CO.Kemp.StatusMonitoring.ScriptProbe (ProbeActionModuleType)

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
Script ProbeAction Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe Default

Source Code:

<ProbeActionModuleType ID="CO.Kemp.StatusMonitoring.ScriptProbe" Accessibility="Internal">
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="Parameters" type="NamedParametersType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<ProbeAction ID="Script" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe">
<ScriptBody><Script><![CDATA[$existingModules = @((Get-Module).Name) # Save existing modules
$existingVars = @((Get-Variable -Scope Global).Name) # Save existing variables, put first in any script

$Error.Clear() # Fresh start!
$scriptName = "Get-KempStatus.ps1"
$eventId = 18003
$isDebugging = $false

[string] $kempUser = "$RunAs[Name='CO.Kemp.KempRunasProfile']/UserName$" # Not sure if you can do this, lets try
[string] $kempPass = "$RunAs[Name='CO.Kemp.KempRunasProfile']/Password$" # Not sure if you can do this, lets try

# Create SCOM API Object
$scomAPI = New-Object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI'

$knownDebugHosts = @(
"Visual Studio Code Host"
"Windows PowerShell ISE Host"
if ($host.Name -in $knownDebugHosts) {
# script is running in a known debug environment, set debug values
$tempDir = "$env:TEMP\CO.Kemp"

# needed a slightly more secure way to debug these scripts
# using serialized credentials (encrypted) from file
# if file is missing, script will ask for credentials, and save them for later use
$credPath = $tempDir + "\kempcreds.xml"
if (Test-Path -Path $credPath) {
$credentials = Import-Clixml -Path $credPath
} else {
$credentials = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Kemp Login"
Export-Clixml -Path $credPath -InputObject $credentials

[string] $kempUser = $credentials.UserName
[string] $kempPass = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$LoadMasterBaseUrls = @("") #my free tier azure appliance, perfect for development, may be offline
if (!(Test-Path -Path $tempDir)) {New-Item -Path $tempDir -ItemType Directory}
$isDebugging = $true
else {
# Get all LoadMaster instances and their base urls
$lmClass = Get-SCOMClass -Name "CO.Kemp.LoadMaster"
$lmInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $lmClass
[string[]] $LoadMasterBaseUrls = $lmInstances.'[CO.Kemp.LoadMaster].managementurl'

$scomAPI.LogScriptEvent($scriptName, $eventId, 0, "`nScript probe started by $(whoami) in `"$($host.Name)`".`nLoadMasterBaseUrls = $($LoadMasterBaseUrls -join ",")`nDebug=$($isDebugging)")

$logString = "`n"

#region KempClass
class Kemp {
# Kemp Base URL (LoadMaster admin adress?)
[string] $AdminAdress
[System.Net.NetworkCredential] $Credential
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $StatsXml

[hashtable] GetClusters() {
$clResult = $this.QueryKempApi("access/listclusters", @{}).Response.Success.Data

#$clResult.InnerXml | Out-File -FilePath ".\cl.xml"
$cl = @{}
foreach ($clXml in $clResult) {


return $cl

[hashtable] GetAll() {
$allResult = $this.QueryKempApi("access/getall", @{}).Response.Success.Data

#$allResult.InnerXml | Out-File -FilePath ".\all.xml"
$all = @{}
foreach ($allXml in $allResult.ChildNodes) {
#TODO Add $cl.Add() for cluster hashtag
if ($allXml.Name -in $all.Keys) {
$all[$allXml.Name] = $all[$allXml.Name] + "," + $allXml.InnerText
else {
$all.Add($allXml.Name, $allXml.InnerText) | Out-Null
if ($all.Count -gt 1) {
#got results, add proper management property
$all.Add("managementhost", $(([System.Uri]$this.AdminAdress).Host)) | Out-Null
return $all

[System.Xml.XmlElement] LoadStatsXML() {
# using this member to avoid multiple API-checks when data is already loaded
if ($null -eq $this.StatsXml) {
#TODO: Need better StatsXML check
$statsResult = $this.QueryKempApi("access/stats", @{}).Response.Success.Data
#$statsResult.InnerXml | Out-File -FilePath ".\stats.xml" -Force
$this.StatsXml = $statsResult
return $this.StatsXml

[hashtable] GetVSStats() {
$xml = $this.LoadStatsXML()

$vsStats = @{}
foreach ($vsStatsXml in $xml.SelectNodes("//Vs")) {
$properties = @{}
foreach ($propertyXml in $vsStatsXML.ChildNodes) {
$properties[$propertyXML.Name] = $propertyXml.InnerText
$vsStats[$vsStatsXml.Index] = $properties
if ($vsStats.Count -gt 1) {
#got results, add proper management property
$vsStats.Add("managementhost", $(([System.Uri]$this.AdminAdress).Host)) | Out-Null
return $vsStats

[hashtable] GetRSStats() {
$xml = $this.LoadStatsXML()

$rsStats = @{}
foreach ($rsStatsXml in $xml.SelectNodes("//Rs")) {
$properties = @{}
foreach ($propertyXml in $rsStatsXML.ChildNodes) {
$properties[$propertyXML.Name] = $propertyXml.InnerText
$rsStats[$rsStatsXml.RsIndex] = $properties
if ($rsStats.Count -gt 1) {
#got results, add proper management property
$rsStats.Add("managementhost", $(([System.Uri]$this.AdminAdress).Host)) | Out-Null
return $rsStats

[hashtable] GetLMStats() {
$xml = $this.LoadStatsXML()

$lmStats = @{}
$lmStats["managementhost"] = $(([System.Uri]$this.AdminAdress).Host)
$lmStats["CPU_SystemTotal"] = $
$lmStats["MEM_used"] = $xml.Memory.memused
$lmStats["MEM_usedPct"] = $xml.Memory.percentmemused
$lmStats["MEM_free"] = $xml.Memory.memfree
$lmStats["MEM_freePct"] = $xml.Memory.percentmemfree
$lmStats["VSTotals_ConnsPerSec"] = $xml.VStotals.ConnsPerSec
$lmStats["VSTotals_BitsPerSec"] = $xml.VStotals.BitsPerSec
$lmStats["VSTotals_BytesPerSec"] = $xml.VStotals.BytesPerSec
$lmStats["VSTotals_PktsPerSec"] = $xml.VStotals.PktsPerSec
return $lmStats

[hashtable] ListFQDNs() {
$allResult = $this.QueryKempApi("access/listfqdns", @{}).Response.Success.Data

#$allResult.InnerXml | Out-File -FilePath ".\all.xml"
$all = @{}
foreach ($allXml in $allResult.ChildNodes) {
#TODO Add $cl.Add() for cluster hashtag
if ($allXml.Name -in $all.Keys) {
$all[$allXml.Name] = $all[$allXml.Name] + "," + $allXml.InnerText
else {
$all.Add($allXml.Name, $allXml.InnerText) | Out-Null

return $all

[hashtable] ListIPs() {
$allResult = $this.QueryKempApi("access/listips", @{}).Response.Success.Data

#$allResult.InnerXml | Out-File -FilePath ".\all.xml"
$all = @{}
foreach ($allXml in $allResult.ChildNodes) {
#TODO Add $cl.Add() for cluster hashtag
if ($allXml.Name -in $all.Keys) {
$all[$allXml.Name] = $all[$allXml.Name] + "," + $allXml.InnerText
else {
$all.Add($allXml.Name, $allXml.InnerText) | Out-Null

return $all

[Hashtable] GetRealServers() {
$rsResult = $this.QueryKempApi("access/listvs", @{}).Response.Success.Data
$rs = @{}
foreach ($rsXml in $rsResult.SelectNodes("//Rs")) {
$rs.Add($rsXml.RsIndex, @{
"Status" = $rsXml.Status
"VSIndex" = $rsXml.VSIndex
"RsIndex" = $rsXml.RsIndex
"Addr" = $rsXml.Addr
"Port" = $rsXml.Port
"DnsName" = $rsXml.DnsName
"Forward" = $rsXml.Forward
"Weight" = $rsXml.Weight
"Limit" = $rsXml.Limit
"Follow" = $rsXml.Follow
"Enable" = $rsXml.Enable
"Critical" = $rsXml.Critical
) | Out-Null

return $rs

[Hashtable] GetVirtualServices() {
$vsResult = $this.QueryKempApi("access/listvs", @{}).Response.Success.Data
$vs = @{}
foreach ($vsXml in $vsResult.VS) {
$vs.Add($vsXml.Index, @{
"VSAddress" = $vsXml.VSAddress
"AddVia" = $vsXml.AddVia
"CheckUse1.1" = $vsXml.'CheckUse1.1'
"RsMinimum" = $vsXml.RsMinimum
"SSLReverse" = $vsXml.SSLReverse
"Layer" = $vsXml.Layer
"MasterVS" = $vsXml.MasterVS
"ServerInit" = $vsXml.ServerInit
"Protocol" = $vsXml.Protocol
"NeedHostName" = $vsXml.NeedHostName
"CheckUseGet" = $vsXml.CheckUseGet
"Compress" = $vsXml.Compress
"AlertThreshold" = $vsXml.AlertThreshold
"NPreProcessRules" = $vsXml.NPreProcessRules
"Index" = $vsXml.Index
"NumberOfRSs" = $vsXml.NumberOfRSs
"ErrorCode" = $vsXml.ErrorCode
"PS" = $vsXml.PS
"NickName" = $vsXml.NickName
"SSLRewrite" = $vsXml.SSLRewrite
"EspEnabled" = $vsXml.EspEnabled
"Idletime" = $vsXml.Idletime
"IsTransparent" = $vsXml.IsTransparent
"Enable" = $vsXml.Enable
"InputAuthMode" = $vsXml.InputAuthMode
"TlsType" = $vsXml.TlsType
"QoS" = $vsXml.QoS
"ForceL7" = $vsXml.ForceL7
"MatchLen" = $vsXml.MatchLen
"CheckPort" = $vsXml.CheckPort
"Verify" = $vsXml.Verify
"CheckType" = $vsXml.CheckType
"ForceL4" = $vsXml.ForceL4
"VStype" = $vsXml.VStype
"MultiConnect" = $vsXml.MultiConnect
"Transparent" = $vsXml.Transparent
"InterceptOpts" = $vsXml.InterceptOpts.Opt
"Schedule" = $vsXml.Schedule
"Status" = $vsXml.Status
"EnhancedHealthChecks" = $vsXml.EnhancedHealthChecks
"CheckUrl" = $vsXml.CheckUrl
"NResponseRules" = $vsXml.NResponseRules
"Transactionlimit" = $vsXml.Transactionlimit
"SSLReencrypt" = $vsXml.SSLReencrypt
"MasterVSID" = $vsXml.MasterVSID
"SubnetOriginating" = $vsXml.SubnetOriginating
"VSPort" = $vsXml.VSPort
"PersistTimeout" = $vsXml.PersistTimeout
"NRequestRules" = $vsXml.NRequestRules
"FollowVSID" = $vsXml.FollowVSID
"Persist" = $vsXml.Persist
"OutputAuthMode" = $vsXml.OutputAuthMode
"NRules" = $vsXml.NRules
"StartTLSMode" = $vsXml.StartTLSMode
"OCSPVerify" = $vsXml.OCSPVerify
"UseforSnat" = $vsXml.UseforSnat
"Intercept" = $vsXml.Intercept
"Cache" = $vsXml.Cache
"ClientCert" = $vsXml.ClientCert
) | Out-Null
return ($vs)

# Constructor
Kemp ([string] $AdminAdress, [string] $Username, [securestring] $Password) {
$this.AdminAdress = $AdminAdress.TrimEnd("/")

$creds = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new($username, $Password)
$this.Credential = $creds

# ToJson
[string] ToJson () {
return (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $this)

hidden [Xml] QueryKempApi($Url, [Hashtable]$Parameters) {
$Arr = @()

foreach ($Key in $Parameters.Keys) {
$Arr += "$Key=$($Parameters[$Key])"

$ParamStr = [string]::Join("&", $Arr)
if ($ParamStr.Length -gt 0) {
$Url = "$($Url)?$($ParamStr)"

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::Expect100Continue = $true
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::MaxServicePointIdleTime = 10000
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} #DevSkim: ignore DS126185
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'Tls11', 'Tls12'

$Request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create("$(($this.AdminAdress))/$Url")
$Request.Credentials = ($this.Credential)

$Response = $Request.GetResponse()
$Stream = $response.GetResponseStream()

$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("utf-8")
$Reader = New-Object$Stream, $Encoding)
$Result = $Reader.ReadToEnd()

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = $null

return [Xml]$Result

hidden [Boolean] ValidateUrl($Url) {
if (!$Url.StartsWith("https://")) {
return $false

return $true
#endregion KempClass

function Send-PropertyBag {
param (
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $Properties
,[bool] $Debug

$omApi = New-Object -ComObject "MOM.ScriptApi"
foreach($propertyHT in $Properties) {
$pb = $omApi.CreatePropertyBag()
foreach ($key in $propertyHT.Keys) {
$pb.AddValue($key, $propertyHT[$key])

if ($Debug) {
else {
if ($Debug) {
$scomAPI.LogScriptEvent($scriptName, $eventId, 0, "`nTHIS EVENT IS ONLY IN DEBUG!!!")

$pbHTArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

foreach ($url in $LoadMasterBaseUrls) {
$username = $kempUser
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $kempPass -AsPlainText -Force

$kemp = [Kemp]::new($url, $username, $password)


$logString += "Connecting to $url"

try {
$vsHt = $kemp.GetVirtualServices() #VirtualService (incl. SubVS) information
$rsHt = $kemp.GetRealServers() # RealServer information
$allHt = $kemp.GetAll() # This is where you get LoadMaster node information
$vsStatsHt = $kemp.GetVSStats()
$rsStatsHt = $kemp.GetRSStats()
$lmStatsHt = $kemp.GetLMStats()
# Cluster API is not accessible unless you're admin, we'll deal with that later
#$clHt = $kemp.GetClusters()
catch {

# Saving to disk, only for manual analysis during development
if ($isDebugging) {
$vsHt | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$tempDir\vs.json"
$rsHt | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$tempDir\rs.json"
$allHt | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$tempDir\all.json"
$vsStatsHt | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$tempDir\vsStatsHt.json"
$rsStatsHt | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$tempDir\rsStatsHt.json"
$lmStatsHt | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$tempDir\lmStatsHt.json"
# Cluster API is not accessible unless you're admin, we'll deal with that later
#$clHt | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$($env:TEMP)\cl.json"

if ($allHt.Count -gt 0) {
# got data in allHT, which means there's a LoadMaster returned.

[string] $identifier = $allHt.managementhost

if (($allHt.ha1hostname.Length -gt 0) -and ($allHt.hostname -eq $allHt.ha1hostname)) {
# ha1 is active
$ha1Active = 1
$ha2Active = 0
} elseif (($allHt.ha2hostname.Length -gt 0) -and ($allHt.hostname -eq $allHt.ha2hostname)) {
# ha2 is active
$ha1Active = 0
$ha2Active = 1
} else {
# not a cluster
$ha1Active = 0
$ha2Active = 0

# Create LM Propertybag
"objecttype" = "lm"
"hostname" = $allHt.managementhost
"responds" = "yes"
"identifier" = $identifier.Trim()
"CPU_SystemTotal" = $lmStatsHt.CPU_SystemTotal -as [double]
"VSTotals_PktsPerSec" = $lmStatsHt.VSTotals_PktsPerSec -as [double]
"MEM_used" = $lmStatsHt.MEM_used -as [double]
"VSTotals_BitsPerSec" = $lmStatsHt.VSTotals_BitsPerSec -as [double]
"MEM_usedPct" = $lmStatsHt.MEM_usedPct -as [double]
"VSTotals_ConnsPerSec" = $lmStatsHt.VSTotals_ConnsPerSec -as [double]
"VSTotals_BytesPerSec" = $lmStatsHt.VSTotals_BytesPerSec -as [double]
"MEM_freePct" = $lmStatsHt.MEM_freePct -as [double]
"MEM_free" = $lmStatsHt.MEM_free -as [double]
"HA1_IsActive" = $ha1Active
"HA2_IsActive" = $ha2Active
"HA_Mode" = $allHt.hamode
}) | Out-Null

$logString += "`n`tLM: $identifier"

# Select and Parse Virtual Services
foreach ($vsKey in $vsHt.Keys) {
if ($vsHt[$vsKey].MasterVSID -eq "0") {
# regular VS
$vs = $vsHt[$vsKey]
$vsStats = $vsStatsHt[$vsKey]

$identifier = "$($allHt.managementhost)-vs$($vsKey)"
# send VS propertybag
"objecttype" = "vs"
"nickname" = $vs.NickName
"index" = $identifier
"enabled" = $vs.Enable
"status" = $vs.Status
"identifier" = $identifier.Trim()
"ActiveConns" = $vsStats.ActiveConns -as [double]
"ConnsPerSec" = $vsStats.ConnsPerSec -as [double]
}) | Out-Null

$logString += "`n`t`tVS: $identifier`tenabled=$($vs.Enable),Status=$($vs.Status)"

foreach ($rsKey in $rsHt.Keys) {
if ($rsHt[$rsKey].VSIndex -eq $vs.Index ) {
# RS (in VS)
$rs = $rsHt[$rsKey]
$rsStats = $rsStatsHt[$rsKey]
$identifier = "$($allHt.managementhost)-vs$($vsKey)-rs$($rsKey)" #using this as a composite key property

# prepare RS propertybag info
"objecttype" = "rs"
"index" = $identifier
"status" = $rs.Status
"enabled" = $rs.Enable
"identifier" = $identifier
"ActiveConns" = $rsStats.ActiveConns -as [double]
"ConnsPerSec" = $rsStats.ConnsPerSec -as [double]
}) | Out-Null

$logString += "`n`t`t`tRS: $($rsKey)-$($rs.Addr)"

# Select and Parse SubVS
foreach ($subVSKey in $vsHt.Keys) {
if ($vsHt[$subVSKey].MasterVSID -eq $vs.Index) {
# SubVS
$subVS = $vsHt[$subVSKey]
$subVsStats = $vsStatsHt[$subVSKey]

$identifier = "$($allHt.managementhost)-vs$($vsKey)-subvs$($subVSKey)"
# send VS propertybag
"objecttype" = "subVS"
"nickname" = $subVS.NickName
"index" = $identifier
"enabled" = $subVS.Enable
"status" = $subVS.Status
"identifier" = $identifier.Trim()
"ActiveConns" = $subVsStats.ActiveConns -as [double]
"ConnsPerSec" = $subVsStats.ConnsPerSec -as [double]
}) | Out-Null

$logString += "`n`t`t`tSubVS: $identifier`tenabled=$($subVS.Enable),status=$($subVS.Status)"

foreach ($rsKey in $rsHt.Keys) {
if ($rsHt[$rsKey].VSIndex -eq $subVS.Index ) {
# RS (in SubVS)
$rs = $rsHt[$rsKey]
$rsStats = $rsStatsHt[$rsKey]
$identifier = "$($allHt.managementhost)-vs$($vsKey)-subvs$($subVSKey)-rs$($rsKey)" #using this as a composite key property

# prepare RS propertybag info
"objecttype" = "rs"
"index" = $identifier
"status" = $rs.Status
"enabled" = $rs.Enable
"identifier" = $identifier
"ActiveConns" = $rsStats.ActiveConns -as [double]
"ConnsPerSec" = $rsStats.ConnsPerSec -as [double]
}) | Out-Null
$logString += "`n`t`t`t`tRS: $($rsKey)-$($rs.Addr)"

} else {
# No response from LoadMaster
# Create LM Propertybag for a "no response" error
$identifier = $(([System.Uri]$url).Host)

"objecttype" = "lm"
"responds" = "no"
"identifier" = $identifier.Trim()
}) | Out-Null

Send-PropertyBag -Properties $pbHTArray -Debug $isDebugging

if ($error.Count -gt 0) {
$scomAPI.LogScriptEvent($scriptName, $eventId, 2, $($Error.Exception))
else {
$scomAPI.LogScriptEvent($scriptName, $eventId, 0, "`nProbe ran without errors." + $logString)

# put last in any script
foreach ($newVar in (Get-Variable -Exclude $existingVars -Scope Global).Name){
if ($newVar -ne "existingVars") {
$obj = Get-Variable -Name $newVar -ValueOnly
if ("Close" -in (Get-Member -InputObject $obj).Name) {$obj.Close}
if ("Dispose" -in (Get-Member -InputObject $obj).Name) {$obj.Dispose}
$obj = $null
Remove-Variable -Name "obj" -Force -Scope Global
Remove-Variable -Name $newVar -Force -Scope Global
Get-SCOMManagementGroupConnection | Remove-SCOMManagementGroupConnection
foreach ($newModule in ((Get-Module).Name | Where-Object{$_ -notin $existingModules})){
Remove-Module -Name $newModule
<Node ID="Script"/>