| DisplayName | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Alert Generate |
| NPS: Accounting request message discarded | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAccountingrequestmessagediscarded.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: A RADIUS message does not meet the RADIUS protocol specification | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSARADIUSmessagedoesnotmeettheRADIUSprotocolspecification.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS Authentication Clients - Access-Accepts | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationClientsAccessAccepts.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Clients - Access-Accepts / sec. | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationClientsAccessAcceptssec.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Clients - Access-Rejects | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationClientsAccessRejects.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Clients - Access-Rejects / sec. | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationClientsAccessRejectssec.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Clients - Access-Requests | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationClientsAccessRequests.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Clients - Access-Requests / sec. | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationClientsAccessRequestssec.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS: Authentication failed and the user was denied access | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationfailedandtheuserwasdeniedaccessFilter.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS Authentication Server - Access-Accepts | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationServerAccessAccepts.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Server - Access-Accepts / sec. | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationServerAccessAcceptssec.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Server - Access-Rejects | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationServerAccessRejects.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Server - Access-Rejects / sec. | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationServerAccessRejectssec.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Server - Access-Requests | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationServerAccessRequests.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS Authentication Server - Access-Requests / sec. | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationServerAccessRequestssec.PerfRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | PerformanceCollection | False | False |
| NPS: Authentication successful and the user was granted access | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSAuthenticationsuccessfulandtheuserwasgrantedaccessFilter.EventRule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | EventCollection | True | False |
| NPS: No domain controllers are available. NPS cannot authenticate or authorize connection requests | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNodomaincontrollersareavailable.NPScannotauthenticateorauthorizeconnectionrequests.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS cannot communicate with a RADIUS client | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPScannotcommunicatewithaRADIUSclient.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS configuration is not compliant with the feature set allowed for this version of Windows Server 2008 | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPSconfigurationisnotcompliantwiththefeaturesetallowedforthisversionofWindowsServer2008.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS discarded an accounting request message | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPSdiscardedanaccountingrequestmessage.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS proxy cannot contact a remote RADIUS server | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPSproxycannotcontactaremoteRADIUSserver.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS proxy received a response from an IP address that is not valid | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPSproxyreceivedaresponsefromanIPaddressthatisnotvalid.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS proxy received a response from a RADIUS server that is not valid | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPSproxyreceivedaresponsefromaRADIUSserverthatisnotvalid.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS received a malformed message from a RADIUS client | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPSreceivedamalformedmessagefromaRADIUSclient.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: NPS received an error from Windows Sockets | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSNPSreceivedanerrorfromWindowsSockets.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: Remote RADIUS server is not available | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSRemoteRADIUSserverisnotavailable | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: The access of a NAP-capable computer has been limited or restricted | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSTheaccessofaNAPcapablecomputerhasbeenlimitedorrestricted.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: The hard disk is full. NPS could not delete the old log file to create free space | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSTheharddiskisfull.NPScouldnotdeletetheoldlogfiletocreatefreespace.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: There is a NPS proxy configuration error | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSThereisaNPSproxyconfigurationerror.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |
| NPS: Unknown error conditions exist | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSUnknownerrorconditionsexist.Rule | Microsoft.NetworkPolicyServer.NPSServers | Alert | True | True |