127_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Availability Percentage | _064CF943_5464_4c78_BED8_A323A02E0C48_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Disk \% Free Space low - Red(<10\%). | _06C2CA66_F320_4576_8FD2_3DE05742A109_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A referenced forms registry folder doesn't exist. Review MSExchangeOWA event 2 for the cause. | _06D93572_F119_4992_A510_AD212A7536BA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: Active user count | _06E82EA5_89D8_4c92_8214_C46D94F69DBE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Bypass Local SRL calculation (Report Collection). | _06F70159_A30B_4D93_B715_EBF79F7A2DED_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is experiencing an unusually high log generation rate (bytes written/second) for a sustained period of at least 15 minutes. | _071afc0e_2643_4daa_af18_56d8c730d212_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Outlook Web App proxy or redirection failed because one of the service discovery entries isn't valid. | _0723763E_2A8B_4204_9B84_0864D8BB307A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Test-SmtpConnectivity has been unable to verify receive connector functionality twice in the last 10 minutes. | _0759EFF1_CF43_4BA3_B372_B55BD34FA198_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange Mailbox Replication service isn't responding to RPC/WCF ping. | _07842286_170a_45e9_b113_d02979ad3012_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Detected indexing backlog on search catalog. | _0788007B_95D3_4286_9E24_B4C2FF66FEE2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database reads (attached)/sec | _07A49F91_788A_46f2_8DF1_245397433D1C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service rejected a call because the UM pipeline is full. | _07d140b8_ec07_48fa_80d1_143351878539_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (Store.exe) | _07DE350E_13E4_425c_B89D_C85D5EA64C6C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: log replay rate (generations/sec). | _07F583BC_DA94_4153_83DB_CD0A4ABCA611_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyReplay | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: The internal Web Services connectivity transaction failed. The Test-WebServicesConnectivity cmdlet must be run on a Client Access server. | _07F74BE9_F036_4A24_8DA7_FB3614DBCC8A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 0 (Report Collection). | _0813F5CA_5F7C_4414_956D_90705546349C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Invalid Account Credentials/Unable to Authenticate | _083326D9_B48D_448c_8B9F_685A9D026B18_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID process (w3wp#6) | _087BDE0E_D8E5_489f_B091_400DDC2B7FFD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Aggregate delivery queue length (all queues) | _08BFA2C6_3957_4906_B89D_7ADF6E836C8A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Indexing stall >1 hr for 2 hours | _08C092E8_FD6F_48b2_BA1E_473C3B84A2F3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-CalendarConnectivity cmdlet in external mode. | _08C444A4_F26E_48fa_9617_DA4ED23C740F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: LDAP Disconnects per minute - sustained for 2 minutes - Yellow(>20). | _08F29081_008F_4a49_A9DA_FB1BE58AC92E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The agent encountered a problem when trying to load the file that lists the supported mobile operators and their capabilities. | _08FF3D95_1008_41ED_B445_EA60E1E732A0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ActiveSync: Ping commands pending | _0952FD9D_62AF_4ae4_911F_6D3EDAF3B0EE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages that Bypassed Scanning (Report Collection). | _096BAB8A_5447_471D_91C7_822496ED2B96_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Transport queue database is experiencing an unusually high log generation checkpoint depth over last 15 min - Yellow(>400). | _09A36DA2_126A_47cf_BDA7_F80022305B5E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange couldn't read the Receive connector configuration so the service will be stopped. | _09A5E870_C3E5_4052_AB66_47C194F0C419_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Sent Message Delivery Failure percentage | _09C1ECD4_7C84_452b_91C3_52B59A18591A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Querying taking too long: Exchange Search Slow First Batch is over 10. | _09c7e43d_4aba_41f8_9079_3882b0cf7d7f_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has detected a database level RPC request timeout. | _09DCCBB6_71A6_4fcd_A44E_84EC37324D7B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The service could not be initialized because the necessary entry point could not be found. | _09DF01C7_9631_4AEA_B412_CA527D9F4ADC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeFDS:OAB: Download Tasks Queued - sustained for 10 hours - Red (>10). | _0A52A377_60C4_463C_98A3_DC4B52324C41_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: EdgeSync MSERV synchronization failures. | _0a64f4a7_54ff_4d95_ab0b_4fbd7db0947d_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Outlook Web App proxy failed because it couldn't find a trusted certificate for SSL encryption. | _0AB3C47D_926F_46E8_ACA2_81BEEAB00A4E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (Microsoft.Exchange.Search.ExSearch) | _0ADAF1DF_8EF4_4b69_8475_C73EF3965DC7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Mounted database copy writes latencies. | _0B4742FA_79C8_4E0F_AD86_B68A7039C076_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exchange was unable to quarantine a message because the spam quarantine mailbox is invalid. Please configure the quarantine mailbox. | _0B505ABC_05BA_4185_B6C1_A9DBC1ADE905_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A failure was detected that may impact all copies of the database. The database has been dismounted. | _0b531ab6_b00c_4930_b4b7_ae87f7478d6c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport SmtpReceive: Connections Total (Report Collection). | _0B7460C3_772F_4F1B_8351_B324C5BAC9DB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: LogicalDisk: Avg. Disk sec/Write. | _0B965360_D8E2_4FF7_8D14_20293FC848F5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: POP3 Connections Rate | _0BA34E0D_8E32_4f75_B12A_D24FDEF146BB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessPop3 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport SMTP Send: Messages sent per second | _0BA64DBA_DB1F_4d2f_8900_26AB2B4DBA7F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Scanned (Report Collection). | _0BB06E10_071B_4B43_90FE_3CF9DCB44729_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID process (w3wp#4). | _0C716B5B_8AED_4aa4_8944_04CBC871A254_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Availability Service: Average time to process a free-busy request | _0CE0BA39_25E6_4ca3_8FE5_05CCE48997A7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Client Reported Failures - Timeout Failures | _0D7A64B6_F733_4e69_AA7B_E201A1555343_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Subscriber Logons | _0DE25961_9A0F_408A_9BA4_D82CD0DB0D4A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: Log record stalls per second | _0DEF92A2_5868_437f_9481_34C87D6FF09C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (w3wp AutoDisc _Total) | _0E3480A3_4092_4fcc_A680_DCFDD87E568A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Couldn't initialize the Content Filter agent because a required file couldn't be found on your system. | _0F414B81_91AC_4B7C_B1E4_9E07EAC508D1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A required log file is missing on the active copy. Continuous replication is blocked for this database. | _0F5868CB_638D_4600_BE92_1F0074A3E00F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility. | _0F6A777B_970D_4fbe_98A8_FAFDEC0990CC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Submission Queue Length. | _0F918A38_1B4B_47DD_B928_D6D10F54B389_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Unable to initialize the Exchange store due to the clocks on the client and server not being synchronized. | _0fdc40b1_6cc3_4385_8d7e_084b3c10a40c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls/sec (EdgeTransport Transport _Total) | _102ADAF3_5056_4fe2_A40A_2014CED7BF95_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A process serving an application pool failed to respond to a ping. See the system event log for more information. | _1043C166_48C9_11DF_82F6_94B555D89593_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Reads Average Latency (Report Collection). | _10781169_324B_4B62_992D_B002C5F20982_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: System Attendant failed to read the membership of the universal security group. | _108E4F87_A860_4650_86DB_48E4FF303874_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport DSN: Delay DSNs. | _10947457_AB3B_404B_BFA0_82F23A5A72BA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute Troubleshoot-CI.ps1. | _10A0B117_F8F9_44ae_BAB4_D3135C88F7AD_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is very low on log volume space. The volume has reached critical levels. | _10a2b32c_b844_44f1_b750_d5150e0b249c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. No default theme was found. Review MSExchangeOWA event 107 for the cause. | _10A36ED9_C6EE_40cf_9554_DD6F819EA2B3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Beginning the backup of the database. | _114E9AEA_767C_49E9_940D_94B1AE03047A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: LogicalDisk: Avg. Disk sec/Read. | _114F73F1_A5B7_448A_A164_1D8454F19E29_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A transport rules agent failed to create an agent instance. | _11A19FCF_E4B0_4FEF_A733_0BBC7FE90278_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Low or out of disk space will dismount or terminate replication on a database copy. | _11e5fc9c_366e_4b85_aa75_6cb7f73034bb_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Total Unique Budgets | _12125567_7E1C_4dde_95DE_E2F010F61904_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A user mailbox has reached the recoverable items quota limit. | _12682d82_4fe5_409e_80c5_ae940460be66_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Move Mailboxes Into Database. | _126a34e2_caa8_41be_984f_64117d966933_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Aggregate Delivery Queue Length (All Queues) - sustained for 15 minutes - Red(>5000) - Hub Transport. | _12907C37_F3FC_4aa7_9FBB_CF4F31A93B97_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A secure connection from a domain-secured domain failed to authenticate because validation of the TLS certificate failed. | _12E827EE_60C3_4831_A24E_36AC3E1EE288_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Could not run the Test-EdgeSyncMserv diagnostic cmdlet. | _131D42D4_83AD_4ace_B554_5B1D9EA5BAD8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is experiencing an unusually high log generation checkpoint depth for a sustained period of at least 15 minutes. | _133a8a56_6b9c_44e0_886c_40b6a07d74c2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: EAS Requests Queued | _134C8D14_08DD_4ce9_9ADF_E20512EB422E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessActiveSync | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: HTTP Service Request Queues: CurrentQueueSize Yellow>200 | _135D27C1_F1F2_4efa_8EC7_7BB223F4E304_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Connection Failed Transient Exception Percentage Red>10 | _136B26D6_36DA_40dc_855D_BDD98AD614C0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (External) transaction failure - Test-ECPConnectivity must be run on an Exchange server. | _13AA616E_967C_4EAA_9953_FB699407119C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: UMWorkerProcess Rejected Calls \% over the last 1 hour - Red (> 10). | _13d1da8f_9988_1111_8620_0e1e1aeeeee1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: UM Service Rejected Calls \% over the last 1 hour - Red (> 10). | _13d1da8f_9988_4c9f_8620_0e1e1aeeeee1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: UM Service Rejected Calls \% over the last 1 hour - Yellow (> 5). | _13d1da8f_9988_4c9f_8620_0e1e1afffff1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: UMWorkerProcess Rejected Calls \% over the last 1 hour - Yellow (> 5). | _13d1da8f_9989_2222_8620_0e1e1afffff1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database page read failed verification because of error -1018. This database error is often caused by hardware issues. | _13E048C9_CEC5_4ED8_96C9_F6D309D2B0E8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A lost flush on the active database copy was detected by the passive database copy on the local server. | _141eb379_0435_429b_8580_344d329703f5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: DSAccess Averaged Latency (Report Collection). | _145ee31e_8689_4416_9968_10717d6200a6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID Process (w3wp#9) | _14C008D2_9BF0_45CA_B50C_F4983BBC2302_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on log volume space. The volume is 50\% free. | _14E06256_D37A_4a86_9F54_C2663E8037A6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has failed to initialize. | _1524c5ca_250f_4c06_9f19_573fab9636e6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (w3wp EWS _Total) | _152C994F_4D86_4076_8061_1D9772DD257D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Disk Free Megabytes low - Red(<20MB). | _1531FD0F_C0E4_4233_B580_E0DF0D4B1632_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: RPC/HTTP Proxy: RPC/HTTP requests per second | _15739D35_E039_43fd_A7FA_98B5B2B339E9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The Client Access server wasn't found. | _157E6526_9974_4b99_818F_0EC5EE27A55E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Failures Due To TLS Errors | _158F8C98_F267_4853_B179_31533810260A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a TempError Result (Report Collection). | _15C43350_A5AF_4B47_BD68_993B0B9F83A9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Quarantined Mailbox Counts. | _15d661af_e288_439f_91e5_d08e301a7976_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.MailboxOnDbCopy | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess Processes: LDAP read time (Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4 PopImap _Total) | _16691BE5_7D8E_403a_A43E_7739DFF8944B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 5 (Report Collection). | _168A40F1_A9BA_4013_A37B_25C04A34B5AA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: PhysicalDisk: Disk transfers per second | _16B7EA5A_05BA_4651_9E64_230FF0B50BC9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Delay Time Threshold | _16B86345_83ED_4cab_A7D5_B02AC980674F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The WebReady Document Viewing worker application can't be found. | _16CE8C45_956A_42E7_A12C_5A238EB6598A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store failed to start because it is out of memory. | _17bec0c6_8c9d_41c2_9aac_624ee17cea09_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (EdgeTransport) | _17E846FF_8F47_43a0_B88B_8260F1433F59_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A startup inspection error occurred on one or more log files and/or the database file. | _17FA72A1_46F1_4ea2_B8B0_903259C40997_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#4) | _1811C311_B340_4052_82F7_B90FDF10D4EE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Client Access Server: Approaching too many TCP v4 connections Red>58981 | _187BFAE3_64C3_4869_9131_133228D6BE36_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A file from a theme folder couldn't be parsed. | _1893EE98_7AB4_4067_95D1_DAC7DCE5B77D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Message Deferred for 99 percentile of messages. | _19159EFF_0F16_4ca6_B327_312132BFC01D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second(Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3 PopImap _Total). | _1934B3E7_0EB0_413a_B171_AAE10DF99D11_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: HTTP Service Request Queues: RejectionRate Red>10 | _1991A842_E1B4_4f69_B99F_2F63D2788EF8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: UM Connectivity (Local Voice) transaction failure - Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service isn't installed or running. | _19BFC570_8EA9_42EB_B3F7_0F40F2A00119_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (w3wp#8) | _19C2A7DB_60C7_4012_9B71_048FA0C7535B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Monitoring failed to run the Test-MAPIConnectivity cmdlet. | _1a56b19b_fde3_4c8c_ac08_f867c9b752f1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Mailbox: Approaching too may client logons on Mailbox Red>54000 | _1A572C8B_1982_42cd_88E4_E4B6F225441A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange Transport service is rejecting message submissions due to memory consumption higher than the configured threshold. | _1A6C7853_EB10_4e40_BC6B_6C0F38AFEF7C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeFDS:OAB: Download Tasks Completed - sustained for 24 hours - Red (= 0). | _1A902E0E_6411_458C_A510_EC91E8236B8C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service failed to resolve the FQDN for the short name. Please check the Application event logs for MSExchangeRepl event 4116. | _1a96d639_44dc_4231_988b_34c76a343988_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission service (MSExchangeMailSubmission) isn't running. | _1ab0e09d_e98c_4596_a5e1_d3b531ca0eda_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Voice Messages Heard | _1AE95726_C27B_443D_A93E_1B251F1C5692_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Unable to roll back operation on database: all future updates will be rejected. | _1AEF24AC_AE80_468C_862E_401A843577FB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange was unable to load the STARTTLS certificate from the local store because of a mismatch with what was configured on connector FQDN. | _1AF4D65D_A7EB_456E_8C56_84F00B7A63AD_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (w3wp AutoDisc _Total) | _1B148A2C_E951_40af_873E_59CC3B90D173_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: User searches failed per minute (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=5, MaxSampleSeparation=60). | _1B2AE375_0E59_4b09_800F_D64D5DCABF64_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Active Remote Delivery Queue Length. | _1B7A164B_2E79_431D_BD73_81328D3251BC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Largest Delivery Queue Length. | _1B99DF90_EECE_462F_B277_2E2E12AEC4ED_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with a Preexisting SCL (Report Collection). | _1BB922EF_9CBC_40F7_A4DF_2E87848BCE55_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: UM Connectivity (Local Voice) transaction failure - Call wasn't answered before time-out. | _1BBFF44E_2F95_4AE4_AE46_78CA8FD50A51_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS RPC Request Timeout Detected on Mailbox (Report Collection). | _1C08B880_0089_4100_B393_39EF83CEA64E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStorePerformance | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Transport Log Search service failed to create the message tracking log directory because of an error. | _1C1E98AC_DA9D_4D4C_AE9B_B15609382C89_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Scanned (Report Collection). | _1C2BE2EA_6495_45B9_A8C3_048480E25877_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS RPC Request Timeout Detected on Database (Report Collection). | _1C308221_DB2A_4408_A014_B995CD7FD9FF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStorePerformance | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The 'Manage auditing and security log' permission is removed from the Exchange Servers group on one or more domain controllers. | _1C40945A_92BF_478c_9D27_614CE2D73C4E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Replay for 99 percentile of messages. | _1C652F99_20B6_4bcb_BE7A_BF0B5D513733_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute the Test-PowerShellConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. | _1C721700_5321_4220_84E7_906185D98DFA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID process (w3wp#3) | _1C7CDF69_037D_4aa1_8834_17C9615E2BD4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A referenced theme folder is missing. Review MSExchangeOWA event 18 for the cause. | _1CAECD0F_397A_4A49_AE54_C73E868D2012_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on database volume space. The volume is 25\% free. | _1cb9f62f_9cc9_498c_9fab_8708c9f1130e_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ActiveSync: Requests queued | _1CDF6095_4E1A_4a8b_B04D_1E02CDE02859_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Could not open LDAP session to Active Directory using local service credentials. Cannot access Address List configuration information. | _1CF66670_63EC_453B_B540_E8E1151DDA00_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| The Exchange store database engine is initiating recovery steps. No user action is required. | _1D44A859_346D_4E21_A49E_D72218C2F38F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (MSExchangeMailSubmission) | _1DE675D5_6AC8_430D_A0E9_FE6DFD549178_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on log volume space. The volume has reached critical levels (15\% free). | _1E253B35_A392_4ec0_8C82_A9D63524E627_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Mail Submission Service is experiencing issues: Messages Queued For Submission - sustained for 15 minutes - Red (>25). | _1e282469_a610_4503_9d78_140e528b8cec_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a Fail - Not Permitted Result (Report Collection). | _1E644AF5_5FDC_40E8_9D1D_67B2FFC3A555_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (w3wp ECP _Total). | _1E7E8EE8_FFCD_41cd_A86A_758BE01A1C1F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated (Report Collection). | _1EEA1C6B_581E_4DD1_8961_F07D7952E974_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Business Hours Calls | _1EF15B2A_AC61_4723_B759_6722BD3DA22F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Unable to create the required directory for the database copy. Please check the file system permissions. | _204F2149_CB86_4a63_B530_DC13C9491CAB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Active Non-Smtp Delivery Queue Length. | _2085CE5F_C8F3_46F9_81A2_D84E1B1E1F1B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A certificate used for federation is about to expire. | _20E23661_C55B_4cf1_8D5F_E85850B4D016_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on log volume space. The volume has reached error levels (35\% free). | _2133FDD1_2E95_4474_9EB5_5429102CC7E8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Allow List Providers (Report Collection). | _2148AC73_245B_4600_A607_26E66C3B021B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (w3wp#4) | _219708E0_2C32_4bb1_8FDB_A389038B99A9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Text messages sent via SMTP/sec. | _21E84436_47AC_44AF_B7F6_7A424CA1CF71_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An accepted domain entry was found to be corrupt in Active Directory so the configuration was rejected. | _21FEEA43_017B_41C6_8282_96E700E822E8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Failures Due To Active Directory Unavailable | _2203C19F_96B0_4cca_862B_F4FE75EECB07_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Destructive Cmdlet execution throttled for first org user because of Powershell Budget | _2205F5BA_6785_11DF_BC88_4F1CDFD72085_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (EdgeTransport) | _2257141A_B975_4205_8F36_294ABD4E71A2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: EdgeSync Enterprise synchronization failures. | _22a54b60_b124_4b38_8550_fd126c427d4b_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Availability service request to the local server FQDN failed. | _234F3E09_4BB7_4756_91AC_9E52FB10222B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database availability group is experiencing problems that may cause it to fail due to stale security information. | _23838f70_a5d3_4f6c_80f9_277912458abf_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport SmtpReceive: Connections Total (Report Collection). | _23943798_324C_4679_B633_3228FA008389_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| The Exchange store database engine successfully completed recovery steps. No user action required. | _23A01B65_4841_49EE_95DF_765C6A485365_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeIMAP4 process is repeatedly crashing. | _23B1E065_DB55_4cf2_9B47_86D8299A3B38_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service appears to be leaking operating system handles. | _23bbf71a_ed6a_4685_9e27_35b93f8d95fb_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Failures Due To MaxInboundConnectionLimit | _244EB0E3_4FB5_46b8_9345_B00A4C3813FC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Microsoft Exchange problem analysis events. | _2468A5F0_725F_431A_8749_F7FBEC1DD0D2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonAllServerRoles | EventCollection | False | False |
| SMTP Receive for 99 percentile of messages. | _24A81339_7C06_4fc0_BD41_745D42BFF10B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Over 5\% of messages failing Transport Policy Encryption in the last 30 minutes | _24C25B36_71AA_4fc4_B8FD_C76241B95C7D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The session object wasn't created. | _2550B9AE_78EA_4e71_81C6_CF05F1F1BAB9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID Process (w3wp#8) | _25EC2B9B_B687_4EF7_9B3C_B396CE50FB6F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: EAS Requests Per Second | _26032369_9A89_457b_AD72_65DF90B1E3B1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessActiveSync | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outbound direct trust authentication failed for the certificate. Make sure the EdgeSync service (MSExchangeEdgeSync) is running. | _2639298E_100A_4A8D_AF1D_65F4C8827747_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: DSAccess Active Call Count (Report Collection). | _264e4abc_9db2_438a_ac9e_44cc8a6358c3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure - The Client Access Server was not specified. | _268B2FAF_2E2C_4493_90CE_988A37AF2D09_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A file from a theme folder couldn't be parsed. Review MSExchangeOWA event 19 for the cause. | _26BF0022_B749_40A7_86B2_071CD666BD53_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4 PopImap _Total) | _2791E3A2_F136_4291_B327_AD1A5BAD957D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. Review MSExchangeOWA event 7 for the cause. | _282A89AB_774B_4916_856B_EF01FE5377FD_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Client: JET pages read/sec | _28745129_bc4e_4ae9_adab_8906e552f5fc_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Failures Due To Back Pressure | _28833594_B805_4537_8032_7EA836A35A5C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exchange could not read the Receive connector configuration. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service will be stopped. | _28D71181_D64D_41FE_9EDE_1806EACB8AA9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Active Mailbox Delivery Queue Length. | _28F14804_F028_4E96_A9A8_E8C5E8CEB519_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Calendar Items Heard | _2958D830_E45A_40CC_9989_0BA8FBBFC301_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: RPC Averaged Latency (Report Collection). | _2980676F_F46F_43B9_9CCB_49E7916CEF29_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The worker process has failed to load the specified application configuration file. Please check the format of this file. | _29B65D40_E54B_4D62_AAA9_7B401C9A161C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Max Delay Per Minute | _29C39721_478E_4b09_841A_246BCCFD96F4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (PowerShell EMS _Total). | _2A521F9D_3117_454e_BAAF_421F0381B1EE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The attempt to bind to the SourceIPAddress configured on the Send connector failed. The SourceIPAddress should be checked for correctness. | _2A85E102_7E5A_4EFF_A0B8_D1DA915E949B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Total messages failed to encrypt for policy | _2A950933_39F3_4ad5_AE5D_1837913B853C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Store Logon Failure percentage | _2ABE4271_93C5_46b8_A639_695A78FC9FEA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Privileges for the Exchange ActiveSync service are incorrect. Check permissions for the Exchange ActiveSync service's ASP.NET process account. | _2ACB5006_EC5F_46BA_94B6_4B5544DDEBA0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess Processes: LDAP read time (Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3 PopImap _Total) | _2ADB328A_D023_47ca_9F12_88E7814A6929_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| External Servers Latency for 99 percentile of messages. | _2B4127EE_753E_4533_BEF1_896261B83072_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An error has terminated operation of a database copy. Operation of the database copy is being restarted. | _2b416621_57c1_45cc_b458_5282d68b8110_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An invalid network adapter is specified in the Transport server DNS configuration. | _2BCB35C6_D00D_47BB_B5E0_3D9A76ABE1E0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: database reads/sec. | _2C022851_0F50_40AF_ABBB_EF7A1E0C4AB9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeTransport process is repeatedly crashing in last 45 minutes. | _2C080397_CE3C_4d05_9C37_E378AF622BF7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests Total | _2C0855F8_EFE2_44d5_942A_009639E06F0B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An I/O error that may be repaired by a single page restore has affected the database copy. | _2c0bde4c_255c_4df0_8271_61e94e22bdcc_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The STARTTLS certificate has expired. The certificate must be renewed to resume mail flow. | _2C13199D_3D9D_4297_B89F_728F5A8DD31E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport component latency: 99\% | _2C4515DE_BB13_4e46_8CDF_4F32A3BE9186_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Messages Delivered/sec. | _2c53bb6a_f748_42d1_9408_208a80008150_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Submission Queue Length - sustained for 15 minutes - Red(>500) - Hub Transport. | _2C61DFFD_E80F_414f_A0FA_7F21117A009F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages delivered per second | _2CA3FF39_2F84_420f_8B03_850FE4A7A81E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Out of Hours Calls | _2CFDE230_4D9E_4C5E_9D99_5313DC961DE0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred because a security error was found. | _2D1A6864_C3CB_40a5_91A2_D27BA34739F8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Test-WebServices (Internal) cmdlet failed to run. | _2D1E52F2_01C4_416D_92F2_40D4856C1523_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: log generation rate on source (generations/sec). | _2D31D88F_54E5_4b14_BF3C_4A192D57A233_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyReplay | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure - The Client Access Server is not RPC-enabled. | _2D48D026_AEF0_44ba_9346_C3F61C675FC6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: There was an Exchange ActiveSync connectivity (Internal) transaction failure. The Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity cmdlet must be run on a Client Access server. | _2D5C47A8_30A4_4B40_8581_E11756A78540_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Quarantined (Report Collection). | _2D616AE3_6E9E_4C28_BCBB_ED1BFBC48230_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _2D639655_848C_4812_A66A_AD9B99679092_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (Microsoft.Exchange.Search.ExSearch) | _2DA376A7_3C13_4ad9_BAD2_1EF6A1D168A3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: ID Process (w3wp#12) | _2DEA6DEF_B449_417D_86AE_7FB1C82D914E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store database: RPC Average Latency - sustained for 10 minutes - Red (>150 msec). | _2E148A47_B1CA_4297_B80A_964AEEE56AF2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (w3wp#12) | _2E46E48E_6B20_4D95_BEDA_F0BCCAA9DE0F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database has copies configured, but does not have circular-logging enabled. | _2E499267_8A92_4530_9EF8_43401DDC30C5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants service (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) could not be stopped. | _2E4A4AFF_4128_4a8c_8AF5_65E46C83D2A0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology Service (MSExchangeADTopology) isn't running. | _2e5f1d59_b7f6_487c_8d98_fadfed753ce2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Client: Number of active client connections to the Information Store. | _2E76BE11_C55A_45C4_B2BB_44739DFC6CCD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: There was an Outlook Web App connectivity (External) transaction failure. The Client Access server configuration check failed. | _2E923413_DE48_436B_96C6_49034F8CA1BE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Deleted (Report Collection). | _2EA96018_1728_4360_B12F_C861261BE92C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-CalendarConnectivity cmdlet in internal mode. | _2EDDCCF1_1FD3_4340_8633_C50254DB9A26_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Client Access Server: Approaching too many TCP v4 connections Yellow>52548 | _2EDEAC0C_FCEB_4970_986B_BCF8C2103453_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (EdgeTransport Transport _Total) | _2F26272A_DF23_4f00_9DBE_1597AB5D5D07_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (RpcClientAccess.Service) | _2F5CCD6E_1E0B_4a48_8BB0_D37EA51CABB0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _2F73E445_E4D1_42f3_B03C_2574ECA7A757_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error and has taken an automated recovery action by moving the database. | _2F954DCE_FA8B_43b8_8773_9961723920C6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Couldn't open a Transport database because a log file is missing or corrupted. The Transport service is shutting down. | _2FA3FD21_59B4_4567_94A7_56CA1A691442_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeActiveSync: Number of auto-blocked devices Red>0 | _2ffa56ef_eaea_4d69_b62f_87b49cfb60b0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Email Messages Heard | _30236ED9_3A96_492D_82F6_30E20EEA331A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (EdgeTransport Transport _Total) | _3096A99F_F55B_4f1a_8D58_1933B7CAE30C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Access was denied because the server has reached the maximum number of connections allowed for the organization. See the event log for more information. | _30DDB06A_4689_41f8_A5FE_1837F52D10EE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Search (Exchange) service (msftesql-Exchange) has restarted more than 5 times within 30 minutes. | _310ecf22_a0b9_4cb1_9742_3336f7f72e5c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _311AEF57_04DC_4fdf_8398_46FE0CA3AEC5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Windows Cluster service cannot unload the cluster database. The server may need to be restarted. | _314a0e63_83f3_46f8_9209_d89ee66fdf8f_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (MSExchangeMailSubmission) | _316CEF33_C8DA_4357_A04E_A52FF08AB26F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store terminated due to an RPC error. | _31c8b203_89f3_4789_8aa9_9d0f3df2307d_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Items completed delivery per second | _3234E411_FDCF_4b1c_85C1_411D4A804C10_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Recipient Filter Agent: Recipients Rejected by Recipient Validation (Report Collection). | _32699944_A213_4C0C_8A25_4DD11B794482_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsRecipientFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: OAB size | _326B4181_1120_4ee0_911B_6BDDA698456C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: Client:RPCs succeeded (Report Collection). | _32C242F7_BCB8_47E8_AB35_5DA4864221A0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The virus scanner has stopped due to a scanning error. | _336a6c8f_c9a9_4431_a0ea_11ed53c2be06_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: System Attendant failed to correctly generate Address List Service information for the task. | _33A0A258_F6E9_45A5_810B_8EDFAB40855B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A file from a theme folder couldn't be parsed. Review MSExchangeOWA event 25 for the cause. | _33BD8334_D092_4E35_91E5_8F50275F2F77_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Unified Messaging report for an organization couldn't be generated. | _33D4C5A4_4BD4_11DF_82C5_AACDDFD72085_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | Alert | True | True |
| KHI: The UM Partner Message Assistant failed to process a partner message. | _33D4C5A4_AAAA_11DF_82C5_AACDDFAAAAAB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Message Waiting Indicator Assistant failed to process an MWI message. | _33D4C5A4_CCCC_11DF_82C5_AACDDFAAAAAA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _340874E6_F70A_44e2_BC4A_13C98D13CBEF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Get-PerimeterQueueInfo cmdlet failed to retrieve queue data. | _342CCE37_314A_452a_A669_8033148748D1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A database write I/O failure occurred. Review the error code and the System Event log for more information. | _34365828_76DE_4D11_A0F0_6567C87ADB20_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Remote server advertised hash authentication for Exchange, which isn't supported by this server. | _344630F0_97D3_46BB_A5AF_65B129189083_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Resource Throttling: Max Resource Delay Per Minute | _345F4E6F_E80C_4076_9D43_BB385E322BE2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeImap4: Average command processing time (milliseconds) | _3494011D_7B32_428f_9947_6A603CC6EC94_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store failed to start because it is out of file handles. | _34a2f1e1_d3c3_4b9d_ba22_4721c3241df2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: One or more networks supporting the database availability group are not operating properly on this server. | _352c3963_7abe_42c0_9cd8_e6205fd154e1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangePop3: Average command processing time (milliseconds) | _352DDE4B_2AF5_4f62_A724_EADBF383DE72_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: LogicalDisk: Free Megabytes. | _3554541E_25FD_49D4_8022_9291963B30E0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonServer | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeMailboxAssistants Memory Process | _357A2E92_D617_42f3_8897_2A8944BF32C6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-MAPIConnectivity diagnostic cmdlet. | _35894360_F523_4623_88C0_66A69242C91A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Total number of text messages sent via Exchange ActiveSync. | _35BE7E9B_ECCA_47E4_B126_399C7D8115CA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A Transport database operation has encountered a fatal error. The Transport service is shutting down. | _35D2D96C_9335_4655_9062_31CE24404CD4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: Long running LDAP operations/Min (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=5, MaxSampleSeparation=60). | _35E23412_DC48_4a7b_9CE8_03F9B628D543_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Deleted (Report Collection). | _35FFAB82_FB07_4E0E_B2E3_28DABEF4FB33_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The secondary index of a table is corrupted. Defragment the database offline to rebuild the index. | _3601AC3D_7181_46F3_9288_18A7EFD0F8B7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAvailability: Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error (Report Collection) | _3662E4F0_5DDE_4DF6_A0D0_5B39B96F3C99_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (w3wp#1) | _368A4F74_AD6B_4246_8CE9_F9E8A49B8F96_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exchange ActiveSync connectivity (Internal) transaction failure - Autodiscovery failure. | _36E2084D_0CE5_48D9_AC6B_C356AFECDDC1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Sender ID agent: DNS isn't configured. Messages will temporarily be handled as if DNS requests have failed. | _370708C1_0DE7_4B70_8EC7_13A709716D68_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _373A1872_514B_4bcf_BBD1_4FA262E7F420_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 2 (Report Collection). | _37616B09_2969_4A41_868B_D70F660A4C8B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The powershell script rolling out alternate service account password for CAS array Kerberos authentication has failed - RollAlternateServiceAccountPassword.ps1 | _37BA45AF_061E_4595_8BE0_2EF018354E2A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: Exchange failed to create the log directory. Logs won't be generated until the reason for the failure is corrected. | _3899AE0C_84F2_45E1_A8D1_E0A1A4C20353_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The specified user isn't unique. | _38D7F8FC_D9CC_4a45_B46C_8AA45036E04D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (w3wp ECP _Total) | _38E73580_425E_4369_8585_229ADD70C87A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: At least one file couldn't be processed. These files have been tagged with .bad extensions. Look for .bad files, and verify the content is valid. | _38F21856_8ED8_4F3F_8322_D434B17DD752_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service (MSExchangePOP3) isn't running. | _39062768_8a67_407a_814f_517db9636dba_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _3912AB5A_C1F6_4861_B44A_D908DD54C021_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (MSExchangeRepl) | _39AEAE39_56D9_4bcf_9247_147AA6DB2DD5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is experiencing an unusually high log generation rate (bytes written/second) for a sustained period of at least 15 minutes. | _39b3d6e6_489d_45dc_a807_670ed64b10c8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error has terminated operation of a local database copy. Operation of the local database copy is being restarted. | _39cd29e8_711a_4e12_9e17_3fc899a6a09a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a None Result (Report Collection). | _3A779EFC_551F_4333_8E7C_467DB388A7CC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange store: Public Folder Database: Messages Queued for Submission - sustained for 15 minutes - Red (>35). | _3a90fd51_603b_40b0_8e8f_0cb49353b20e_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search service was unable to access the registry. | _3A9FBFFA_221F_42cd_A0B4_8F4FFC1AC39B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: The specified correlation time window value is less than the minimum allowed value. | _3AA11229_64DD_4f25_B90A_E3019AE59BDE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 9 (Report Collection). | _3ABFDB78_03A9_4E80_9F03_35A858E3AE4D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (w3wp#7) | _3AEFAD70_B16C_4CA8_8FD9_4F8A6E05F227_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-ECPConnectivity (Internal) cmdlet. | _3B05FAB7_34D0_4497_91D5_EA2E55D4E7F9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Retry Mailbox Delivery Queue Length. | _3B0C2F4C_E20C_49FC_8FFC_7D81BF280591_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| The database engine started a new instance. You can safely ignore event ID 102 if it isn't logged together with ESE event ID 103 and 104. | _3B28F3BF_9FC1_4438_8034_F86EB0F1FB38_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (RpcClientAccess.Service) | _3B35FFB9_3F4D_4ed9_90D3_3422613940CD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transient failure retry threshold reached for change in EHF Admin sync. | _3b849eee_caac_4514_94e6_446c95ede293_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The log file is damaged and can't be used. If the log file needs to be recovered. Use a backup copy of the log file. | _3B974596_FA2F_4F47_8654_3C13446F5D90_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Events are not being Processed for a database. | _3BAB0EB7_DA75_4c0b_8DCB_AC1EFF9EAF16_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A lost flush on the active copy was detected by a passive database copy. | _3bada911_af24_48c8_81c0_7bd31d7edd03_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute the Test-OutlookWebServices diagnostic cmdlet. | _3BF27765_E45F_415c_AEE0_3C18352C8328_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: IsMemberOfResolver ExpandvedGroups Cache Size Percentage. | _3C3F53C2_7887_462d_A6C4_EE3FF1B39B88_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The average Microsoft Exchange Address Book NSPI directory request is taking longer than the allotted threshold. This is negatively affecting the Outlook experience. | _3c6be1b4_7b18_46b3_b938_1c664daad203_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A theme ID attribute wasn't found. Review MSExchangeOWA event 24 for the cause. | _3C91595B_CB27_4E09_8F3E_B8C85038527A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests Rejected | _3C93A5B5_4867_4d0b_A4E1_0E8C3B9BE128_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Calendar Connectivity (External) transaction failures - Failed to Retrieve ICS file. | _3C9A188E_9788_4f8f_89AD_AA8C2EF23FA8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#11) | _3CB6E0AB_0C9F_4ADE_9067_5B0AF221F1B4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMGeneral: Delayed Calls (Report Collection) | _3CB9BBB3_DD08_4F33_A320_0A0FF34643B2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Largest Delivery Queue Length. | _3CD11DDB_CDDF_400D_B9E9_4D6FD375EC98_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport IsMemberOfResolver ResolvedGroups Cache nearing capacity - Yellow(>66). | _3D6552DA_2A91_4210_ACFC_0704B1BCDE3F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3 PopImap _Total) | _3D66100A_8872_443c_B2C0_4F1C2AA253FD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A secure connection to a domain-secured domain couldn't be established because validation of the TLS certificate failed. | _3DAE468F_AE2F_4090_A435_96B7ACB23778_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Test-ReplicationHealth was unable to contact the log copier listener. | _3dc23ab6_58f8_4c76_a32c_fac83fe72ff2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has terminated. | _3e078288_bb7c_495c_8808_8af40ce15274_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Move Mailboxes Out Of Database. | _3e18a5ad_ce95_4f74_bace_f2c1173329e4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The local database copy was unexpectedly dismounted. | _3E1D5C22_4DBE_470f_A3F7_FE3FAD610D35_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: IMAP4 Current Proxy Connections | _3E3F91C6_9D09_44a1_821B_8702BC4BD879_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessImap4 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database writes (attached)/sec | _3E42E119_8A4D_4a63_A58F_E001A340730F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Too many failed message tracking requests via task - Red (>5\%) - | _3E5F80C5_ABFD_422c_832B_8AC1781B9F3A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Storage Transient Exception Failure Percentage Red>10 | _3E71B1FB_5563_4770_988C_A47B583413EA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Successful Client Reported Requests - Over 20 seconds | _3EDE76C3_C162_42ea_8EB7_54E134E7A659_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A storage performance problem is affecting the database copy. Client performance may be affected. | _3f05ea1c_6937_472f_8d7b_06055174fdcd_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeTransport found a critical storage error and has stopped because of insufficient permission to update registry. | _3F062C11_E57B_4e77_8F43_D75C24AF7E52_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (Store.exe) | _3F0ED103_0490_4f91_A5E2_632058274D14_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) | _3F2BA192_8716_4b9f_B151_046598148A98_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Client Reported Failures - AutoDiscover Failures | _3F4C1EAA_C591_4c96_9A92_A27BA33B4C43_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Transport database log file path is invalid. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. | _3FAFE99E_9776_48AB_804B_ADC53E1245F4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _3FD7B227_FFA0_422c_9E75_468E3B3F036B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An internal server error occurred in the Exchange Web Services component. | _3FE64847_AA4E_46C4_9AF1_4E8EED57625B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeMailboxAssistants - Number of Threads Used | _3FF4F40F_67FD_4454_A7A8_28A965EBDBE7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Online defragmentation has completed a full pass on the database. Review the Application log to make sure that online maintenance completely successfully. | _4020B296_9500_4DD5_BA2A_032010F7AFC3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeAssistants Memory Process | _403709F3_45C7_442f_A5DB_010ACFFCA3F2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Could not search under a given entry in the directory. Cannot access Address List information. | _405F269F_96F8_4836_9EE0_C92E9DE95C29_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Unable to run the Test-Mailflow diagnostic cmdlet to verify cross-premises mail flow. | _408F80C5_53B1_4126_B5FC_8FB745E6120E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Connection Filter agent: DNS isn't configured. The IP Allow List and Block List providers will be skipped. | _40963FC2_6525_4F9A_AA2E_6CCB9E1402F9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (w3wp AutoDisc _Total) | _40A52389_4418_40b5_BD34_C367CBF5A24A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMCallAnswer: Fetch Greeting Timed Out | _40ABDC7E_7750_4FB9_B5FC_F56157B987FD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport availability impacted - Number of messages rejected because local loop count threshold exceeded - Red(>10). | _40BF4896_7F30_4b30_8B91_2E49D79DF422_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: database log writes average latency. | _40CDCB31_21AE_4CCA_B321_163DADB7313E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport availability impacted - Number of messages rejected because local loop count threshold exceeded - Red(>10). | _41051272_A01B_495e_8484_3E70C3BDF3E8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure - The Client Access server was not found. | _41079587_CD8C_4816_812C_77CEBF392D65_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: Exchange failed to write the logs because of an error. The source component and cause of the error are specified in the event description. | _4177B349_28AB_4461_8DF8_C9FEBB1B040A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests Not Authorized | _4191668D_2C53_49b4_8F9C_3D89C6356223_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _4199B358_AE94_465c_83A5_A78DAC9D8959_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Netlogon service average semaphore hold time - sustained for 10 minutes - Red(>30). | _41C76A56_BC5D_4037_8C71_DAC466E184EB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error on the target server blocked replication of a database copy. | _4293FD6B_30CE_46e5_B082_0A1CF65E4D94_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Restore started. | _42B59F04_1AB4_4111_963B_AF21B7FA287B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Content Aggregation for 99 percentile of messages. | _42C1905C_E876_4b88_AF45_05AD5078E6DE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy encountered serious I/O error. If this was the active copy, failover was successful. Copy set to FailedAndSuspended | _4343597F_1F09_46a4_8E8F_DED6DCF26A60_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The MSExchangeAL service logged an out of memory exception. | _4372C938_F198_43FD_AB3D_9C1729347D30_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to run the Test-ExchangeSearch diagnostic cmdlet. | _43A05F7E_F7D5_4379_9EFC_9299DFEC4A61_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity (Internal) cmdlet. | _43FAC9E7_0930_492C_BAFB_4C8D41E2237E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (MsExchangeFDS) | _444AA93B_069F_4442_9AF3_1A6E008B3324_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport component latency: 95\% | _44698CD1_D4A9_41f9_AF07_AA8875BD698F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Storage Permanent Exception Failure percentage | _446EF5B1_E028_42aa_BDED_6AEBBCC3B980_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: Can't delete files from Pickup directory. Verify Network Service account has Delete Subfolders and Files permission for the directory. | _4477BD00_EBF0_4CBD_9696_A0831CAF877F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Requests | _447C2044_DCCB_4ce0_8391_DFEDA07A4F9D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeImap4: Fetch rate | _4483B712_B4C1_4f5e_9F0A_427CA6679F9B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Failures Due To I/O Exceptions | _44A5DCE0_6CA3_413f_8363_CA57996D585E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMGeneral: Total Calls (Report Collection) | _44D06646_5CC0_4F7C_B76B_B3BD0AA2E8DA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: IM - Sign-In Failure Percentage Yellow>10 | _44E9A997_6A02_4298_8430_8E01952AB6F3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The Client Access server isn't enabled for RPC. | _4505324C_4DF5_4830_85B1_611107772E2A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (External) transaction failures. | _45CBC307_03C8_44E3_B504_79D338F98F6D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An I/O error that may be repaired by a single page restore has affected the database copy on the local server. | _45e93ff8_96b7_49c1_ac41_24ffbeca65d4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Client: ROPs/sec. | _46424ea6_c9ff_4b1f_b6e5_5ee876c87fe5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: HTTP Service Request Queues: Rejected requests | _467FB297_BCC3_4a71_AC49_F288EED189AF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _46953E53_5D5A_43fa_9A42_63F75D77D532_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: CopyQueueLength. | _4749C09C_F918_4f2f_A85C_5718EB71F4D6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyReplication | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (Microsoft.Exchange.Search.ExSearch) | _479CB11E_5D36_4349_9F92_C89CA3248D7A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (MSExchangeMailSubmission) | _47C6F4DB_3AEF_4c07_BA6C_71AEEBA81D8B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Test-UMConnectivity (Local Voice) cmdlet failed to run. | _48003315_F73A_4F6B_8108_A1A6F7C34432_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy is "failed and suspended"; it is not keeping up with the changes on the active database copy. | _483A04E9_66F9_442f_802F_A2E18D0EE227_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: High LDAP Search Time detected. Sustained for 2 minutes - Yellow(>100 milliseconds). | _4845AC4D_0366_4335_B086_534446553804_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Unreachable queue length - sustained for 60 minutes - Red(>1) - Hub Transport. | _484E9D6E_C7C0_45dc_8772_76B9BD2F2CB2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store was unable to load the virus scanner. | _48662ddd_1ae4_4716_8375_53b00b22bed2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is critically low on database volume space. The volume has reached critical levels (8\% free). | _48865281_E001_4386_A5AA_155449BDAE73_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Error occurred while executing the Test-ReplicationHealth diagnostic cmdlet. | _489e8fc9_5528_4dd3_9daf_a59e790ab6c7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The virus scanner has stopped. | _48d6aed7_7814_45b4_bfec_078342da0d60_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: There's an error in your Outlook Web App configuration. A character in a file extension isn't valid. | _48E09538_BE62_414C_9DFA_23ABA0C456E4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Store Driver Delivery for 99 percentile of messages. | _4909C48B_0879_4f6e_B62A_6D3A202E69A6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Allow List Providers (Report Collection). | _492991DC_002A_4DC4_9398_8FFDE17E5D91_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy experienced a failure that can't be corrected. Recovery was unsuccessful. The database might be dismounted. | _492e65ec_db1b_44b3_a353_7efa9111eb5a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Mail submission is not keeping up with the work being presented by the changes to the locally mounted databases. | _495d9853_77bd_4ccb_87f6_55944f7cf41a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Total Connections | _4999438C_905D_4687_B969_F7F4F64BFF21_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport DSN: Failure DSNs Total. | _49A4A48A_E2FE_48D5_9B4C_F1D64CFEC6E4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (w3wp#2) | _49B232AC_F2B8_4edc_B82C_5EB847A4E92F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: Version buckets allocated. | _49E92C6E_83DC_45E4_8DC7_679644B6691A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: IMAP4 Average Command Processing Time (ms) | _49EE93C6_A2AD_4cd9_A7B1_5314E3046D91_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessImap4 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Content Filter agent couldn't be initialized. | _49F9F645_068D_4E4B_A2F3_05CF2495FB9A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Win32 API call returned an error. The service could not be initialized. | _4A1E55BD_96B7_4233_800F_C03039163DE3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Queued for Submission. | _4A22FCAD_2EE2_4FA2_AF32_38085D096D49_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is experiencing high directory access latency. | _4a5c2561_3196_444a_9f79_042e1bded0bf_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: Microsoft Exchange Transport DSN: Failure DSNs within the past hour. | _4A9FBE1F_8F94_48ed_AF05_8B50A2527D17_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: Number of active RPC threads currently servicing the database. | _4ACEABAD_0518_4D28_BA35_EBA457C70819_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Exchange Transport service was unable to listen on the Receive connector because a 'Socket Access Denied' error was encountered. | _4B251AFE_1B77_4e7d_B16A_36CD703A60D0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Processed (Report Collection). | _4B364CA1_49A8_4032_9CAF_5B16152F617D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. There is no Exchange virtual server on the server that was specified by the user. | _4B3C9937_ACF4_401c_A6A8_BDB8D09D36CB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ActiveSync: Sync commands pending | _4B3F9F16_8E35_43b9_BDF5_6C451B8F6765_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: RPC requests | _4B49CB43_13C3_44a1_9715_E8A3084B7A0C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Online defragmentation has completed a full pass on the database. | _4B5808E1_FFB9_4229_BD87_ED6B4913487B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Unreachable Queue for 99 percentile of messages. | _4B7CA18A_3E4B_4f8d_9998_458B700C805D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-MAPIConnectivity cmdlet. | _4c17b04a_39a3_476a_b93d_929c4c99feb6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Reply Messages Sent (Report Collection) | _4CCB754B_6275_4FFA_A6E7_1FECDFC51E01_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: Number of outstanding requests (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=5, MaxSampleSeparation=60). | _4CE7696C_536E_4240_8C05_FDB6A0DDD4DE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Remote Open Proxy (Report Collection). | _4CEE65B3_5B6E_42F0_9009_8FAB759F724F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Transport latency impacted - percent messages completing categorization over last 5 min - Red(<1). | _4CF3A45F_4007_4c06_974B_F5BCF33AAFDA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Transferred Count | _4D00A7D8_1DAC_49EE_86D7_D910145E2325_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: EDiscovery Mailbox wasn't found. This is essential for many features in Unified Messaging. | _4d469aa9_5aee_4cf8_8bb5_f222edba0b40_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has terminated due to an out-of-memory error. | _4d4972b4_1606_45c0_b01a_8a489f474864_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (w3wp AirSync _Total) | _4D8C7F72_C54D_46ab_9755_47B51BC272C7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages with No PRA (Report Collection). | _4DD9C6B9_E9B1_4C69_AAC9_A453DB62A2F3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Calendar Accessed | _4DE4E020_F59F_41EE_900C_7B1ABF76CD1A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Unable to read the log file header. Cause can be a mismatched log file signature or a corrupted log file or log header. | _4DF8B498_7AC8_4889_9F17_E5B35EB9B926_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database file doesn't match the log files. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. | _4E77581D_0ABD_4DE4_ACB0_882E911B617A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) | _4E84449E_FD9F_4311_ADB0_4BF887BA6E0F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages that Bypassed Scanning (Report Collection). | _4E8B3EF8_BDB6_423B_BE48_C64B1105355D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAvailability: Total Queued Messages | _4E9F98C8_AF99_408F_8BD4_414B7FDDDE4E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Suspended. | _4EF585FE_9C0B_4313_BDCA_B147C9B4FA8A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopy | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App connectivity (Internal) transaction failures. | _4F028C01_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C02_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Mailbox Offline Exception Percentage Yellow>5 | _4F111220_496A_460a_90D9_420E5EA9121F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: EdgeSync MSERV synchronization critical failures. | _4f111637_aab8_4ba3_a130_aaabb403650c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity with Autodiscover - RPC over HTTP failure (RpcProxy) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C00_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Address Book failure (NSPI) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C01_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Address Book failure (ABREF) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C03_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Autodiscover failure | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C05_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity with Autodiscover - RPC Client Access failure (Connect) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C07_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity with Autodiscover - RPC Client Access failure (Logon) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C09_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Unexpected Exception | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53C0A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Address Book failure (NSPI) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53E01_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Address Book failure (ABREF) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53E03_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Autodiscover failure | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53E05_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity with Autodiscover - RPC Client Access failure (Connect) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53E07_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity with Autodiscover - RPC Client Access failure (Logon) | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53E09_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity with Autodiscover - Unexpected Exception | _4F129C11_AFBF_4093_A4DE_C1081FB53E0A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Retry Remote Delivery Queue Length. | _4F3BFA85_2772_4A1E_A882_1E5EB1D1EDC0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#1) | _4F464CF5_593D_4256_8C13_BC07BB53DED6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An Exchange certificate has expired or will expire very soon. Immediate action is required. | _4FBDF2BC_F185_43b1_9040_1D7ECC4C4123_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Poison Queue Length. | _50077B40_4DF4_4F79_A30C_21A84D7293CC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Local Open Proxy (Report Collection). | _50313361_D110_41A6_9A08_0A1B412A065E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _503D44EA_78C2_4231_B0CA_F3D13979517A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Failed Requests/s Yellow>5 | _50562A9C_C9FD_4d16_A8F7_3694051E4FB9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Client: Bytes Sent/sec. | _506fa43c_8db8_4dd9_8603_f095be255563_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport component latency: 99\% | _50B28AB0_0601_45dd_9855_B1DC6C27EB8F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Writes (Recovery)/sec | _50DDD12B_1572_47ad_A17C_E08D0DAF2059_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Mailbox: RPC Operations/sec | _50E80D92_40D6_43A2_9A51_668D1A7CD7C4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 7 (Report Collection). | _50FC5805_E385_4EFC_BE87_C07A9DF8041A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Could not read a registry key because the value is not a DWORD. | _5158F906_9C5D_4384_972C_FBBA2C67494B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: The correlation interval value specified is less than the minimum allowed value. | _519D0B8E_0D8F_479d_B83F_630A7DB86FBF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search service (MSExchangeTransportLogSearch) isn't running. | _5248a119_d598_44d3_b61f_47d98c66d81d_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: LDAP Searches Time Limit Exceeded per minute - sustained for 2 minutes - Yellow(>20). | _526D6697_1991_4EDF_81EB_9E3D7C1562FB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| The database engine is initiating index cleanup of database as a result of a Windows version upgrade. | _52857642_188E_449C_B95B_ABAFFDDCD2EC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Transport Protection Rule failed to apply policy due to permanent error | _52A8E7E0_FD6F_40d0_89CD_14300C115FE0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeWS: Process ID | _52F077FB_4E90_428f_A7C0_7309E2A7697F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. Review MSExchangeOWA event 9 for the cause. | _5325C293_7F2A_47E9_93E1_D7A9E797D8F8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A required forms registry folder doesn't exist. For more information, review MSExchangeOWA event 3. | _532FE988_BEE8_4B1B_AFDA_78E942401A50_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Active Manager: Database Copy Role Active | _53E91A29_5981_4d0f_9AED_698423C417AF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Writes/sec (Report Collection). | _53F56BD0_7F7C_4C13_9217_D7992CED41E9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to retrieve the Active Directory system configuration session. | _540CC48A_9805_4BFF_B107_0EB79264F47C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Reads (Recovery)/sec | _5436A7F7_CC62_4916_BEB3_734E696CED2E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Delivery Failure Delivery-StoreDriver 5.6.0 happened over last 5 minutes - Yellow(>5). | _548DD1CE_0062_49b7_B26F_8EC44B5632AE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The IRM transaction failed to run with exception | _54968805_39FB_4da3_8EC0_FB0C64642014_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The configuration object was reloaded multiple times. Transport may not receive Active Directory notifications. This alert can be addressed during business hours. | _54AE69F8_4AE6_4a24_BB57_F6509C55AA9A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service (MSExchangeMailboxReplication) isn't running. | _54ba6691_179e_4f9f_b382_9c18fa2952f8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: IM - Sent Message Delivery Failure Percentage Yellow>10 | _55449D43_58CC_48a9_8D9A_4DE0D01FDF6D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Corrupted log files exist on a database copy outside the database's required log range. Recovery was unsuccessful. | _55455678_b916_4634_85ea_6838119c0bb2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: High percentage of transport submissions denied due to Throttling Service Client - sustained for 30 minutes - Red(>10) | _5555618F_B0E5_4ebb_845D_32BDE9CD45AE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: database version buckets allocated. | _558C9666_ECA6_4528_AD01_4B678122E19C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Client: JET pages preread/sec | _55fd0e66_374f_44fb_977d_f8a66d389604_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The WebReady Document Viewing manager wasn't able to access the temporary folder. | _5634EDAB_8830_4847_98FF_13395FBA7729_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Avg Time Cross-Site Failures/sec | _563d67a0_0440_45bf_bdba_bdb6d154b08a_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| System Attendant is starting. | _564C286D_FB30_413F_A53A_6283A6FE28A2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxSystemAttendant | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Log Copy is Not Keeping Up (Report Collection). | _56C24711_99D6_46b2_B9D6_C091C193920B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyReplication | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange was unable to execute the diagnostic cmdlet to probe the IMAP4 connectivity state. | _56E55046_0CE9_11DB_9607_00E08161165F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute the Test-OWAConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. | _5781158F_604A_4936_8004_0FEB3E99BFEF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Autodiscover service encountered an installation error. | _57B6F34B_C97C_414D_ACC5_05B91C4A8680_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The designated file isn't a database file. The headers of the file may be corrupted. You may need to restore from backup. | _57D7E0E1_69C0_4ECD_8D2D_7C597492E19A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL Unknown (Report Collection). | _57F3B6D1_AF3C_4276_9B9B_4FA6B67E2892_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Number of items in retry table has been more than 30000 for 30 minutes. | _58369667_982F_4ec0_8702_A663C53C5BEF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: LDAP Searches time limit exceeded per minute (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=5, MaxSampleSeparation=120). | _586B9EEC_C8C9_4F61_A79A_1C6E679A8E81_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: DSAccess failed to provide a domain controller to use to read configuration. Proxy address calculation services will not be available. | _586EC960_8281_402F_AFF4_FA9ED992B108_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#6) | _587CAF0C_DD3D_4fbb_B89B_4A251DB6FB49_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: POP3 connectivity transaction failures. | _58AEC5AA_0187_4bc1_A782_F7D1BB425922_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: HTTP Service Request Queues: Arrival rate | _58B5C2FA_AEDF_4d03_9C03_BFBB5069B2CC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database reads per second | _5928EFB6_CD4F_4125_8E47_31554C5ACECB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (powershell EMS _Total) | _59522AF4_DBCD_4a32_891B_A739FAD32D8B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (w3wp EWS _Total) | _59704CE7_E801_46e7_9C9A_1AC1AAE4C4E9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#12) | _59B0AE25_12F7_4A30_969E_0E68C12CB6A8_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (w3wp AirSync _Total) | _59BD5789_7318_468b_8BF7_FA762D9D3849_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Log Bytes Write/sec (Report Collection). | _59CD0ED9_A735_4be7_B052_C1C9D93CA10A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyCorruption | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 3 (Report Collection). | _5A04989C_CA54_4D02_B3AA_F92AD8053152_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Voice Messages Sent (Report Collection) | _5A1006D4_48A4_405F_AB68_E55D522FD9BA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service wasn't able to encrypt or decrypt a voice message. | _5A27551C_1C7C_47c1_9165_020CB0CB9BE4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy encountered a serious I/O error. Automatic repair failed. The copy will be dismounted or marked as FailedAndSuspended. | _5A2A1413_D9B5_48dd_AB94_23D8B2BB98FD_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: There is a gap in sequence number between log files. This is because log files are deleted. Restore log files from backup. | _5A4F5CE4_EA40_4C4F_9CC2_9AF86EE6C32B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: At startup, the Microsoft Exchange Replication service isn't fully initialized. The log copier listener didn't start. | _5a5f19f0_6ef2_4256_a30d_cd0d12326765_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Storage Permanent Exception Failure Percentage Red>10 | _5A953DF5_7C29_4547_8FE6_22ECE828F823_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificate for the specified partner domain couldn't be validated. | _5AB186A8_551E_4068_8224_9532EE781577_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#10) | _5AF07A42_9B1B_4715_90DB_05BB735AD977_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Current users | _5AF578BF_C3F4_4cb4_A859_E47F4B3DEEB3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: .NET Queue for EWS Application Pool | _5AFB1321_C8FB_49ef_9D76_2793261AA8B3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Replay Service: Private Bytes (Report Collection). | _5B19ACB2_E428_4ce6_9C57_F714B5082A07_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.ReplayService | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The local database copy experienced an index corruption. Please reseed the catalog by using the Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy cmdlet with the -CatalogOnly parameter. | _5B6E7C1A_AD46_4984_953B_7765E361D0EC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Client Access server wasn't able to contact a Unified Messaging server for a Play On Phone request. | _5c13c964_19a5_4b82_8abc_381637445d44_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on database volume space and continues to grow. The volume is under 25\% free. | _5c1c7dd4_89a1_4ba4_be25_91d295735fc3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Log IO: Log File Read Average Latency (Report Collection). | _5C263885_84D5_4af7_B60A_A67205F35EE2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyLogLogicalDiskPerformance | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Launched Calls (Report Collection) | _5C40974C_5F3E_4A37_B4EE_9D02A35688C9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange Transport service was unable to start listening on the Receive connector binding because the address is already in use. | _5C46F87F_17BB_4dec_8B2F_2FD232E1A5A5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (w3wp#10) | _5C98F53B_20D9_4DEC_8BF1_A448DC976E3A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Log Generation Checkpoint Depth (Report Collection). | _5CE9E4B0_C2AA_48d2_A1B9_07EE07AB3439_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyCorruption | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. Review MSExchangeOWA event 5 for the cause. | _5DB2712E_607A_450E_9695_083B7109E930_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An Exchange certificate will expire soon. | _5DB3E164_8022_4441_B679_BBBF07148AF4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: EdgeSync EHF synchronization failures. | _5dc9bd73_e90d_4a8d_9dcc_548e9255eb96_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Scom agent failed to send perf data to SCOM. Issues may be occurring that are not being properly reported. | _5DE75C0D_427C_4232_BA65_A2762A31C7B4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Starting to back up the database's log files. No user action is required. | _5DFD8943_6250_440A_BB27_76A75CAB6726_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Number of text messages pending delivery. | _5E175FA4_BAB0_4F4D_9662_577ED95B527F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: EdgeSync EHF synchronization not configured. | _5e6ba7c6_9e73_43a8_adc7_6aee94ab73e5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A torn-write was detected during hard recovery. This log file is damaged and is unusable. Restore the log files from a backup copy. | _5F13B7DF_B3E6_423C_AB7E_EA44343A73DC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender Filter Agent: Messages Filtered by Sender Filter (Report Collection). | _5FA3E10C_3137_4856_ACBE_64331033CAAD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Troubleshoot-CI.ps1 encountered an unexpected error. | _5FC3F021_BCD1_4b72_845C_299FA1705C17_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: OverBudgetThreshold | _5FD72354_0110_4592_9C79_C2054830A249_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is experiencing high latency. | _5fe97218_652e_44df_9223_37b1668033aa_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Failures Due To WLID Down | _5FFB1EDB_5B4C_4eaf_BBC0_F45E777B8671_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (w3wp ECP _Total) | _5FFF19BE_ACAF_4e6e_8330_F66545E36AE6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport SMTP Receive: Messages received per second | _60773BF3_A050_48bb_A995_9F01CE22F201_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Active Directory is reaching its capacity to hold Exchange Active Sync device classes. | _60AEC99E_F9FD_42f9_AEA1_28036CE6FB60_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#7) | _614A1FCF_D891_41E4_99BA_92FF700B8595_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| More than 90\% of messages failed to decrypt during cross-premises decryption. | _61694D55_A87B_4df0_AEBB_789AAF2616B6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Database dismounted or service degraded. | _619F5D48_D7AE_4846_A1FD_F5DDC98F3EC6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Partner Voice Message Transcription failures \% over the last 1 hour - Red (> 10) | _61c1da8f_99a0_4c9f_8620_0e1e1beeeee1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The NetworkCredential value for the given MailboxCredential is set to null. | _61C5448E_6F6A_4533_AA06_BFF13BAD198F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Delivery Queue for 99 percentile of messages. | _6228A97B_1BA4_4039_9E8B_408CFA02B398_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Average text message delivery latency (milliseconds). | _624EA636_5A69_42DB_A97D_CFD2317C43B6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMGeneral: Calls Rejected (Report Collection) | _6251DC46_B248_4F76_9AF5_961EBA1C4C2F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Sign-In Failure percentage | _632190BE_F671_465b_A2D9_7F26032D9E44_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Partner Voice Message Transcription failures \% over the last 1 hour - Yellow (> 5). | _6331da8f_99a0_4c9f_8620_0e1e1bfffff1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: High number of LDAP search failures detected. Check the Application event log for more information. | _63353018_17FC_404c_8F20_CD3909374E74_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ActiveSync: PID | _637A9329_5C89_42cd_8E04_EDF4B35DBA5F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: There is a configuration problem on a database copy, or a file or directory is missing due to a storage failure. The attempted failover was unsuccessful. | _637d0c52_8127_4597_a3bd_05d85e7549fc_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: \% of Messages Successfully Processed Over the Last Hour - Red (< 90) | _63c1da8f_99a0_4c9f_8620_0e1e1ae2e441_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Mailbox connection failures \% over the last 1 hour - Red (> 10) | _63c1da8f_99a0_4c9f_8620_0e1e1aeeeee1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Mailbox connection failures \% over the last 1 hour - Yellow (> 5). | _63c1da8f_99a0_4c9f_8620_0e1e1afffff1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| An Exchange mailbox database has completed the backup procedure successfully. No user action is required. | _63C2BEFC_F8F5_4B49_8A35_AECD3F41BBD4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The specified user isn't unique. | _64071F87_FF3D_49ec_85FB_92B9B1D6BDE9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Test-OutlookConnectivity (Internal) cmdlet failed to run. | _646B72BA_9696_4A68_BFCA_FD3D44449DC4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Send connector requires Transport Layer Security before the MailFrom command but the server can't establish TLS. | _647EB50A_B70B_4E60_94E1_2189B97A30DF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on database volume space. The volume has reached error levels (16\% free). | _653D3B31_DFAE_45c8_A656_2584E4C7B93E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Could not find an accessible writable domain controller for the domain. | _656C2B58_53AC_4E35_A04E_0122DECCFAF5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A database is approaching its size limit. Exceeding the limit may result in the database becoming unavailable. | _656e4225_89a2_4b34_b008_621ead0bc777_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Windows Cluster service is not running. | _657bac24_5d21_4cc1_9ebb_52c724724b9d_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: LDAP Search Calls/sec (Interval=5 min). | _658e7278_c859_4479_ae47_075d89a5ed7d_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL Unknown (Report Collection). | _65E0DF39_6C1A_442D_9F61_8E7260599E1E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Delivery blocked due to Low Log Space. | _65e4296a_d6b7_41d8_8d3c_c030e50643d2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (Store.exe) | _65FDEBAD_0F25_438c_836E_2AFD3373D85F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-Mailflow diagnostic cmdlet to verify cross-premises mail flow. | _66031D0A_EC28_49bb_9CAE_6A6E22CF0F1A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: \% of Messages Successfully Processed Over the Last Hour - Yellow (< 95) | _6622af44_b86e_42dd_997b_6c30913c75c8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service (MSExchangeUM) isn't running. | _6637f95b_8681_4ce3_976d_70a7c746e83e_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on database volume space and continues to grow. The volume has reached critical levels 8\% free. | _66380e9d_48b7_451e_bec6_0cbc300af870_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (MSExchangeMailSubmission) | _665572B2_450F_4495_9BD4_91A9B1A5C408_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-OWAConnectivity (External) cmdlet. | _66CCCAD2_7015_4BD5_9666_87CB63DB1DB7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess Processes: LDAP Search Time (powershell EMS _Total). | _66DFDFF7_1AC2_4cdc_99EA_61A91BFC9B42_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Rejected (Report Collection). | _67340C29_213B_4003_B8E8_A21165C7E063_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy has been falling behind the active copy for 30 minutes | _6739e186_0cdd_4f2d_a805_1dcd0b90a18d_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Service Request Queues: RejectionRate Yellow>5 | _673AB108_EB67_4be8_9063_8FF0CB74D02E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Total Messages Failed To Prelicense | _6768E2C0_E4C5_4814_B8AD_40D20C34BAFE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Topology discovery failed due to a LDAP error. Check the Event log for more details. | _68CC2444_F30D_42DB_A1E2_1BFC407252D7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (POP3) | _690261E4_B158_4f70_8D71_22FD1B1BE49F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: At startup, the Microsoft Exchange Replication service cannot enable the Active Manager RPC listener. | _695e51b2_821e_478d_8ea1_d11c0c4a27b6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangePop3: RETR rate | _697694F6_508D_4ce0_86F6_523F719344ED_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service (MSExchangeEdgeSync) isn't running. | _699393fb_2e93_4b10_b2a5_2fec8f3323aa_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Autodiscover request failed to complete using external host names. | _69ADDBDA_EF22_4223_B9A1_0315E09C49D6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a Fail - Non-existent Domain Result (Report Collection). | _69C0DFFD_D84E_49DC_A07D_0C269E922A67_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _6A4E4A37_C132_47fe_8937_6D00B38A616F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Total Journal Reports failed to decrypt | _6AA6F47A_3191_4c30_B277_9E44D1CE0269_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (store) | _6ACC45DD_936B_40DA_8472_CEED39AAE9AD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: IsMemberOfResolver ResolvedGroups Cache Size Percentage | _6AFE721C_3286_4f0e_ADC9_836AE42C9777_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An error occurred during backup of an Exchange store database. | _6B574FFD_52B0_4C4A_97CF_E5EBCB003FEB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| SMTP Send for 99 percentile of messages. | _6B801309_E11E_45be_91EC_A6821FD904C1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (store) | _6C81AB6C_87EF_46f8_8D2D_85669563CF00_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeFDS:OAB: Download Tasks Completed | _6CA1ADCD_856C_49E6_9D28_9F60CB16286B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessFileDistributionService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Delivery blocked due to Low Database Space. | _6cabbf7a_90ec_486f_9045_72d1056165e1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service appears to be leaking operating system handles. | _6cb2df1a_c5ed_42bc_955e_4439868ea1ab_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database was partially detached because of an error in updating database headers. Review System log for hardware errors. | _6CD28ECF_EC1A_4D8E_9A32_4E583C7D6FA7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _6D017F02_4D48_4c5a_A3D5_76F3D65AAFD3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeFDS:OAB: Download Task Queued - sustained for 10 hours - Red (>1). | _6D095290_B8D4_430E_A8CC_4A5AA09EC28C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants service (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) failed to be started. | _6D86D7CE_1D22_4243_A8FB_294B8395AB91_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#3) | _6DEBA5BD_8158_4bbf_BCB6_E2CBCB493C8D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMCallAnswer: Average Voice Message Size | _6E027DF2_6B9B_470F_80DB_B8C943583BE3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Process was terminated because the database engine failed with an error while trying to log the commit of a transaction. | _6E5BCFCE_4C25_4E61_A49D_9FEAEAB43192_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeWS: Average response time | _6E9E7F9F_D306_4020_8B7B_1767174C18B2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4 PopImap _Total) | _6EA2E4F9_99C0_4b83_AB9F_064E486320DE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: There's an error in your Outlook Web App configuration. The configuration for a virtual directory couldn't be found. | _6EB7643F_6A2F_4D31_B751_8AB49D1C1733_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The Exchange Information Store service isn't running. | _6EC31438_9763_4aa3_B622_6860400F8F32_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeAutodiscover: Process ID | _6EC5F12A_F7C6_43c7_ABAA_BA6BABFB91DE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#5) | _6EC6FED7_9852_4654_9D5A_E5F585FA6C89_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Client: RPC Average Latency | _6ef186bf_df55_47ef_9fac_e6bd071938fb_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (Imap4) | _6F024C71_AD55_4466_B1C2_560A79FE4047_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Connection Failed Transient Exception Percentage Yellow>5 | _6F57F521_44B8_49f1_B18F_71F2807389EE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Server Alive | _6FAA57AC_B16D_4b9f_A61D_3156C7E73876_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Percentage catalog size greater than the set threshold | _6FCF8893_EF51_4E3B_9E3F_07569F13E7C1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Client logons on mailbox | _700C3768_CB42_4e8c_BD8C_E4C9B609964C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Largest Delivery Queue Length - sustained for 30 minutes - Red(>250) - Hub Transport. | _705A7A7D_A2EC_4f10_8356_4759281BC316_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp) | _70C5F336_62CC_4c74_9E90_1400BC4830AF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Forms-Based Authentication service (MSExchangeFBA) isn't running. | _70e71218_af11_40cc_88fd_63e95222cafa_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Mailbox Offline Exception percentage | _710E9E27_D5F5_4aad_8609_81FA17E7F4A1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Local Open Proxy (Report Collection). | _714ED823_F864_47F0_987B_F2BB7BEC5F1A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID process (w3wp#5) | _7197075F_3DC9_4b58_9E94_88F90F7D79CB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Over 5\% of messages failed to decrypt in the last 30 minutes | _71AA13A8_1830_4251_BF9A_E1D1C56F5E42_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The local database copy has more user load than it can support. Users need to be moved to a different database and/or server. | _71b8b5cf_56e5_4e59_895a_ead6492a11e7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: RPC packets per second | _71D4E84C_8066_4a83_B882_87E2EEBC2CBC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database reads per second | _71DB2CC1_163A_4318_9EFC_F0641A9814D0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass | _71F43885_3579_4B6D_8996_8D9979C029CC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The mailbox database isn't unique. | _722DC53B_79FB_4027_9A36_3D76E2810001_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) | _724AD87C_66D3_413D_88CA_309BA8B9C900_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has detected a server-level RPC request time-out. | _72c056a8_b133_4276_a218_91fac9279d10_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Local SRL (Report Collection). | _7302F447_B759_4273_8DD1_85DDE4E38321_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The primary index of a table is corrupted. Perform an offline defragmentation of the database to rebuild the index. | _731EC0DC_74B1_4422_821C_142B7B0451EE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Test-CalendarConnectivity cmdlet failed to run in external mode. | _7353AAD3_B834_4773_AA69_31044E38AEE4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store database: RPC Averaged Latency - sustained for 5 minutes - Red (>70 msec). | _743131E4_11B7_43f5_A26B_8D4CC53BE99E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy must be reseeded due to an error in the database copy. The database copy status is failed and suspended. | _743e99e4_f494_4e2e_877c_b43d3a5784e6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: Client:Latency > 5 sec RPCs (Report Collection). | _74413654_7A8E_4ADB_8C95_424503531546_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange information store has used 90\% of available connections. | _74507768_d9d8_4b18_9fb7_5a5705726dd0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace.ps1. | _749e0eac_ebb2_41e3_8fa2_4a03a1bd3571_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangePop3: Active SSL connections | _74B293ED_A359_48a0_8068_F258CFFA3E11_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exchange is unable to start the Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update Service. | _752C72C3_7A6E_49DC_8120_F5AFF115D2BF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: ActiveSync connectivity (Internal) transaction failures. | _75CD1165_1F7E_4B8C_A7F0_DE0EAA53137C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A failure was detected that may impact all copies of the database. Automatic recovery failed. The database should be dismounted. | _7663dd96_cec2_4e20_a046_e4a37d8e0ab4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Outlook Web App proxy failed to verify access for the account used by the Exchange Client Access server. | _76768367_7459_4C25_8BA2_427D546124AA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Availability service requests to external host names failed. | _769983AD_9EB2_4526_B5FD_0559A373B300_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Aggregate Delivery Queue Length (All Queues). | _76A23F3D_A9C0_4E00_97B2_D82CEFCF181D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity Against Local Server - Address Book failure (NSPI) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972001_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity Against Local Server - Address Book failure (ABREF) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972002_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity Against Local Server - RPC Client Access failure (Connect) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972003_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity Against Local Server - RPC Client Access failure (Logon) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972004_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: TCP Connectivity Against Local Server - Unexpected Exception | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972005_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity Against Local Server - Address Book failure (NSPI) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972006_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity Against Local Server - Address Book failure (ABREF) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972007_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity Against Local Server - Autodiscover failure | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972008_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity Against Local Server - RPC Client Access failure (Connect) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972009_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity Against Local Server - RPC Client Access failure (Logon) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc097200A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity Against Local Server - Unexpected Exception | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc097200B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Connectivity Against Local Server - RPC over HTTP failure (RpcProxy) | _76aaf2ee_f134_4f0e_925f_8f9cc0972999_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: There was an Outlook Web App connectivity (Internal) transaction failure. The Test-OWAConnectivity cmdlet must be run on a Client Access server. | _76D81B36_60B2_4DE5_AFAC_BCC678E8715A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (MsExchangeFDS) | _76E56E23_C51D_4b3e_887E_A8C234D01892_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport latency impacted - 80th percentile of messages not meeting SLA over last 30 min - Red(>90). | _770AD094_5F7D_417f_A6CC_14E8B43FE148_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service was not able to enable the Active Manager RPC listener. | _774fb26e_ca79_43d3_9250_9029291b4f62_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The file that lists the mobile operators and their capabilities can't be found | _775C91B2_92FC_4B25_8D92_4BB267B641A1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Initializing. | _782D8057_7E03_4a90_B353_C47185A5E458_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopy | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Block List Providers (Report Collection). | _78635F5F_0ABF_48AD_94DC_8D20DDFE41D1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Failed and Suspended. | _78B00CA9_0186_4108_9CF8_15F2F8AE96E0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopy | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a None Result (Report Collection). | _78B875C7_05DB_443E_8A49_415772106E52_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while the Test-UMConnectivity (Local Voice) cmdlet was running. | _78D885FA_C48F_4A19_A90B_E131CA2F1064_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy has more user load than it can support. Users need to be moved to a different database and/or server. | _78e4a123_a361_47aa_b0f4_913db59996b0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Bypass Local SRL calculation (Report Collection). | _78F992C0_2E9D_4981_B4AE_395FAE5BABA6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The NetworkCredential value for the given MailboxCredential is set to null. | _791FB07F_5509_4f37_8A0F_24E442EA61D6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: database writes/sec. | _796F1ED4_63F7_49AE_897F_D51420E012D1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database writes per second | _7986B1B8_3AC2_4bef_BDA2_926B95894592_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (RpcClientAccess.Service) | _798DBB35_58C1_4696_89F5_3FE24589F4D6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport Protection Rule failed to apply policy due to disabled Internal Licensing configuration | _79B2A7AF_7727_48af_8678_66D22724F918_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. | _79CB1AB7_6002_4580_B0AF_66A2F4415F2A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#5) | _7A40A894_CF08_4971_8FBD_C80381955AB0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (MSExchangeRepl) | _7A4F6D8B_AC6C_4ca4_B380_17FFA51D9E6C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Submission Queue Length. | _7A58DDF5_1818_4FDD_9C7E_86D802DF372B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Tranport service failed to create the Pickup directory. Pickup won't function until the directory is created. | _7A7FE8D1_76A9_45B2_9A9D_773492016D2E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#11) | _7A97202E_D692_46D5_965D_A7A01A8E22BA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a Pass Result (Report Collection). | _7B0F2C18_0F6E_47F4_AF88_1D436BBFEBE9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: User count | _7B7775D4_07AA_4f1d_94D2_CFA55BE9362F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (store) | _7B7DDF59_5DBB_4244_BB39_8228375767AC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: HTTP Service Request Queues: Rejection rate | _7BEC5C4F_9296_482a_B506_B18788065F6B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: Couldn't categorize a non-expirable message. | _7C1D3115_4C58_4872_BF8B_23E8631E0C7A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The patch page read from a file failed to verify because of a page checksum mismatch. Identify and resolve any hardware problems. | _7C36B2E1_A262_4924_99A1_48A9193AE8CE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (EdgeTransport) | _7C81F247_BC96_4897_97BE_B2280F2F8587_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. | _7C898FD4_3E14_46EA_AF26_43C799A030B5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: OABGen failed to download the files currently in the offline address book. This OAB will not be generated. | _7CB0A86C_C192_4B0F_B0EA_C9690E86F144_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy has been falling behind the active copy for 1 hour. | _7CB597F4_2A22_4a2a_9E54_1682F28C4563_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: System Attendant was unable to find the Exchange server object in the Active Directory. | _7CE8405C_4907_44DA_930E_7429C62FEE60_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Total External Messages prelicensed | _7CEEA6AF_59E9_410e_9C86_49A928D5CC52_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (w3wp EWSManagement _Total). | _7D48B474_D203_4513_9E05_5309B4835578_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (w3wp#11) | _7D720ECF_357B_4BEA_A20D_CBF4E3F4CAAF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Aggregate Delivery Queue Length (All Queues). | _7D883D10_3D99_40DF_9104_CC54F408A039_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. Review MSExchangeOWA event 8 for the cause. | _7DCC252D_3D32_49AC_9E92_875433B59DE3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database reads per second | _7E80D50F_035F_4edb_806F_29B017E9C145_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Categorizer Job Availability | _7E817724_DE16_497a_8265_3D102C7FF82E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Messages submitted per second | _7EAC92E5_B763_470b_A46D_667F3D0D1D2E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport Decryption and/or Journal Report Decryption Impacted - More than 5\% of IRM messages failed to decrypt in the last 30 minutes - Red(>5). | _7ED1A48D_2DBD_46b3_8D79_C6E2BE671C20_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 1 (Report Collection). | _7EEE088A_430E_476B_9A01_6D693F1E99F1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) | _7F3048FE_4C75_4a7b_8555_0F46B07218C1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (w3wp OWA _Total) | _7F7B6EB5_9F7A_44eb_9933_80565EB4710A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Memory: Pages per second | _7FB7D053_2C15_42d4_97BB_38F20BAE44D1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A database copy experienced a failure that can't be corrected. The database copy may terminate replication or dismount. | _801d4070_d4cd_4f92_aecc_607d7f4a3061_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Total Messages Received | _80A4EEA8_7981_41be_8E87_A1B49F02FF79_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Monitoring failed to run the Test-MRSHealth cmdlet. | _80d898e6_58fe_45e1_9c04_0ba31357b532_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Task Timeouts Per Minute | _80E7B742_697C_4021_86AD_F3DEE644B24C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Availability Service Initialization Failure | _8102B570_A7BC_47a3_9F9B_F1EDCBBE00A5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Transport latency impacted - 99th percentile of messages not meeting SLA over last 30 min - Red(>90). | _8127E33B_C8EC_49e7_A976_4C415463B2DB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (PowerShell EMS _Total) | _81750D00_2994_4c80_9696_4E7EA8481E2E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4 PopImap _Total) | _819D1830_D2F4_4c6e_8871_6DD095757AA1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service isn't running. | _82109CA0_7A80_4e18_A3BB_764447A820E7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Content Filter agent couldn't be initialized because notification of the file system change couldn't be initialized. | _821F49EA_F9CA_4D46_8E81_BA540AC6056C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 3 (Report Collection). | _825FDA97_C6C0_44A0_93F1_6FC7815A5199_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Federated delivery message decryption impacted - more than 90\% of messages failed to decrypt during cross-premises decryption over the last 30 minutes - Red(>90). | _82E5612C_0C3B_4f56_90F1_5AA01E3E71DE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender Filter Agent: Messages Evaluated by Sender Filter (Report Collection). | _83462BF7_AE58_4AE8_B053_C7079E46B996_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: ExchangeSearch Zero Results Queries: greater than or equal 100 | _83AA8423_3FE6_4a85_A9CF_02EC5F4ECF54_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Operator Transfers | _83E814CE_C8DE_4BE3_B640_3DFC0C527140_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The specified server version is older than the currently-supported versions. | _8441B9CF_421B_4ebd_9528_CEE1A33C7C26_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Database Volume: \% Free Space | _845aaf06_b7c9_4946_b675_5aa9b1837269_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyEdbLogicalDiskSpace | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _8499A619_079F_47ef_B7C2_A7E57E5F68B2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on log volume space. The volume has reached error levels. | _84ec6e7b_f48e_4151_af19_fbee01bf02bf_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Block List (Report Collection). | _84F168D0_2117_4A36_8588_6F90104716A5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: A memory allocation failure affected a database copy on the local server. The database copy may terminate replication or dismount. | _857d3ecf_3f75_4ddc_8b6f_0f9b0776436e_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An Exchange ActiveSync connectivity (Internal) transaction failure occurred. The test credentials can't be used to test Exchange ActiveSync. | _85904634_3C94_4E81_B48C_32EED49AA880_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Total Message Delivery Failures | _85BA1F29_BC3B_4058_9C7D_270BA96DD1A7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: POP3 Average Command Processing Time (ms) | _85BCBBF5_5607_417a_97BA_354913450180_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessPop3 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Content Filter agent couldn't be initialized. There may be corrupted files. | _85CE1B27_48C3_4ABD_B5CE_D6780221E34A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| An Exchange mailbox database is starting a full backup. No user action is required. | _85E36EEA_3D13_4597_A01F_F5EDFAE845F9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess Processes: LDAP Search Time (Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3 PopImap _Total). | _860CE0D0_1441_4862_A647_723706F5AC6D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Failed. | _8614C5C5_2CA7_4d82_9F95_5D6C9E8B91BF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopy | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants Service startup is being delayed due to continuous crashes | _86C3967B_1BB5_4d03_9E8E_8CC899E858C9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Memory: Available MB | _86D92EC0_9FC6_408c_83AA_2A85C03C7A46_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service wasn't able to unlock the target mailbox after the move. | _86ea1412_76fe_4e78_a3a0_851625263c0b_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A Unified Messaging server couldn't be located to handle the call for a particular mailbox. | _86F63956_43FF_49ea_8373_0883D4874172_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeImap4: Logon rate | _876A274E_095C_44b0_B79F_1B92021382DD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute the Test-OWAConnectivity (External) diagnostic cmdlet. | _8776E3FC_7BCB_46A7_92E3_667749050936_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The local database copy contains corruption. This problem can be corrected by reseedng the database copy. The database copy will terminate replication or dismount. | _8781d6b6_2efa_488e_80ac_8e2e794e0236_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _87F7609F_7975_4832_AC5E_EEA56081A212_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Max Effective Time In CAS Per Minute | _88782BD0_62F1_48bd_899C_A736ACA59B21_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The current physical size of the database file is close to the maximum database size. | _88C639AC_64D0_4950_B615_FA0B2F08886D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (w3wp ECP _Total) | _88CAC049_7ADF_4145_877A_C35722785F89_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The Mailbox database wasn't found. | _88E477DB_10E0_433a_9D5C_0157151B99E3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: HTTP Service Request Queues: CurrentQueueSize Red>500 | _89268706_F4FF_466d_AE2B_2D4328BBF39C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Microsoft Exchange System Attendant does not have sufficient rights to read Exchange configuration objects in Active Directory. | _894EB526_B34B_4BEB_B76D_381AABC89198_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Unique Budgets OverBudget | _895480F7_C061_4245_9811_4465D332B451_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Total Users | _8A167BA9_A318_4caa_BED9_16116502FDFC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _8A246867_4880_4121_8ED1_F1926C32D2FE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: RPC average latency | _8AA75A64_281C_4a7f_B94C_933662C9E7BD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (EdgeTransport) | _8AEB496E_D573_4d8b_8615_005485DA6556_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database writes per second | _8B125488_0834_4432_9818_3819E7FB883D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#8) | _8B24D2DA_53B0_46B4_B870_BC2CD6B997CD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: Content Indexing error count. | _8B3647BD_224A_4908_9045_76F58CFBF74E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search Service failed to start due to a LogSessionManager startup error. | _8B3EBD35_BF76_4802_8C43_60352427688A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a Fail - Non-existent Domain Result (Report Collection). | _8B8FCA7B_256F_4EBC_AD11_D4ADDE92D738_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#6) | _8C412B8E_7CD2_46c0_B5AD_FBD0045231DD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _8C4960D9_9BDA_40af_BC15_917B393519E0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: There is no default authoritative domain or the domain name is empty. | _8C636AD1_7292_415D_B985_0EE9DA051D7D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while the Get-PerimeterQueueInfo diagnostic cmdlet was running. | _8C90B6D4_06F7_4e28_819C_9A259619C533_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on database volume space and continues to grow. The volume has reached error levels under 16\% free. | _8ca2d0f2_8251_47c6_996e_dfa50287dec1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy isn't replaying log files fast enough for the last two hours to keep up or catch up with the changes being made to the active database copy. | _8CB6F826_0099_486d_9D0B_CF4EEF4BEB67_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Client Access TCP v4 connections | _8CC94F65_67A4_495a_AAC2_2EC919E54E7E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Resource Throttling: Requests Per Second | _8CF11AA3_291A_40ff_BF80_F50B16A320AC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to retrieve the health states for a collection of monitoring objects and monitors. Please check the health of RMS. | _8D2BFEA0_E913_4942_AA24_402406CDFDF5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Corruption was detected during soft recovery in the log file. The log file is damaged and is unusable. This may be caused by faulty hardware. | _8D34890F_F02C_43C1_A3F3_E1B9EC60F2C7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _8D3990E2_090A_479f_99EB_8944CFAE3385_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Messages submitted per second | _8D4BA9EE_A256_456a_8DF0_C022A40AAFD8_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (w3wp OWA _Total) | _8D72DF67_FC9A_4328_AF97_7901D627E65B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Rule collection was not loaded because of configuration errors. Messages will be deferred. | _8DB2CABB_EC85_4D83_BFC5_2A67DC727773_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Could not establish a secure LDAP connection to the server. The domain controller is not running Windows 2000 SP3 or later. | _8E06CE1D_CC75_4E36_85D3_B08D0252CB51_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: IMAP4 Connections Rate | _8E0D1DAE_77AC_44fc_AE7D_78FD17FDB564_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessImap4 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A corrupted page link was detected in a B-Tree. This may be caused by a hardware failure or antivirus software. | _8E5593E2_21B1_4793_B712_59603BBE0D62_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Local SRL (Report Collection). | _8E613090_1940_4832_A01F_3518DCD8FC20_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Reads (Attached)/sec | _8EA2C077_DE5E_4ac1_9FC2_F1AC5FEB3321_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _8EC1C035_8673_432c_8FF0_5EE517AB1665_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Too many failed message tracking requests via task - Yellow (>3\%) - | _8EF5D63E_85A4_4b98_B068_B1306288D7D1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _8F3F23F9_590F_4ea5_9001_EC3A018F0561_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated Per Second. | _8F566AA0_7E9C_4A67_9221_8266E96DBD0C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A database experienced a hard I/O error in NTFS. NTFS failed to allow the creation of a file as part of a failover. | _8f635dac_9cf6_423d_8455_16c8ca9ee974_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second(MSExchangeRepl) | _8F956BEC_ADA7_4682_8BA3_C4930F2B5435_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| The database engine is starting a full backup. This is an informational event. No user action is required. | _8FA5AB49_64EC_4374_B4AE_0F97A051EA56_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Events are not being Processed for a database. | _8FB5C814_95CC_4a9b_AE84_7E08FC0DF978_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Availability Service: Availability requests per second | _90497824_0F02_489a_8C95_B377AB3B7AAF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost) | _90DF0541_E3EF_4626_A6BB_9C78AD8FB066_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service is not running. | _91621ee3_d3ec_4c9b_984a_8edeef4edc24_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#3) | _9170BEE5_4902_4dcb_9101_F84999990F2F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (Imap4) | _91972579_B0EC_4724_9E06_0A9EB564C898_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Delivery Failure Delivery-StoreDriver 5.2.0 happened over last 5 minutes - Yellow(>2). | _91CBF52A_13DD_4337_88EB_F629C150100D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| The database engine is starting an incremental backup. This is an informational event. No user action is required. | _91E64FD6_D3F1_4AC4_BFDC_8F1CA47D3A21_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: This database has had only one healthy copy for over 20 minutes of the last hour. | _91ea011c_4dc2_4733_a80d_f37848da444d_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Unable to run the Get-PerimeterQueueInfo diagnostic cmdlet. | _9220882B_E02E_4184_9C80_741C2201FEFE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Quarantined (Report Collection). | _92273947_E244_48A9_9803_9C9235D55E28_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: EdgeTransport.exe process has been repeatedly failing within the last 45 minutes. | _92389F76_5F41_4524_B025_7F6BF9133887_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred during an Mserv lookup. | _9248222D_7A73_469d_98D3_F6A5EB1EAB25_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess Per Server Average End-To-End RPC Latency | _925d1fb1_a86e_4522_b9ba_dc2b16573400_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess Per Server RPC Average Latency (Backend) | _925d1fb1_a86e_4522_b9ba_dc2b16573402_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess Per Server RPC Failed Backend Connections | _925d1fb1_a86e_4522_b9ba_dc2b16573404_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess Per Server RPC Active Backend Connections (\% of Limit) | _925d1fb1_a86e_4522_b9ba_dc2b16573406_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessOutlook | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A referenced forms registry folder doesn't exist. Review MSExchangeOWA event 1 for the cause. | _92D27124_8067_47D1_BC12_E2C6515A3BD1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _930DC7D7_4C71_474f_9FFB_7E20BB8C9976_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service (MSExchangeIS) isn't running. | _93558cf0_e063_45b1_b57a_0d4b53e0d615_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMCallAnswer: Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass | _9374755C_B503_4554_B7FE_A95511B9A2B3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 8 (Report Collection). | _938AD410_AFB3_40CA_B89A_9B127238AF8F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Active Sync is temporarily suspending requests to an unresponsive mailbox server. Users with mailboxes on this server may not be able to sync until the server recovers. | _941DC03D_9ED0_411c_B78C_AA59DE1073EF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: CI Troubleshooter failed to resolve issues | _9440637D_3CDB_4F56_A5B5_6E4B217C2F43_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Corrupted log files exist on a database copy outside the database's required log range. A successful failover restored service. | _94546773_4868_4d80_8cbd_b69bf8e25310_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID Process (w3wp#10) | _94562962_7172_484F_A014_C35BBFB010C1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database availability group is experiencing problems that may cause it to eventually fail due to stale security information. | _945b8fdf_a054_4de6_b26f_91763081252a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests Failed | _94E87241_BBA8_4c9b_A34E_4492ABAB6BFA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Mounted (Report Collection). | _94FAD5FA_DB21_4d55_A680_79512A7692EE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyMounted | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (External) transaction warnings. | _9515A8CC_ECBC_495B_BE8C_2558D99F82E9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search Service failed to start due to a message tracking log error. | _958FB7AC_9DF6_45E4_8991_7EDD6D78FB64_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-WebServicesConnectivity cmdlet in internal mode. | _959F10A7_6010_40BD_A18A_58FF28AF1C98_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: RPC/HTTP Proxy: Current number of unique users | _95A41F27_59DA_401d_9553_7D641D959C37_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A non-transient error blocked replication startup of a database copy. | _95A7E512_E281_4282_A3F8_D03250D0AFEE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: WebReady Document Viewing isn't registered. To correct this problem, reinstall Outlook Web App. | _95AF3CD8_CC5E_472F_8E7F_40FC5F3007FA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App connectivity (Internal) transaction warnings. | _95D89044_653C_43F7_997E_420A313224B4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: EAS Current Requests | _962B9101_916F_45e5_A8E3_89B6547686EB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessActiveSync | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Total Journal Reports decrypted | _964EB5B6_0C29_4baa_9846_DB00779D76CF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Retry Non-Smtp Delivery Queue Length. | _96957316_80BF_4F69_87AB_EC8395413373_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) | _96981B30_BA7C_455e_B6D7_016102F12420_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: There was an Outlook Web App connectivity (Internal) transaction failure. The Client Access server configuration check failed. | _9705283E_8972_4898_BB23_27CD76750386_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Total Messages Prelicensed | _9746C046_F5C3_4e1e_B3B0_EFC6DA1B6FCA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Total Messages Sent | _97631CAD_7E66_4097_944C_9A557BD1558A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Client Reported Failures - Partial or Other Failures | _9767AD6C_D3EC_4500_B845_0FEF6D9B2022_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Total Messages Licensed | _977DA086_CDB8_4210_BBFF_5C8FA8FE0858_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: A file from a theme folder couldn't be parsed. Review MSExchangeOWA event 22 for the cause. | _978B00BA_E283_4F88_AD5E_F59D7EEE3342_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS RPC Request Timeout Detected (Report Collection). | _97f74779_f716_4dd0_bffd_5bb7efef8d93_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStorePerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on database volume space. The volume has reached critical levels (8\% free). | _98042037_5FA8_42eb_B181_382ECC6665F1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Restart of search services failed. | _985942B1_F943_48a8_A1C6_79901E654A74_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Max Effective Time In RPC Per Minute | _986232F6_496F_46fb_AF96_8A36752F6143_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Test-CalendarConnectivity cmdlet failed to run in internal mode. | _9867315F_CAFD_41b9_A142_53901A4D01C3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (LSASS) | _98AB1A89_BB89_43f1_8C03_A636E01B9A9C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A memory allocation failure affected a database copy on the local server. The database copy may terminate replication or dismount. | _99781086_94d4_4aad_8c1b_9c6bc57caae1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Restore ended successfully. | _99AAC606_D622_4AC8_9F61_9A908A3EC220_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID process (w3wp#2) | _99B4BFFA_8398_4ce1_A9EA_330307D99910_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (MSExchangeMailSubmission) | _99D1CF2D_FD76_4280_9D7A_82DC080B0492_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeAssistants CPU | _9A078632_29E9_426e_853E_6A879B6DA1E2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Unreachable Queue Length. | _9AA8824F_C9A4_44C6_830C_529A120F0A9D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. | _9ACE2DDD_B5D7_46C0_8536_6015B9F51EDE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Disconnected. | _9AEAF0DF_D1C1_4aee_810E_0A9581103058_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopy | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Calendar Connectivity transaction warnings - Virtual Directory is not enabled for Anonymous Calendar Sharing. | _9BE7F995_58A8_493d_B45F_350656D640C0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A storage performance problem is affecting the database copy on the local server. Client performance may be affected. | _9c2ec8a8_4c05_4977_be28_6a4a89ccd23c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service (MSExchangeSA) isn't running. | _9c4a9e22_04d9_4ca2_8cc5_dcfbb9170b05_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on database volume space. The volume is 25\% free. | _9C5C1CA0_26DE_44e6_97B7_CFEA8728C6C3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Log Replay is Not Keeping Up (Report Collection). | _9CBEA69A_3F29_4c99_B00C_3D421189E238_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyReplay | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. No Exchange virtual server was found on the node specified by the user. | _9CC640FE_0077_445a_B37A_48E5082DB748_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Test-MailFlow was unable to send a cross-premises test message due to mailbox MAPI session failure. | _9D3052F1_40BC_4a62_A3B7_C1E7E3B3C953_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeTransport detected a critical storage error but didn't complete the recovery action. The service has stopped; please investigate. | _9D909D0A_89B0_4090_97D8_7AA4AC6DCDBF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 0 (Report Collection). | _9DAE32AB_75A2_490B_83C9_75B52AD7F750_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has failed to start due to an error retrieving the local host information. | _9e0be3b0_c686_4752_ae73_ed6ccb3889c5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: Client:Latency > 10 sec RPCs (Report Collection). | _9E386C35_24FF_4A86_9FB7_9641B2DE7A94_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to run the Test-AssitantHealth diagnostic cmdlet. | _9E423332_ED7F_40a5_BBA9_F802EA2B2DD5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) | _9E57241D_1CB2_4930_8491_21A75940A84D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Failed to initialize DSAccess. Proxy address calculation services will not be available on the local Exchange server. | _9EE719A0_E3C9_44C7_A33B_CCFB47B49D1B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#4) | _9EE76721_D631_4fb4_AF81_7083515CB7AB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: WSMan:Active Users | _9F2E388A_E82E_440B_8CBC_97D463B882BF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRemotePowerShell | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A Receive connector has failed connectivity testing twice within the last 10 minutes. | _9F5096C0_387A_434B_BE9C_E6AE312BAE07_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Database RPC Average Latency. | _9f9d1ad7_fe2a_4346_bd5a_b14bd08cce26_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Unreachable Queue Length. | _9FA3E6FB_C03D_44DB_A9D0_0EB3D97710B4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Delivery Failure Routing 5.4.4 happened over last 5 minutes - Yellow(>5). | _9FC504B9_3332_4773_8297_79CDBA4733FE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: WSMan:Active Operations | _9FDFC62C_9AF2_49FF_8BD5_91B386DC034E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRemotePowerShell | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Successful Client Reported Requests - Total | _A01F462A_EAC6_4f74_AF5A_EC9943790F68_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Avg Time Cross Site | _A020909B_5A9E_4568_9DC4_E996AE01980E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The session object hasn't been created. | _A0474BE5_42D8_4971_8116_3900A423CF12_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database writes (recovery)/sec | _A0477A60_3CB3_4904_B895_A6663016927C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Autodiscover request failed to complete using external host names. | _A04A9A11_B875_4ec4_901C_C07C0381A8C4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Memory: Committed Bytes | _A0646AEC_6246_4AC0_8785_97731A951280_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (MSExchangeRepl) | _A0B3DEAB_D696_46b0_BCDB_CEFA98B90442_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Current unique users | _A15BFCE6_EF74_4aac_BCEC_687D1372B342_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Reads/sec (Report Collection). | _A1A797F3_16F9_47A0_88CB_F2CDA53044F7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangePop3: AUTH rate | _A2017205_D6C7_4a06_A67B_1C8A41A7EA38_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: There was a Web Services connectivity (Internal) transaction failure. The credentials supplied can't be used to test Web Services. | _A2081208_6F97_46B5_818B_455AEC4F5D16_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Client: Bytes Received/sec. | _a248245f_8d06_4d49_ad43_ca65892921b2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Recovery for catalog has been disabled | _A27715B3_C4FB_4CEB_9EEC_B5EEF1D876D9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: Microsoft Exchange Transport DSN: Failure DSNs within the past hour. | _A285B045_5E90_4dad_B0C1_FE2C82174032_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Online defragmentation is resuming. No user action is required. | _A2C638F8_4634_452B_8965_0E4F328AA78D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (w3wp EWSManagement _Total) | _A2EFBF8A_4825_4dab_825A_DA61214B3FFC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Messages sent/sec. | _a317540d_f6f5_4310_bb1a_9affe9933211_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database is already in use. The service will be stopped. | _A38D3B5B_5627_4C21_8AA7_22592DC64B40_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service (MSExchangeFDS) isn't running. | _a393ad84_eba1_4d96_9782_113974f0aefc_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Search service is being continuously restarted by the CI troubleshooter | _A3A85FAF_0846_437E_86CF_DDB12B4574ED_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: One of the recipients resolved to multiple addresses; therefore, the message will be deferred. Review the event description, and correct the recipient configuration. | _A3C4E4B6_490E_40e2_89D6_7FBF03ADCFB5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An Active Directory search has failed. Cannot access schema information. | _A3D45C91_497F_48B2_B6DF_DBBCC44140AD_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (Imap4) | _A43B9050_FC24_4028_995A_28CE64FBD726_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Netlogon service queue backup - sustained for 10 minutes - Red(>30). | _A4C09984_FA2E_45DD_AA86_99188E96C4F9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Windows Remote Management Service (WinRM) isn't running. | _a4f02f59_88ad_4bd0_86a1_1dc374bd2069_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _A6304994_5D1C_49fc_B975_6F08C7E9C2D4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Resynchronizing. | _A6486712_013E_4457_856C_95DF03D18163_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopy | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Corrupted log files exist on a database copy within the database's required log range. A successful failover restored service. | _A6527170_9C70_45c9_AF5C_3266CBCEB9FF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (MSExchangeRepl) | _A6C2BD44_5E9A_4532_A1B1_FA2318B549FC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Client Reported Failures - Connection Failures | _A717BCB6_AE5B_42e3_96EA_22F11C53CB7B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport component latency: 50\% | _A73E463E_2F72_4ad3_B1F6_580F3C6A1ECE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Remote Open Proxy (Report Collection). | _A762F93B_2709_466B_AA14_69EA7916D831_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) | _A7972E21_2518_41d4_BDD7_1A0CFBEB2D83_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A user mailbox has hit session limits. | _A85A26E8_6B30_444f_A430_19B1241222AF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (Internal) transaction failure - Client Access server configuration check failure. | _A85DBD19_4187_4926_8129_C6A31E323BFE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A directory error occurred while running the Test-MAPIConnectivity cmdlet. | _a86210c5_1427_41d1_957f_04d86afe8fbc_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests Not Found | _A88A3CAD_98F4_40a7_9258_B1D9F699D8B8_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Detected indexing backlog for multiple databases on server | _a8a1b25b_26d7_49b7_b60b_ece10c9d0f95_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Replay Service: Handles (Report Collection). | _A8A662DA_5440_4756_99CC_F781FD667117_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.ReplayService | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (w3wp#3) | _A8D9E6A9_FBBD_4247_9F13_056EFAF964E9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: System Attendant failed to add the local computer as a member of the Active Directory service group object. | _A8FF8474_0A25_4752_BEDF_11FEAF631EC3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMGeneral: Average Call Duration | _A94BC178_C0B9_421E_B63C_BCB2897F86FC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| The database engine stopped an instance. Use the error code listed in the associated event, ESE ID 104, to determine the cause and resolution to this event. | _A9A7D635_5C70_4715_872B_CCC50A6E0F52_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy must be reseeded due to an error in the database copy. The database copy status is failed and suspended. | _a9b0e0f6_1313_4d7e_9bd6_38de868aaaac_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| The database engine stopped restoring. No user action is required. | _A9E869F3_D2BD_4600_9703_5A340DC8B67B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Microsoft Exchange initial problem report event. | _A9ECDAF2_B568_4B18_9367_AB75F61C3877_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonAllServerRoles | EventCollection | False | False |
| Collect: HTTP Service Request Queues: Current queue size | _AA0EBAED_CB10_430b_9D7E_1CCF17818ECA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Average Call Time | _AABD63FE_4340_4FDE_99D7_2C52F9AB24A0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: Exchmem: Current Bytes Allocated. | _AAE544E7_EF3D_4D1E_9477_C2ADEDD261FD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStorePerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: In-Forest MailTips isn't responding to requests within SLA - Red (>10s) - | _AAE5D1FB_13F1_4391_A6AD_50CC90FF4B43_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Resource Throttling: Raw Resource Value | _AB228C5D_BA1F_43eb_8707_019CA739FE42_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: Read-only files have been found in the Pickup directory. | _AB58ABB8_9305_4EC6_AAE7_24CB69537EDC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Address Book service (MSExchangeAB) isn't running. | _acf19cd8_7644_4f64_a875_03e7ef55e33c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 5 (Report Collection). | _AD01F890_59D8_4225_B5CB_137F08C999ED_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Client Access: OAB is getting too large Red>965738496 bytes (921 MB) | _AD53E509_9671_48b2_A032_28DBB87498B1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Block List (Report Collection). | _AE20F22A_E7DE_46E1_87A4_124949A26B68_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender Id: Messages That Bypassed Validation. | _AE3200B1_AA4C_45C9_94F5_624706C9A84B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (w3wp) | _AE5CEC08_CDF8_48a9_9E01_DD716577C757_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Total External Messages Failed To Prelicense | _AE83324B_81CA_4353_878A_F74429DD661D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport SMTP Receive: Messages received per second | _AEC40DFA_9D30_480e_A1C1_DE5FFB72DECB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service isn't running. | _aec6c194_d147_4e99_b36d_9ee515c6e63b_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _AF112521_B628_4591_90EE_143CBC1AE71D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Percent of Active Hub Servers over last 30 minutes - Red(<10) - Edge Server. | _AF52BE08_8E71_4d23_8DC0_1CC2BC50F4D7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to sync entries to EHF. | _AF8995E2_DDDD_4BB2_B108_963142F2469C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: Client:Latency > 2 sec RPCs (Report Collection). | _AFBC8344_756B_4D3E_A831_3821DD114096_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Transport availability impacted - Server down over last 5 minutes - Red(<50). | _AFD0F851_175E_422f_9D68_8A392BAE2229_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search service failed to read configuration from Active Directory. | _B048F00C_2099_49E1_91B5_88221308B369_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| An Exchange mailbox database is starting a snapshot backup. No user action is required. | _B0729056_B2C6_49C4_AAFE_10155290585E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Failed Requests/s Red>10 | _B14594D0_7D32_4195_8AD4_2EE37B22AC9F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Message Opens/sec. | _b20f7cc1_97f0_4136_8f6c_9f823cf04309_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Total number of text messages sent via SMTP. | _B24B5DE2_ECB7_4DCF_B5B5_613D96680F3B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Incremental reseed failed the initial checks. The passive database copy cannot be resynchronized with the active database copy. | _B286EDB3_D68E_4ca9_B90F_8433652D4D89_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: LDAP Fatal errors per minute - sustained for 2 minutes - Yellow(>20). | _B29CA4A5_27E8_4772_A1C8_B80BB528E8DC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while executing the Test-OWAConnectivity (Internal) cmdlet. | _B2AD4F21_F51E_476C_AEDF_9C8FB3832EFB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The transaction log sequence for a database is about to run out of available file names. | _B2B4A2A5_977B_47FA_B9EC_7D47A655B8F9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Average Subscriber Call Duration | _B31A06BA_5559_409B_A582_1A03A7BDA784_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Successful Client Reported Requests - Less than 10 seconds | _B33B1DCE_7C26_4114_86A1_73CAC5D70A53_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Active copy corrupt | _b373056b_0dd7_43bd_bf62_e53112daba6c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Log Volume: \% Free Space | _B38FE903_2634_4689_B8A0_5E3822B81F8C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyLogLogicalDiskSpace | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store failed to start because the RPC listener registration failed. | _b3998d8b_df68_4199_a25f_f348cffdbdf5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An IP gateway or IP PBX didn't respond to a SIP OPTIONS request from the Unified Messaging server or couldn't be contacted. | _B3B16112_D6EB_4B1F_AFD4_C33FE14C8667_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeFDS:OAB: Download Task Queued | _B3B1C7F5_B789_46E6_B533_A5FF7406ECEB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessFileDistributionService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Log IO: Log File Write Average Latency (Report Collection). | _B426DEFE_0A9B_44c8_8A2C_89D589679BA7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyLogLogicalDiskPerformance | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| The database engine successfully completed index cleanup on the database. No user action is required. | _B43CF8A4_BD65_40A2_9D82_B4082A183559_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange Information Store: Delivery Blocked: Low Log Disk Space. | _B448B58D_C97D_4BB5_A630_3884DC49C1D7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Mailbox Offline Exception Percentage Red>10 | _B46E61E8_E102_4799_9358_872BDB659547_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: LDAP Searches timed out per minute - sustained for 2 minutes - Red(>20). | _B4891BB1_C37A_4249_ACF8_D8C236494764_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Continuous reseed loop detected for a catalog | _B49DEF35_3BE5_4270_916B_9BC4D5211472_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The Client Access server wasn't specified. | _B4EC1F25_98AA_44e1_84ED_767E1F749194_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Log Writes Average Latency (Report Collection). | _B51083C7_A985_4367_9FF6_AD20119AA848_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service certificate is nearing its expiration date. | _B533D3DC_E3B9_49E1_A5A1_1D31569EA10E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service failed to start. | _B534D3DC_E3B9_49E0_B5A4_1D31559EA10D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Total messages encrypted for policy | _B54EC3C1_8BBC_4c20_A760_DDABF02336C7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service isn't scanning MDB queues for jobs. | _b54f9f66_df9e_46ff_96a8_feaa4bbed681_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Too many failed message tracking requests via EWS - Red (>5\%) - | _B55A01FE_124F_4b01_B1B4_6EC95371C178_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. | _B5752ED1_4803_4575_B2EA_F13907E91B3D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Email Message Queue Accessed | _B57FB81C_4B79_428F_827A_56B6FDF710FA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeImap4: Average Command Processing Time Red>60s | _B592DA00_25D1_407e_BA0E_58CD137C04A3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute the Test-ReplicationHealth diagnostic cmdlet. | _b60902a7_999b_4b2f_8294_86467325555c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages submitted/sec | _B627CBD3_D4CC_4972_95F3_4AB9BE7D897E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Unexpected dismount of a database copy. | _B6C05632_F686_43b2_B177_577F3FAB8B38_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Retry Non-Smtp Delivery Queue Length - sustained for 30 minutes - Red(>1) - Hub Transport. | _B70886DD_AA15_48d6_8EF1_4FC79DBF3B16_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Unable to execute the Test-EdgeSyncEhf diagnostic cmdlet. | _b7126339_fce6_4e8b_a40b_4957f212f017_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Total Server Latency for 99 percentile of messages. | _B712EFB8_A74F_4e5c_80D9_4CF4FC364ABF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (w3wp AirSync _Total) | _B717FB9B_FF1A_4408_BBEF_7A7920E0CD4A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport IsMemberOfResolver ExpandedGroups Cache nearing capacity - Yellow(>66). | _B77D8E56_D44C_4e46_B8D8_54BD2DC2C48F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy is suspended. The database copy isn't keeping up with the changes on the active database copy. | _b7862783_2e2c_452f_9062_c674bfae6f99_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (Internal) transaction failure - The test credentials can't be used to test the Exchange Control Panel. | _B7CF638F_AE9E_4389_BD3A_EADC8EA98495_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Hard I/O error will dismount or terminate replication for the database copy on the local server. | _b82f2784_48e8_4a13_93f8_76fca5f29af5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange couldn't find a certificate in the personal store on the local computer. | _B847294A_09AD_4E2D_A7C8_3066410359B1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Reseed of catalog failed. | _B881F88D_5E2F_4cca_B348_A5EA5EFA79C1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: POP3 Current Connections | _B8A60F78_736A_49c7_BF19_CFD2B2DCBCB1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessPop3 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A serious I/O error (lost flush) was detected on a database copy. All copies of the database may be affected. | _B8D0D08A_98AC_4162_8254_3E5E1406F647_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Index of an information store table is corrupted. There is no single specific cause for this kind of corruption. | _B949F93C_266B_4307_B21F_E342DC801A52_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file isn't valid. | _B99C0462_6634_4CF6_8D22_737E352B80F5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange information store process (store.exe) has consumed 4GB of memory. | _B9A7DCB9_4D68_459f_9CD3_D7C7E38BC520_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 4 (Report Collection). | _B9DA4B4D_E20B_49BA_A7E1_BEDE4D5BF3BD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: One or more unexpected NDRs have been received in response to Test-MailFlow cross-premises test messages. | _BA1AF3DB_AF78_4396_949D_3C0A7FE39F7F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (LSASS) | _BA457C2C_7497_43ad_9268_EF1E6BF984BA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The specified server is not a Client Access server. | _BA5CFC17_5569_46cd_831C_9C8375F5B543_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Missing Availability Service Configuration Information for the Current Forest | _BA6E57EF_97A2_44af_951E_76F61219C511_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangePOP3 process is repeatedly crashing. | _BA860D5D_974B_49fd_A89A_BB660F173693_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMGeneral: Total Calls per Second | _BAC83354_398B_4365_81C9_F91932AD4A86_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% privileged time | _BAF6BBE4_0597_492b_B6CD_33B4237BDC3F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A user mailbox has reached the recoverable items warning quota limit. | _bb26bbcc_e86a_4db8_8737_9be12b9a95ca_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database page read failed verification because of a -1018 error (page checksum mismatch). This error is often caused by hardware issues. | _BB4ECBE4_D29E_4AF8_910C_3AD4886CC85A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. A forms registry file is not valid. | _BB65ACCF_C264_40BF_90E4_CCD85A4BD078_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The NTFS file attributes size for a database exceeds the threshold. This may prevent the database file from growing. Check for ESE event 739 in Event Viewer. | _bba58cf7_47ab_47c1_ae0b_60c082af006a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A message from a domain-secured domain failed to authenticate because the TLS certificate does not contain the domain name. | _BBF9B9A7_4C4D_4A88_B696_EFE91376BB3A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database reads (recovery)/sec | _BCBBA47E_8548_434e_8AED_DE544494F4B5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMGeneral: Current Calls | _BD067235_1823_4BA6_807F_A4BF2617F51F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS \% Connections (Report Collection). | _bd4fd24d_1c9a_447a_a9aa_da127437f29c_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStorePerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender Filter Agent: Messages Filtered by Sender Filter (Report Collection). | _BD8537BC_BC15_4394_B382_B5FC4789A02F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: A Web Services connectivity (Internal) transaction failure occurred. There was an Autodiscover failure. | _BDD568E5_0395_4BCA_AE83_1586966BC79C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (External) transaction failure - The test credentials can't be used to test the Exchange Control Panel. | _BE1ABFD1_3BF9_4955_A442_D49B31A4EF70_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App failed to initialize. There are multiple forms registries with the same name. | _BE83F6CA_0356_4E6D_936E_ADCFA3112A37_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. A security error was found. | _BECA4628_4D97_4a65_8398_FCD8DEE0D6D1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Allow List (Report Collection). | _BED55D32_6D75_4D4B_890E_E9F52C336BA2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The patch page read from a file failed to verify because of a page number mismatch. The patch file is corrupted. | _BED92DB5_29E1_4F09_BD7E_2125E4B7F8C0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport DSN: Failure DSNs Total. | _BEF90C91_4B4B_4604_B81D_F9B6E1DE9D35_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy isn't replaying log files fast enough to keep up or catch up with the changes being made to the active database copy. | _bf06befc_c495_4940_b8f0_eb2ba802579a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Dumpster: Dumpster Size | _BF384870_5DAA_4d02_BBD8_AC76EC19888B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database engine stopped an instance with error. Review the error code in the event Description. | _BF4EA222_B710_4281_8B9F_78CDE798A98B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Throttling service (MSExchangeThrottling) isn't running. | _bf7585b1_cb5b_4e44_b94f_4d4fb54009ba_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Over 5\% of messages failed prelicensing or server licensing in last 30 minutes | _BF8F0E57_5A87_435b_A293_D5006F01B03F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Avg Time Cross-Site Queries/sec | _BF9DC5B5_7731_405e_B5EC_0EBA7D4226D1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _BFBCA0AD_0AD8_4ed7_8D1D_7ADFCB8E4421_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Total Calls (Report Collection) | _C0041962_3598_44C2_BD7D_E73BA95CE654_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: IMAP4 Current Connections | _C0AF5126_6C74_424c_A550_3693C142A6D8_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessImap4 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a Neutral Result (Report Collection). | _C0D68CCC_9F3B_496F_B725_05FC93EB97C9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: At startup, the Microsoft Exchange Replication service's VSS Writer failed to initialize. VSS backups of passive mailbox database copies are disabled. | _c0fc6215_600b_483f_ab54_fcc204cdde5e_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Remote SRL (Report Collection). | _C120B3F7_89A3_4A62_98D5_33E5C05E10EC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeMailboxAssistants Failed Requests - Resource Booking | _C17004A8_EE28_4c60_9B1E_1FFE1F8B1101_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App connectivity (External) transaction failures. | _C187B89E_5B8B_4F1F_A2CD_4F0DCBA0ADE6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _C1F70C3D_B495_4a49_A432_F31B54947C55_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A read operation failed after attempting to correct a single-bit error. This is often caused by driver, firmware, or hardware issues. | _C24B83BF_4C7C_4B83_A336_6483688AD6BC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#2) | _C2A337C5_5CA9_43a9_BD70_C25E3F1D2FBE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database checkpoint file (.chk) is missing or corrupted. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. | _C2F64119_1FCB_45AF_B69E_8D570F2A5888_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Mailbox: Approaching too may client logons on Mailbox Yellow>48000 | _C3403CE3_8F5E_4ff4_B500_EB0CFC2A301A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _C3CCF0F7_7440_4714_ABBF_B9F333FA970B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: WebServices connectivity (Internal) transaction failures. | _C3CD6612_B3FE_4126_918F_90323C50E861_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has detected an RPC request timeout. | _c43fe0f7_0fde_49a7_893d_8adc8811584f_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: There was an Outlook Web App connectivity (External) transaction failure. The Test-OWAConnectivity cmdlet must be run on a Client Access server. | _C449F79A_1FCD_4641_813E_D72D19353DC0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _C487BE94_FC14_4e03_B55B_236A65712457_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Replay service detected a problem reading failure-item events. | _c4942b78_eb34_46b7_b9aa_f0adc18a34fe_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute the Test-EdgeSyncEhf diagnostic cmdlet. | _c4b3c56b_c302_4c80_8d09_56a2dd47a98f_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Corrupted log files exist on a database copy within the database's required log range. Recovery was unsuccessful. | _C4DE92B1_510C_4b75_8558_22DABAD9D3D4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| SMTP Send Connect for 99 percentile of messages. | _C4F32432_79A8_499f_B2B8_957FB5F6715B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeTransportLogSearch.exe process has been repeatedly failing within the last 30 minutes. | _C4F4833B_9728_448b_BE91_3AAE5FCBEB8E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Microsoft Exchange Transport is rejecting messages because the available disk space has dropped below the configured threshold. | _C54C75B0_8244_4FAE_8761_72C062C59A36_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Blocked Because of Remote SRL (Report Collection). | _C5754C08_DD00_4029_96FC_32B7E4A5AD25_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Exceeded the supported mount limit of database copies on this server. | _C5BCF28B_6591_44e5_9733_C28256B9D5BB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The SmtpReceive process failed to start listening on a configured binding because the specified address is already in use. | _C5D42171_F9B8_4C11_8DB7_9697330CB31D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID Process (w3wp#7) | _C5DE5C47_BC62_4203_BAA7_56496F5F9365_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Indexing backlog >2 day for 60 min: Please restart the MS Search (Exchange) and Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer services. | _C5F9DCF5_DE06_4ac3_BC17_E3BC0E8925E6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 8 (Report Collection). | _C608A16D_5095_4712_BC72_4D7AAB17F5CE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An Outlook Web App connectivity (Internal) transaction failure occurred. The test credentials can't be used to test Outlook Web App. | _C63CEE89_982A_4B91_96A8_D48335172FEA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (w3wp EWSManagement _Total) | _C6EC0BA0_52AA_4cb5_B4DF_975F10807657_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Content Filter agent couldn't be initialized because ExSMime.dll couldn't be initialized. | _C7136132_3E7A_42FE_8F7F_374F904491A9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The version of the server is older than the supported versions. | _C7B24DC0_12D1_4336_859E_D502574B8573_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Catalog indexing stall for extended duration of time | _C7CD1E2E_FB1D_44E9_8403_A19D9FD79D76_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeMailboxAssistants Failed Requests - Calendar Assistant | _C7EB370F_1653_484d_B446_AA57B8B8E5AE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MS Search (Exchange) has reached the allocated memory cap. | _C803B727_A78D_4ce1_A630_B0BA9C0495A7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Connection Failed Transient Exception percentage | _C89AF036_5342_4650_BE86_9C6979E60F0F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Writes Average Latency (Report Collection). | _C8A709DD_16CB_4F13_807C_1462F675F7CC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is experiencing an unusually high log generation checkpoint depth for a sustained period of at least 15 minutes. | _c8bad9bc_dfad_4d6d_901b_0a344e7970e5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Calendar Connectivity (Internal) transaction failures - Failed to Retrieve HTML view. | _C8D54E3F_471E_44b0_A311_B368073723A0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Users Currently Signed In | _C9046987_A4C4_410a_B924_BB8C5E6FB52C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Service Host service (MSExchangeServiceHost) isn't running. | _c9086eb9_f237_4e6a_9a9c_a62f4cc4adb0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Test-ECPConnectivity (External) cmdlet failed to run. | _C94C33BA_D1F7_41DF_839B_8F20C796CAB8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Items completed delivery per second | _C9B9CA9C_A24C_4678_B25B_B69C04927453_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (w3wp OWA _Total). | _C9CD1795_D684_4c46_AC0C_0FAAE93AF3A3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a Fail - Malformed Domain Result (Report Collection). | _CA16A015_3A2C_4281_9DF1_B1301C82A940_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a SoftFail Result (Report Collection). | _CA502E3D_7545_486C_9DCB_5B66F83E700A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Messages submitted/sec. | _ca8854c1_89c2_4ed6_84eb_79ae85f8d057_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Avg Time Cross Forest | _CAA0DBF2_1285_44e6_BDDE_1741FAF5F0CD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute the Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity (Internal) diagnostic cmdlet. | _CB004129_56ED_4E76_88D8_C344FB67DD77_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport service (MSExchangeTransport) isn't running. | _cb141f89_77c9_4d5b_a744_1e4c6df45204_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: LogicalDisk: \% Free Space. | _CB166911_6CCB_476D_9B78_E10C547D4951_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonServer | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database writes per second | _CB1CBF5D_BE2A_4f09_A4E1_958E6907114B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Ending backup of the database. Look for other ESE Application log events to determine backup completion status. | _CB4CAB11_2787_423B_BAF1_8574964C773C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App connectivity (External) transaction warnings. | _CB86B85A_AF81_43FC_9B07_3C6FC00D3D42_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#7) | _CBB4D31B_138B_4BE9_BF19_CA136BC536C0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A mailbox on this database has been quarantined. | _cc3fd4a7_b870_4861_9f47_24a3961918de_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is low on log volume space. The volume has reached warning levels. | _cc4f2e1a_817c_44d9_b527_4216676b3bfd_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Recipient Filter Agent: Recipients Rejected by Recipient Validation (Report Collection). | _CC76B7AA_12A2_4DA2_9810_BC5CF5352897_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsRecipientFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Transaction failures occurred during MAPI connectivity testing. | _cc976087_cb72_41ca_b100_92c5fa41ed1a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost) | _CCB7B2FF_5E36_415f_B0B3_0FDA71930452_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 9 (Report Collection). | _CCEF754D_CD74_460D_B034_59C22595B1D6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Failed to execute TestGenericRollupHealth.ps1 for DatabaseServiceContainsDatabaseCopyMounted. | _CD1E0AF2_DFB7_4be8_8922_C0B8A0B6A1E0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Mailbox: MSExchange Database Log Records/sec. | _cd55c210_1492_4dcc_9887_bbe02fb71c76_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyCorruption | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with a Preexisting SCL (Report Collection). | _CD794C8B_4234_4CF6_8D37_CF7889196CE0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: .NET Time in Queue for EWS Application Pool | _CEBC0977_E454_464a_A9FB_13C4E6D5A5A0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| The online defragmentation was interrupted and terminated. | _CEDA1F96_0BED_4744_9070_02E720F29DD0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Client Reported Failures - Total | _CEE122AA_F338_4bdb_9F43_34D354183FF5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _CF35077B_0185_4583_8FE1_96C742980309_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Content Filter agent couldn't be initialized because sufficient memory couldn't be allocated for an internal buffer. | _CF40D94B_1555_41B0_8411_D660176E4D72_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Activation of transport components failed because of an unexpected exception. | _CF45C563_69B2_4DB5_9912_722ED6F441D1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 1 (Report Collection). | _CF8FDF45_1964_478C_8A30_8D03399C9D8D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error but won't take recovery actions. The service has stopped; please investigate. | _CF9BC4E8_193F_4856_97EE_0127B67410ED_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeMalboxAssistants - Mailbox Sessions In Use By Dispatchers | _CFD17B1D_3727_4155_8F62_8327E5B500A0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: One or more Objects properties are pointing to Active Directory deleted objects. See event log for details. | _D00ED0ED_D9B5_48DF_9FF7_32F1A9CC592B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The RMS agent failed to initialize or read the configuration from Active Directory. | _D0567EB5_C500_482a_BBD5_8B753736B72F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Credential service (MSExchangeEdgeCredential) isn't running. | _d0705a18_3c3b_4916_b893_8c967de4b8e4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service is not running. | _d071e080_b6b5_49e7_abcd_f55c57117b70_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while running the Test-ExchangeSearch diagnostic cmdlet. | _D0ACF215_12A6_4C23_BA24_4E828872918C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service wasn't able to enable the Tasks RPC listener. | _d0adb6d7_2c2f_454f_87c1_de5c474eeb23_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (w3wp OWA _Total) | _D0D0A508_7DE2_4812_97B9_7EC067687036_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _D121E8E0_01A3_491a_B9F7_3127E5014D29_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: RPC packets per second | _D147862B_C9AE_45f8_A688_5E9C4C88AA32_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Dumpster: Dumpster Item Count | _D182F15F_5E55_4d78_953A_841C9379D01A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database has reached the maximum size. The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service is attempting to dismount the database. | _D1EA3E07_FEAD_43BE_B610_DB9C8DEE1E92_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMCallAnswer: Call Answering Calls (Report Collection) | _D21E8BB0_2B94_4825_81C8_0DD052D862C3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Active Manager Server: Total Number of Databases | _D22EE4EB_8251_4935_88E3_8401A411A9AC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: OABGen failed to load the OAB version 4 manifest file. | _D2405780_498B_47e3_B9FD_A64B80DE77B6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Couldn't initialize the Content Filter agent. Check the access control lists (ACLs) on the files. | _D240AD5E_BC03_4A15_8F74_148E6281A554_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Voice Messages Deleted | _D252FDA7_5136_41A5_A638_28846533A211_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport component latency: 50\% | _D25B4E2D_2F92_4fb7_9A68_9CA602617F83_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport SMTP Send: Messages sent per second | _D27B56DA_BDFB_4869_A449_D5939CB465CA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: IMAP4 connectivity transaction failures. | _D27F04D5_15C1_44e8_A15C_043CD7F19BA8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working Set (w3wp#9) | _D2A27942_D97B_4CC1_B679_F6288DAA0634_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (Internal) transaction warnings. | _D2FCB90D_426B_4A8C_AA6C_955E4B2E4916_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Working set (w3wp#6) | _D33658A7_461D_4e8d_905D_BA477A1EDCCF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Outbound authentication failed at the send connector. It may have failed to acquire a Kerberos ticket for the destination target name. | _D3AD2DAB_AC7C_4439_AFBB_7B3B66406F26_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#2) | _D3B08FD7_7E98_4f3a_BB40_CCBDBCC0D18F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Block List Providers (Report Collection). | _D3B8DEED_E0EF_4F41_8831_418EDB29D4E9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp) | _D4191DE0_C558_42af_8804_19B8D5857AE4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Storage Transient Exception Failure Percentage Yellow>5 | _D449D35D_6981_45ba_A526_452A8485AB0F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAvailability: Calls Disconnected on Irrecoverable Internal Error | _D4D937F1_04A2_4A6B_B655_F68323741CD7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: RPC/HTTP Proxy: Current number of incoming RPC over HTTP connections | _D4F528CE_98C3_4e93_B0FC_4F05ABFF6ED1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database reads (attached)/sec | _D53158A4_25B9_41aa_A3D9_83826961BFDF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants service (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) is not running. | _d5515d9f_931d_44ab_bac9_7981c189eb2d_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Text messages sent/sec. | _D567F7C2_BFD5_4352_A52C_EAD4916B595B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Protected Service Host service (MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost) isn't running. | _D56D4628_7091_4f67_AE8F_F1DEF19A6749_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Transport User PreLicensing and/or Server Licensing Impacted - More than 5\% of IRM messages failed prelicensing or server licensing in the last 30 minutes - Red(>5). | _D571B10E_235E_4919_91AD_4AB9D8B8493C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Search Retry queues on the server are stagnant | _D5ACA160_F52A_4984_8E93_6736DFAD683E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangePowerShellLiveIDAppPool has exceeded its committed memory limit. See event ID 701 in the application event log for more information. | _D5CF1004_48C7_11DF_99F9_2BAC55D89593_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender Id: Messages Validated with a PermError Result (Report Collection). | _D5EF8FA0_D445_4975_8BFD_FE1B5B133065_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange Transport service was unable to start listening on the receive connector binding because an error was encountered. | _D63426C3_9C0D_45e7_A31C_81345B7A8748_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Outlook Web App proxy failed because no Outlook Web App virtual directory configured for Kerberos authentication could be found in the site. | _D652EF77_22DC_4444_8479_82DD7CCF02AF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages with No PRA (Report Collection). | _D655F427_4834_421B_B68E_DA35909E005B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: PID | _D66FB45D_FEDF_4fc3_85B6_3D2C1638FB63_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Failed requests | _D6B2C9A1_ABCC_49d8_B796_DF27AEA1F2A5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store can't create any more MAPI-named properties. | _d6bb1e22_e151_4993_b5f5_7328604e3741_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost) | _D72D72AD_36F1_4d5e_AFF4_D7F802913369_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMCallAnswer: Call Answering Voice Messages (Report Collection) | _D839213C_B2E6_4842_89AE_439236DDD7B1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O Database Writes (Attached)/sec | _D84FA790_36B4_4de5_811E_0538AD873B30_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second(EdgeTransport Transport _Total) | _D8DD3651_BD25_42c0_AF4E_9055BEE0FE22_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 6 (Report Collection). | _D93760E3_5CEF_405E_9D07_048CC8981AB8_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: RPC could not start. | _D93C0D26_DC93_4517_844B_E8DA7AC69066_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A file from a theme folder couldn't be parsed. Review MSExchangeOWA event 20 for the cause. | _D94A0FA6_4C27_4D41_9399_4E5609116F47_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The non-nullable column in the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) can't be found in the actual database table. | _D94A863B_E682_47FD_BCFC_FA5FEFE1A0CC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App wasn't able to proxy traffic because the authentication for the connection between the two Client Access servers failed. | _D9D72443_644A_4DD2_9571_015E51E2C9E8_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The specified server isn't a Client Access server. | _D9D73EBD_1B56_410a_B1FF_695CB6AF1BB2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Recipient Filter Agent: Recipients Rejected by Block List (Report Collection). | _D9F740B3_7A24_4092_AC61_AFA819D2C164_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsRecipientFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: An error occurred while the Test-ECPConnectivity (External) cmdlet was running. | _DA1F123E_5452_4AFC_9758_E89DFB04A255_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| The backup operation successfully completed. No further action is required. | _DA54F8A6_5B19_4312_A243_C1F76648EB84_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Three or more Test-MailFlow cross-premises test message responses have not been received. | _DA970C69_F3FF_4420_9C5F_C38BF5238D4E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (w3wp EWS _Total). | _DAAEB377_750D_4c4a_93F9_7B59EC5DBEAC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The internal TLS certificate for this server is missing. | _DAD4CB4D_33CF_4B6D_97F3_DD02FC02C22B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: msftesql: Process Processor Time > 180 percent | _db0a98b4_65cc_4be7_9eb9_1e2ac9043a63_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store has consumed 90\% of available RPC threads. | _db4ee2d6_db22_496a_9146_c7a9444efcb1_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Database Copy: Messages Queued For Submission. | _DB4F6665_196E_47de_AFD9_ECD66345E10C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopySubmission | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The streaming page read from a file failed verification because of a page checksum mismatch. | _DB921F2F_8578_413D_82B4_45F6A4CCEFF4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Could not read the forest GUID. The Proxy address calculation services will not be available on the local Exchange server. | _DBAF248E_2EC9_4DE5_806D_28994B58B463_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#1) | _DBC866C6_3537_4e78_B13D_67E89D031F1F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Total Messages Failed to License | _DC064E94_A2D3_40f8_9808_7376E2FCF3AB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsMessagingPolicies | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _DC220E8C_9A67_4e32_9004_93D1FEE9DADD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: WSMan:Active Shells | _DC3352D9_9985_4D09_9814_00C528256F39_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRemotePowerShell | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A gap in the log file sequence was detected. Restore the missing log file specified in the event description. | _DC73990D_EAE1_4444_814F_36658FF7F56D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Could not read the root entry in Active Directory. | _DD00B86F_9F9E_4908_850D_9B85F46340DB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (MSExchangeMailSubmission) | _DD1204CB_C36E_4a61_9D3F_B9B9ACE62721_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: LDAP Searches timed out per minute (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=5, MaxSampleSeparation=60). | _DD4EB391_A8EC_42ff_9580_DE31AFB01870_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exchange failed to retrieve the local server. It's possible that the DNS name of the server has changed. | _DD510CA1_1F41_4CD0_B4B4_0DE018B6D276_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (LSASS) | _DD688716_552E_4caa_9743_EBBA38CAC8FA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database copy is very low on database volume space. The volume has reached error levels (16\% free). | _dd77cb38_b8ac_43e7_823f_98b5bdbe08bf_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search Service failed to start due to an ACL setup error. | _DD81E7B7_D948_411A_B86B_1769D961577A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Service Restart for 99 percentile of messages. | _DDA6CDE8_4EFE_4ea7_8B31_7F5CFA595806_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search service failed because MessageTrackingLogPath was set to an invalid value. | _DDD56B9F_BAA2_4595_AC8D_6CE657AF8571_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange Information Store: Delivery Blocked: Low Database Space. | _DDE3FC3A_D5A0_4ED4_92D8_915DBBCAA4B6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeImap4: Active SSL connections | _DDE66E12_DD0C_40ed_B210_91AA6D3A7674_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (w3wp#9) | _DE5957F9_D9E0_40B6_A7B7_C08918A807DF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Passive database copy read latencies. | _de5d3667_8ed0_4ae4_bf59_0d7965f1ae44_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Voice Message Queue Accessed | _DE89A615_1E26_43E3_A1B9_F8C16851276E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Search Retry queues are stagnant | _DED8CE60_AC62_482D_BCCC_92E46E8DF9E9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The local database copy contains corruption. This problem can be corrected by reseedng the database copy. The database copy will terminate replication or dismount. | _ded93f77_9f9e_4556_a724_d7f9abd4319a_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Authentication of the connection to a secure domain failed because the TLS server certificate didn't contain the name of that domain. | _DEE64475_0E74_4215_9BFA_6271FF19F5E4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The A/V Edge service is misconfigured or isn't operating correctly. Calls from outside the UM organization might fail. | _dee7ed67_3f2f_4dde_87c7_099499a65236_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Availability Service initialization failed. | _DF0FB30A_62D2_4E7A_B35C_5BF987134471_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Aggregate delivery queue length (all queues) | _DF452473_D46A_461a_8B7B_90C2B26C4160_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (Microsoft.Exchange.Search.ExSearch) | _DFB4A100_D136_450b_ADDC_55FB0C7839E2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Database ==> Instances: Log Generation Checkpoint Depth. | _DFEA43BB_1F14_49D3_901D_DA4C90235D7A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Storage Transient Exception Failure percentage | _DFEB56F2_8CD2_4f19_9C7F_2C45690D57EB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The server can't achieveTransport Layer Security which the Receive connector requires for the MailFrom command to be run, | _E055B0D0_C283_41EA_AA85_E1CFA456C216_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: There wasn't enough disk space to complete the database operation. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. | _E0A971E0_69B1_4B5E_AA0C_B9297A4E8C3A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests per second | _E1044890_FD4C_4dd9_A1B6_D4C1C0A4CA4C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Store Driver Submission for 99 percentile of messages. | _E15A29AB_229C_4c7f_9B7A_527FC57ED7AB_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Calendar Connectivity (External) transaction failures - Failed to Retrieve HTML view. | _E1AC23EE_CAE4_4fc7_AF22_AD49FCB980EA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database page read failed verification because of no page data. This results in ESE errors -1018 and -1019. | _E21B893F_5589_411D_B4CA_FA91B6F0031A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Logons per second | _E315CAA3_2D65_4356_BA0D_090ACB716F42_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An EdgeSync process ended because the Hub Transport server couldn't find a matching direct trust certificate on the Edge Transport server. | _E3299B7D_F9E6_4A82_B425_6CA019D6A06E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ActiveSync: Average request time | _E334F02F_4321_4104_845E_5FD4441E175F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Mounted database read latencies. | _e3477ce6_4ee3_4b0b_9714_e43f6e50677e_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 2 (Report Collection). | _E34B717A_DE5A_4C1B_905E_990A99F63176_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (MSExchangeRepl) | _E37A7A3D_1E4F_4455_9967_64076A409249_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The IIS Admin Service (IISAdmin) isn't running. | _e38e2187_c32f_430d_bc4b_409c69447603_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: Microsoft Exchange Transport DSN: Delay DSNs within the past hour. | _E3AA1E25_E1D4_41a4_9255_AD68CB0E84EA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database writes (recovery)/sec | _E3BF1AF9_53A9_4a76_9474_52E5448B4A89_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport Policy Encryption Impacted - More than 5\% of IRM messages failing Transport Policy Encryption in the last 30 minutes - Red(>5). | _E3D0A754_DD22_480a_93A0_CDBF6C8DCAC4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database engine log disk is full. | _E420415D_4BE2_47EE_BD0C_06443FF345D5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: RPC requests | _E435C884_2102_41d6_8BA3_FD452B9009F3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMGeneral: User Response Latency | _E471B414_74A1_472C_8D38_50A9ACB0BEAF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: High percentage of Transport Throttling Service Client requests are failing - sustained for 30 minutes - Red(>10) | _E4DA6733_A889_42b3_B5C0_A8B50A949836_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (MSExchangeRepl) | _E542289F_69E7_488b_A176_4FAC31146EBE_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Hard I/O error will dismount or terminate replication on a database copy. | _e549edda_29f5_4d5e_b2f1_d0438f754577_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Users X Times OverBudget | _E551FCBE_891A_4ff7_AD8B_A9F673E7600E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#10) | _E55DED24_2F6E_45FC_BDC2_DA559861281A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Microsoft Exchange couldn't read the server configuration. The Microsoft Exchange Credential service will be stopped. | _E586AF17_1F24_4D1C_9060_71FDCFDD31CC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A secure connection to a domain secure domain could not be established because the validation of the TLS server certificate failed. | _E5F99D06_8915_4544_96BE_D30BD9C5312D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange information store: RPC Averaged Latency - sustained for 5 minutes - Red (>70 msec). | _e615a354_1df7_4d34_87bd_0f6706aad86f_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Troubleshooter failed. | _E628287D_B641_4975_9552_E53B7EBD2B49_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Microsoft Exchange couldn't read the server configuration because the directory is unavailable. | _E665941A_961D_4825_AF6B_7DC3D2A37F47_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange information store: RPC Averaged Latency - sustained for 5 minutes - Yellow (>50 msec). | _e6cd2d86_0b00_4aa4_91ae_170a1a70fa76_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: The STARTTLS certificate will expire soon. The certificate must be renewed to preserve mail flow. | _E6D4C7DC_6BA9_4D33_9FAB_3F37E88A987D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: EdgeSync MSERV synchronization isn't configured. | _e6e19525_336f_4ea0_8a97_7b9d58085b42_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Total number of text messages sent. | _E7052792_504A_4D6C_A42D_5ABF6B8ADBCA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: MSExchangeActiveSync: Requests Queued Red>500 | _E7C95109_6420_43ad_9B27_3C96A024F2AB_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Passive database copy writes latencies. | _E7D02F10_0BA6_4FD2_B6DE_5CCF4DC80613_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.DatabaseCopyPerformance | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: IM - Sign-In Failures | _E7E14078_1A87_4029_9E4B_EC47AFD38DEF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Successful Client Reported Requests - Less than 20 seconds | _E7EA33AE_3139_45bd_A86A_C79BCCDE580F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: File Distribution Service: Failed to read the security descriptor from Active Directory for the offline address book. | _E83261DC_B7CD_4D33_A31D_999C8DF6C5F4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Failed requests per second | _E8347047_A66A_432d_8F92_5172BF415110_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS RPC Request Timeout Detected on Server (Report Collection). | _e89d989c_2506_4061_b6b5_1bb608933d5e_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStorePerformance | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a Pass Result (Report Collection). | _E93FB8D1_7B89_4BC6_8CD3_F54D8FFC37B6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: ID Process (w3wp#11) | _E9870702_7658_472C_B5D2_9762A78261A2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Microsoft Exchange Monitoring service events. | _E9D3768C_BA43_47E1_A4DD_74964CE5F4E1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonAllServerRoles | EventCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 4 (Report Collection). | _E9F307F2_82F1_4C68_808A_BDC0DDD350F6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Attachment Filtering: Messages Attachment Filtered (Report Collection). | _E9FD393A_7A5C_4B0E_872A_D40555D2388D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsAttachmentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Cross-Forest MailTips isn't responding to requests within SLA - Red (>10s) - | _EA0F6944_6F1F_4ec4_8CA8_F02DE475394C_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The process to start transport agents failed. The transport service will be stopped. | _EAF0B308_03BF_497C_A004_B36C14F2DE5D_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database engine is unable to replay log file sequence due to fatal error. No further updates to the database are possible. | _EB0316EF_0C4D_4889_9215_F433EA548925_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is experiencing high disk latency, which is likely caused by a defective disk. | _eb425c63_bf0a_4aac_bf3d_aef5149c1a8f_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Avg Time Federated | _EB42836B_D431_4324_80AB_CA91F6AB5F1D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 6 (Report Collection). | _EB48F9E2_A09C_46F3_916D_7E88FA496832_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeMailboxAssistants - Percentage of Interesting Events | _EBB06AFE_6BE1_4388_B247_54D2501F5A03_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: SmtpAvailability: Activity Percentage | _EC01815C_CF3F_4b15_9859_C8434ED94D33_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database reads (recovery)/sec | _EC0F2E79_24A3_473b_8930_605D7493FD05_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: Your Autodiscover service configuration isn't secure. To fix this problem, disable anonymous access on the Autodiscover virtual directory. | _EC2E1639_05E5_4DE3_9ECB_A6D2288956B4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchange OWA: Storage Permanent Exception Failure Percentage Yellow>5 | _EC54A4DF_B89C_41d2_8B81_7377D97FB948_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The TLS certificate used for SMTP authentication by Exchange couldn't be read from Active Directory. | _EC97C8B4_BD35_4E96_8161_1DCA85426019_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender Filter Agent: Messages Evaluated by Sender Filter (Report Collection). | _ECB03110_DD18_448B_866F_B39EC6CA10CD_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchangeTransport DSN: Delay DSNs. | _ECC4DF5A_E259_462B_948C_E67B4874B5B2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages queued for submission | _ECFB91A7_5C42_4cfe_9C17_2D32B397FCBF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (External) transaction failure - Client Access server configuration check failure. | _ED498CBF_EA09_43B5_A937_6BD4A3D694DE_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Missing Originating IP (Report Collection). | _ED9CEA23_14F8_46FF_B80A_CAF3F3DB4BFF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Average response time | _EDD27EE2_5C75_49b8_A72E_D18C8816E6C1_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Resource Throttling: Resource Health Measure | _EDDB0192_47AD_45be_80D2_2F5FCC49304E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An E-mail Address Policy has an invalid Filter Rule (purportedSearch). New users, contacts and groups will not receive email. | _EDF99431_A386_4CCD_9EFC_C79D8975B101_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Outlook Web App proxy failed because of a version mismatch between the source and destination servers. | _EE1390F5_BEE4_438F_A768_D6252E07B4EA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (w3wp EWSManagement _Total) | _EE67BE62_2905_4e5e_AFBE_75D4148C372D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Suggestions Requests | _EECFD1AC_4F4B_450e_BCE2_7FF9B7E02630_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange ADAM service (ADAM_MSExchange) isn't running. | _eed681c4_631d_44cc_80a8_b3091c9d681e_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Frequent EAS service restarts. Check Application log for crash events and more information. | _EF0B8770_987C_4688_8400_039A4ED3CBFC_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages Rejected (Report Collection). | _EF2897F9_03B4_43A6_9B64_9F7E0AD92C92_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The database copy is not mounted on the local server. Another database copy may be mounted on a different server. | _ef4a8515_1cc0_48a9_aa12_92ba059a6eae_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Retry Mailbox Delivery Queue Length - sustained for 90 minutes - Red(>1) - Hub Transport. | _EF51D339_22C5_49b3_8B6B_25002BE31D4A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Couldn't run the Test-EdgeSyncMserv diagnostic cmdlet. | _ef9f008b_9bb9_4908_b306_47840c754b54_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP Search Time (w3wp EWS _Total) | _EFB09DD4_6D58_4be8_A1C2_6761B434A01C_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An Address List has an invalid Filter Rule (purportedSearch). | _EFE169D2_A97A_4FA9_B99A_AF2A15A4E43E_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: HTTP Service Request Queues: Max queue item age | _EFF2D3BE_A67E_4a6f_9AB6_66ADAA36435E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Failed to start the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service; review related events for more information. | _F0089B10_32F0_405D_AC3F_7AB2CF3B6980_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Calendar Connectivity (Internal) transaction failures - Failed to Retrieve ICS file. | _F04C4F01_5F34_49ed_9ABC_89BA31F76DEF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Remote PowerShell connectivity (Internal) transaction failure - Server configuration check failure. | _F05F9B1E_1FF6_4A96_B133_B882F169FBC0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file. This may result in severe performance degradation. | _f083c9f7_7cf4_4714_a9ef_17da49d093e0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Client Access: OAB is getting too large Yellow>858783744 bytes (819 MB) | _F0A62E02_3CDC_4fb9_B5B6_8C51F4123525_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange Control Panel connectivity (Internal) transaction failures. | _F0A79980_0D69_4A9B_8B14_3D07A5F0827F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Outlook Web App proxy failed because of SSL configuration issues on the destination Outlook Web App virtual directory. | _F0D0B8CE_11C4_41B2_961A_5A57AEEF62A2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a SoftFail Result (Report Collection). | _F0D58EDF_1410_40BB_9DA4_B7ADA1DA5A8B_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Text Messaging Agent: Text messages sent via EAS/sec. | _F0FF8627_F92A_4C16_AE65_ADDE9D40A2A0_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSMS | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchangeTransport Queues: Poison Queue Length. | _F10382B7_440B_4C1C_87CD_C58F3BE1B545_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Max Effective Time In Active Directory Per Minute | _F1238E4B_5112_459b_91A5_1C403813438A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: Ldap Search Time (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=30, MaxSampleSeparation=15). | _F144C86C_35EF_44D1_A475_E2351B173CAF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read time (w3wp AirSync _Total) | _F15E2E80_145B_4e7e_A09E_CED8021AA089_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: WebServices connectivity (Internal) transaction failure - The credentials can't be used to test Web Services. | _F1796B63_2FDA_4822_A6C6_1FBA8B8134D5_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Avg Time/request | _F19E198C_FAF4_4a58_8355_0603E9015219_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants service (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) is not running. | _F1C085CE_C9A3_46d7_AA71_F25CB008278F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: An IMAP4 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The mailbox isn't enabled for the user. | _F1C987AB_6AD5_426b_9100_88A16DBEF091_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Outlook Web App wasn't able to register for setting change notification for one of its virtual directories. | _F1CDCFE1_D2B9_4DBE_B4C9_144067954938_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: MSExchangePop3: Average Command Processing Time Red>60s | _F1D609EA_821A_4f41_81ED_C320EB472706_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Proxy user requests | _F26EF65B_67EF_4876_AD5C_E48E906AB4B7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (POP3) | _F2857778_298F_46db_ACFF_56E9DD9FFE0E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: At startup, the Microsoft Exchange Replication service couldn't enable the Tasks RPC listener. | _f293dc1d_eb1b_40cd_9363_adecc8ac82b0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: POP3 Current Proxy Connections | _F3099907_2DE4_4c8d_AAC9_DF3E4D4532F9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessPop3 | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Database ==> Instances: Log Generation Checkpoint Depth. | _F31B5C0B_9819_4800_911C_7A0B554799D7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportQueues | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Transport Categorizer Jobs are unavailable - percentage of available categorizer jobs - Red(<90). | _F35E938A_6DC6_4ece_9A2F_200AFD1575E0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange store terminated due to a stack overflow. | _f39dc3a7_a897_4d31_abdb_9cd53c88e16c_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3Svc) isn't running. | _f39f4de7_595f_40c1_bfb7_005f2fc2262f_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Percentage of messages completing categorization. | _F3B2FCDA_C3E1_4354_A0C6_33EB192BB858_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonTransport | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests in application queue | _F4187B1E_03B9_4b6d_A7AF_850973FEA76F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| The database engine successfully converted the database format. This is an Information event. No user action is required. | _F43B9A23_5D03_4F56_ADEC_D31E272B94FF_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: Microsoft Exchange Transport DSN: Delay DSNs within the past hour. | _F458206A_AF25_432c_B84B_A602D775966E_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportDsn | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NonServiceImpacting: An Exchange Control Panel connectivity (Internal) transaction failure occurred. Test-ECPConnectivity must be run on an Exchange server. | _F470EE33_2566_4AFD_9D6E_47CA384DF11A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Recipient Filter Agent: Recipients Rejected by Block List (Report Collection). | _F47C8FC3_98A2_4775_98DC_59866937DA27_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsRecipientFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (EdgeTransport) | _F4AF383B_9DD7_47ee_BD45_BD5D0310B2A2_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Couldn't load the Exchange store because the distinguished name (DN) of the message database doesn't match the DN of directory. | _f4b40d85_3c73_438f_9175_b2b26c5d783e_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service (MSExchangeIMAP4) isn't running. | _f4c07953_18fa_40b2_a4f9_589645708b65_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Exchange was unable to execute the diagnostic cmdlet to probe the POP3 connectivity state. | _F4DCDFFA_0CE7_11DB_9607_00E08161165F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: User Throttling: Max Effective Time In AddressBook Per Minute | _F4DDFA2F_1DF3_4974_BC3E_D2E2C19222B9_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessWebServices | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Events are not being Processed for a database. | _F4E192B7_A353_4941_A1E6_0206EA234BEA_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Database copy isn't keeping up with the changes on the active database copy and has failed. | _F50A719B_6E5A_4bf5_B5C3_61619CF658A4_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer service (MSExchangeSearch) is not running. | _f517984d_9ae2_4849_bb08_69d54c55acf3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests Timed Out | _F537145D_6015_497e_A0DF_D077A4BCF100_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Connection Filtering Agent: Connections on IP Allow List (Report Collection). | _F53E0A06_B973_4F0A_AA54_5FA8B8527ED4_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsConnectionFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search time (w3wp AutoDisc _Total) | _F541FAFF_E839_4088_A87E_49F1A0D7C6F6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: A folder couldn't be created to cache the current Outlook Web App process. Other processes may be using the same directory. | _F544640E_0DA2_42B4_8C3D_7C7842E9BCA7_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The mailbox isn't enabled for the user. | _F55216AB_C56B_4e97_99CD_E9B6B048BBAF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeTransport component latency: 95\% | _F55F2F4A_E317_41d2_8A48_218AC0B113F6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Availability Service Requests/sec | _F571E301_45ED_487a_8B07_EB45AA1CCEAA_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#9) | _F575A0EB_5EE4_4AD5_95A6_04824784F394_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Protocol Analysis Agent: Senders Processed (Report Collection). | _F58BB93B_EAFE_4988_8E6D_24F4E9792330_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsProtocolAnalysis | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: A POP3 connectivity transaction failure occurred. The mailbox database wasn't found. | _F658E443_7DF4_43ff_9FE2_BAC22EE520F0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Content Filter Agent: Messages with SCL 7 (Report Collection). | _F65E25FA_A4DC_47DB_AC49_3914B8871A22_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsContentFilter | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Exchange Information Store cannot contact Active Directory. | _f670cca0_2bd4_4d1c_80b6_8deac578dfa0_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Too many failed message tracking requests via EWS - Yellow(>3\%) - | _F688B583_2521_4e0f_B7CA_2DADC610F09A_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: CI Troubleshooter has been disabled | _f6bb6af4_ed3b_4efc_b4c7_7591715351a2_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeAssistants Failed Requests - Resource Booking | _F7220703_2B10_49de_9601_CB449E5AA150_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.Assistants | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The database engine is rejecting update operations because of low free disk space on the designated disk. Free disk space immediately. | _F766F6F5_E139_4876_93A6_CF92D6F7BE68_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Subscriber Logon Failures | _F7AE6B3A_ED0D_4249_A1E5_721D5253428F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The SmtpReceive process failed to start listening on a configured binding because IPv6 is not enabled. | _F7D79410_7010_41BE_BDDF_03EC9256EB0B_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Successful Client Reported Requests - Less than 5 seconds | _F7DDC2C7_9FAC_4b3c_90C0_427D77CFD038_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessAvailabilityService | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated with a Fail - Malformed Domain Result (Report Collection). | _F7F05D05_C188_4A57_935B_71043BB19301_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: Perimeter queue level is above error threshold. | _F84B2442_7F0B_4277_A64F_FC767FB32779_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: A certificate used for federation has expired. | _F84B75A0_40BE_456a_9B4C_18DAC4713C21_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMSubscriberAccess: Email Messages Deleted | _F87600EB_E7CC_4551_AC4F_214ADA98C89A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange RpcClientAccess: Average RPC latency | _F87E3C59_7C72_4f2c_93DD_AD941F9CD1B6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| The database engine started. This is an informational event. No user action is required. | _F8F0EB82_CF8A_476D_BF90_73C78A0765F7_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange OWA: Proxy user requests per second | _F91C83F9_D408_475a_8F3B_1099CE547173_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service encountered an unexpected ESE error. | _F92E5CFA_7C6A_4dc5_9C0D_A8312BD394B6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: \% processor time (POP3) | _F92ECF90_D880_4512_BA17_C844F317EA42_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests Succeeded | _F932CFC8_69D2_4a04_AF25_46C681F252A6_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: UM connectivity (Local Voice) transaction failure. | _F953F28C_F63E_4539_A4B5_02072902A8DF_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Process: Private Bytes (w3wp#12) | _F9797220_A607_41A3_A648_5A44BCFA3DE5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchange Database: I/O database writes (attached)/sec | _F9935BFF_A897_43cc_9749_2C1AADC0269F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: An Outlook Web App connectivity (External) transaction failure occurred. The test credentials can't be used to test Outlook Web App. | _FA178B04_F2C2_4B17_8CEA_505F3EF195D3_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Hub Transport: MSExchange Sender ID Agent: Messages Validated with a PermError Result (Report Collection). | _FA6B18F1_7BFC_4A5C_ACC7_88AA0979E120_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.HubTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| KHI: The Microsoft Exchange Protected Service Host service (MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost) isn't running. | _fac565f5_0c85_4f8a_b616_703de922c630_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: LDAP Disconnects per minute (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=5, MaxSampleSeparation=60). | _FADE5F0C_A25D_431c_8E3A_45ED1DF63A04_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Processor: \% processor time | _FB5CDCA5_69EF_4b0c_8D6F_66E08C04A791_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: Exceeded the supported mount limit of local database copies. | _FBA001F6_0AD9_4856_AC48_415FCC8EB725_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAutoAttendant: Disconnected Without Input | _FBC26FF7_3561_43E1_BC0E_D6462843AFB3_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeIS: RPC Requests (Report Collection). | _FBDA9109_BB58_44D6_8821_82469D23A9C5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.Mailbox.InformationStore | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP search calls per second (Store.exe) | _FC86830B_2CB7_4c8d_8C25_4E19D42A902F_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMAvailability: Directory Access Failures | _FD65928B_3EEB_4108_B796_135255A0F78D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: ASP.NET Applications: Requests executing | _FDAE38B0_675A_4bc0_9CEA_A4A8B7EB7BAC_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.ClientAccessRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: The Mserv lookup resulted in the same partner ID as the current site. It's possible that a provisioning error occurred. | _FE0B82BA_A133_43ef_8C47_E7A09CBAB427_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| An Exchange mailbox database is starting an incremental backup. No user action is required. | _FE343750_160F_496C_976C_8766AC8154F5_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonExtensibleStorageEngine | EventCollection | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchange ADAccess processes: LDAP read calls per second (MSExchangeMailSubmission) | _FE595652_FD9D_4902_B21D_06C680830E40_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.MailboxRole | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| Collect: Edge Transport: MSExchange Sender ID: Messages Validated (Report Collection). | _FE84F1E3_AD97_4CD7_B216_1316FD564C0A_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.EdgeTransportAgentsSenderId | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: UM Connectivity (Local Voice) transaction failure - Active Directory error encountered. | _FE891CAD_6EE7_4E7C_A862_FFF08403AAD9_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Collect: MSExchangeUMCallAnswer: Call Answering Missed Calls (Report Collection) | _FE9939EA_E363_4AB7_BC4F_2B58A3287B5D_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.UnifiedMessagingPerformanceReporting | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Collect: Domain Controllers: LDAP Fatal errors per minute (Interval=5 min, Tolerance=5, MaxSampleSeparation=60). | _FEBC3655_A9D5_4a3b_A666_1D910EDB3387_ | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.CommonDomainController | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| KHI: POP3 connectivity couldn't be tested. | _FED191CC_0CE7_11DB_9607_00E08161165F_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: There is a configuration problem on a database copy, or a file or directory is missing due to a storage failure. | _ff27c57f_187b_4a0d_adba_3588b2fbb311_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: Remote PowerShell connectivity (Internal) failures. | _FF62662A_9F83_43E9_A684_D386526AFBB6_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| KHI: The Test-SmtpConnectivity cmdlet failed to run. | _FFDC58E7_3A94_49CA_8B09_A433DBB98100_.RaiseAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Microsoft.Exchange.2010.RaiseErrorAlert | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.RaiseErrorAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |
| Microsoft.Exchange.2010.RaiseWarningAlert | Microsoft.Exchange.2010.RaiseWarningAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer | Alert | True | False |