Amazon.AmazonWebServices.AutoScalingGroupAutoScaling Group

Amazon.AmazonWebServices.AutoScalingGroup (ClassType)

Amazon AutoScaling Group Instance

Element properties:

Base ClassAmazon.AmazonWebServices.Component

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of the object. false 4000  False 
RegionName  string  Region false 256  False 
Guid  string  Configuration ID Specifies the ID of Template Configuration true 256  False 
AutoScalingGroupName  string  AutoScaling Group Name Specifies the name of the group true 256  False 
AutoScalingGroupARN  string  Amazon Resource Name The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Auto Scaling group false 256  False 
CreatedTime  datetime  Created Time Specifies the date and time the Auto Scaling group was created false 256   
DefaultCooldown  int  Default Cooldown The number of seconds after a scaling activity completes before any further scaling activities can start false 256   
DesiredCapacity  int  Desired Capacity Specifies the desired capacity for the Auto Scaling group false 256   
HealthCheckGracePeriod  int  HealthCheck Grace Period The length of time that Auto Scaling waits before checking an instance health status false 256   
HealthCheckType  string  HealthCheckType The service of interest for the health status check, either "EC2" for Amazon EC2 or "ELB" for Elastic Load Balancing false 256  False 
LaunchConfigurationName  string  LaunchConfigurationName Specifies the name of the associated LaunchConfiguration false 256  False 
MaxSize  int  MaxSize Contains the maximum size of the Auto Scaling group false 256   
MinSize  int  MinSize Contains the minimum size of the Auto Scaling group false 256   
PlacementGroup  string  Placement Group The name of the cluster placement group, if applicable false 256  False 
Tags  string  Tags A list of tags for the Auto Scaling group false 256  False 
TerminationPolicies  string  Termination Policies A standalone termination policy or a list of termination policies for this Auto Scaling group false 256  False 
VPCZoneIdentifier  string  VPC Zone Identifier The subnet identifier for the Amazon VPC connection, if applicable false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Amazon.AmazonWebServices.AutoScalingGroup" Base="Amazon.AmazonWebServices.Component" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Hosted="false">
<Property ID="Guid" Type="string" MinLength="1" Key="true" CaseSensitive="false"/>
<Property ID="AutoScalingGroupName" Key="true" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="AutoScalingGroupARN" Key="false" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="CreatedTime" Key="false" Type="datetime"/>
<Property ID="DefaultCooldown" Key="false" Type="int"/>
<Property ID="DesiredCapacity" Key="false" Type="int"/>
<Property ID="HealthCheckGracePeriod" Key="false" Type="int"/>
<Property ID="HealthCheckType" Key="false" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="LaunchConfigurationName" Key="false" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="MaxSize" Key="false" Type="int"/>
<Property ID="MinSize" Key="false" Type="int"/>
<Property ID="PlacementGroup" Key="false" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Tags" Key="false" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="TerminationPolicies" Key="false" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="VPCZoneIdentifier" Key="false" Type="string"/>