Collect Server Information WA

Collect_Server_Information.WriteAction (WriteActionModuleType)

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
Script WriteAction Microsoft.Windows.ScriptWriteAction Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
TimeoutSecondsint$Config/TimeoutSeconds$Timeout Seconds

Source Code:

<WriteActionModuleType ID="Collect_Server_Information.WriteAction" Accessibility="Internal" RunAs="System!System.PrivilegedMonitoringAccount" Batching="false">
<xsd:element name="TargetNetbiosComputer" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimeoutSeconds" Selector="$Config/TimeoutSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<ModuleImplementation Isolation="Any">
<WriteAction ID="Script" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ScriptWriteAction">
'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' $ScriptName: "Common" $
' Purpose: To have one place for common stuff across various Exchange VBScripts
' $File: Common.vbs $
' Option Explicit



'Event Type Constants

'Error Constants
Const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = -2147024894 'win32 error: 0x80070002

'Other Constants
Const MAX_LONG = 2147483647
Const MIN_LONG = -2147483648

'Initialize MOM Scripting Variables
Dim oAPI
Set oAPI = CreateObject("Mom.ScriptAPI")
If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Wscript.Quit -1
End If

'Helper methods
' Method: CreateEvent
' Description: Logs Event
' Parameters: source, eventId, eventtype(error/warning/info/success), errormsg
Sub CreateEvent(lngEventID, lngEventType, strMsg)
Call oAPI.LogScriptEvent(EVENT_SOURCE, lngEventID, lngEventType, strMsg)
End Sub

' Method: HResultToString
' Description: Returns hresult value in string format 0x00000000(0)
' Parameters: hresult
Function HResultToString(hresult)
HResultToString = "0x" &amp; Hex(hresult) &amp; "(" &amp; hresult &amp; ")"
End Function

' Method: RegRead
' Description: Returns registry location value
' Parameters: strKey
Function RegRead(strKey)
On Error Resume Next
RegRead = "..."

Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegRead = objShell.RegRead(strKey)
Set objShell = Nothing
End Function

' Method: ConvertDateTime
' Description: Returns datetime as formatted string
' Parameters: dtDateTime
Function ConvertDateTime(dtDateTime)
Dim objDate, objTime
objDate = DateSerial(Left(dtDateTime, 4), Mid(dtDateTime, 5, 2), Mid(dtDateTime, 7, 2))
objTime = TimeSerial(Mid(dtDateTime, 9, 2), Mid(dtDateTime, 11, 2), Mid(dtDateTime, 13, 2))

ConvertDateTime = FormatDateTime(objDate) &amp; " " &amp; FormatDateTime(objTime)
End Function

' Method: IsWMIRunning
' Description: Returns true/false
' Parameters: -
Function IsWMIRunning()
Dim objWMI

On Error Resume Next
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
If Err Then
IsWMIRunning = False
CreateEvent _
9013, _
"The 'Windows Management Instrumentation' service (WinMgmt.exe) was not running when MOM tried to run a script that is dependent on this service. Check if the start up mode of this service is not set to 'disabled'."
IsWMIRunning = True
End If

End Function

' Method: WMIExecQuery
' Description: Returns an object of type SWbemObjectSet
' Parameters:
' sNamespace - A WMI Namespace (ex. winmgmts:\\COMPUTERNAME\ROOT\cimv2).
' sQuery - A SQL Query (ex. SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem)
' iAlert - To echo/raise error
Function WMIExecQuery(sNamespace, sQuery, iAlert)
Dim oWMI, oQuery
Dim nErrNumber, sErrDescription
Dim nInstanceCount

On Error Resume Next
Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace)
On Error Goto 0

If IsEmpty(oWMI) And iAlert &lt;&gt; 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Unable to open WMI Namespace " &amp; sNamespace
Err.Raise 9100, "Unable to open WMI Namespace " &amp; sNamespace, "Check to see if the WMI service is enabled and running, and ensure this WMI namespace."
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set oQuery = oWMI.ExecQuery(sQuery)
nErrNumber = Err.Number
sErrDescription = Err.Description
On Error Goto 0

If (IsEmpty(oQuery) Or nErrNumber &lt;&gt; 0) And iAlert &lt;&gt; 0 Then
WScript.Echo "The Query '" &amp; sQuery &amp; "' returned an invalid result set. Error:" &amp; nErrNumber &amp; ", " &amp; sErrDescription &amp; "."
Err.Raise 9100, "The Query '" &amp; sQuery &amp; "' returned an invalid result set.", "Please check to see if this is a valid WMI Query. Error:" &amp; nErrNumber &amp; ", " &amp; sErrDescription &amp; "."
End If

'Determine if we queried a valid WMI class - Count will return 0 or empty
On Error Resume Next
nInstanceCount = oQuery.Count
nErrNumber = Err.Number
sErrDescription = Err.Description
On Error Goto 0

If nErrNumber &lt;&gt; 0 And iAlert &lt;&gt; 0 Then
WScript.Echo "The Query '" &amp; sQuery &amp; "' did not return any valid instances. Error:" &amp; nErrNumber &amp; ", " &amp; sErrDescription &amp; "."
Err.Raise 9100, "The Query '" &amp; sQuery &amp; "' did not return any valid instances.", "Please check to see if this is a valid WMI Query. Error:" &amp; nErrNumber &amp; ", " &amp; sErrDescription &amp; "."
End If

Set WMIExecQuery = oQuery
Set oQuery = Nothing
Set oWMI = Nothing
End Function

' Method: IsRunningAsSystem
' Description: Returns true/false
' Parameters: -
' Comments: If IsRunningAsSystem is False the caller should check if there is any error (If Err Then ...).
Function IsRunningAsSystem
Dim WshNetwork
Dim WMISystemAcct

IsRunningAsSystem = False

Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

' Use the well-known SID of the system account ("S-1-5-18") to get the correspondent object
Set WMISystemAcct = GetObject("WinMgmts:root/cimv2:Win32_SID='S-1-5-18'")

' WshNetwork.UserName gives the account running the current thread
' WMISystemAcct.AccountName gets the localized name of the system account

' No worries with string case in the comparsion below since, if the account is
' system, the name is extracted from the same location for both objects
If WshNetwork.UserName = WMISystemAcct.AccountName Then
IsRunningAsSystem = True
End If
End Function

'Exchange specific Helper methods

' Method: GetNamingContext
' Description: Returns propertyValue from rootDSE object
' Parameters: strPropertyName
Function GetNamingContext(strPropertyName)
GetNamingContext = ""

Set IADsRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")

GetNamingContext = IADsRootDSE.Get(strPropertyName)
Set IADsRootDSE = Nothing
End Function

' Method: GetRootGC
' Description: Returns RootGC
' Parameters: -
Function GetRootGC()
Dim oGCCollection, oGC
Set oGCCollection = GetObject("GC:")
For each oGC in oGCCollection
Set GetRootGC = oGC
End Function

' Method: GetCNValue
' Description: -
' Parameters: iOcurr, strData
Function GetCNValue(iOcurr, strData)
GetCNValue = GetTokValue(iOcurr, "CN=", ",", strData)
End Function

' Method: GetTokValue
' Description: -
' Parameters: iOcurr, strStartTok, strEndTok, strData
Function GetTokValue(iOcurr, strStartTok, strEndTok, strData)
Dim iIni, iEnd, iTokLen
iTokLen = Len(strStartTok)
iIni = 1
While iOcurr &gt; 0 ' Skip to the desired occurence
iIni = InStr(iIni, strData, strStartTok, vbTextCompare) + iTokLen
iOcurr = iOcurr - 1
iEnd = InStr(iIni, strData, strEndTok, vbTextCompare)
GetTokValue = Mid(strData, iIni, (iEnd - iIni))
End Function

' Format Constants
INFO_DELIM = vbCr &amp; vbCr
IDENT = " "

' Method: OutputInfo
' Description: -
' Parameters: strValues, strProps, iPropsFrom, iLevel, blnHierarchical
' Remarks: Very similar to OutDiskInfo sub in Disk_Space_Problem.vbs
Function OutputInfo(strValues, strProps, iPropsFrom, iLevel, blnHierarchical)
Dim arrValues, arrProps, strLvl
Dim i

If strValues = "" Then Exit Function

On Error Resume Next
OutputInfo = ""
arrValues = Split(strValues, ";")
arrProps = Split(strProps, ",")

While iLevel &gt; 0
strLvl = strLvl &amp; IDENT
iLevel = iLevel - 1

For i = iPropsFrom To UBound(arrProps)
OutputInfo = OutputInfo &amp; strLvl &amp; arrProps(i) &amp; ": " &amp; arrValues(i) &amp; REC_DELIM
If i = iPropsFrom and blnHierarchical Then strLvl = strLvl &amp; IDENT
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' $ScriptName: "Common ADO stuff" $
' Purpose: To have one place for common stuff across various Exchange VBScripts:
' Disk_Space_Problem
' Verify_If_SSL_Should_Be_Required
' Collect_Public_Folder_Statistics
' Verify_Test_Mailboxes
' Collect_Number_Of_Mailboxes_Per_Server
' Collect_Server_Information
' $File: Common_ADO.vbs $
Dim objADOConn, objADOComm

Sub InitializeGlobalObjects()
' Create the ADO objects to run the query
Set objADOConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objADOConn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objADOConn.Open "AD Provider"

Set objADOComm = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set objADOComm.ActiveConnection = objADOConn
objADOComm.Properties("Page Size") = 1000 ' The page size needs to be specified or the function NumberOfEntries will fail
objADOComm.Properties("Timeout") = 30 'seconds
objADOComm.Properties("Cache Results") = false 'do not cache the result set
End Sub

Sub ReleaseGlobalObjects()
Set objADOConn = Nothing
Set objADOComm = Nothing
End Sub

Sub GetADSIInfo(strProps, strLDAPQuery, strRes, strFieldDelim, strRecordDelim)
Dim objQueryResult, objIADs, strProp, Values, strValue

objADOComm.CommandText = strLDAPQuery
Set objQueryResult = objADOComm.Execute

While not objQueryResult.eof
Set objIADs = GetObject(objQueryResult.fields(0))

For each strProp in Split(strProps, ",")
On Error Resume Next
Values = objIADs.Get(strProp)
If Err = &amp;h8000500D Then ' value not in the property cache
objIADs.GetInfoEx Array(strProp), 0
Values = objIADs.Get(strProp)
End If
On Error Goto 0

Select Case VarType(Values)
Case 9 ' Object
If Values Is Nothing Then
strValue = "&lt;not set&gt;"
strValue = Values
End If
strValue = CStr(NumberOfEntries(objIADs.AdsPath, strProp))
Case Else
strValue = Values
End Select
strRes = strRes &amp; strValue &amp; strFieldDelim

strRes = Left(strRes, Len(strRes) - 1) &amp; strRecordDelim
End Sub

Function NumberOfEntries(ldapPath, ldapProp)
Dim rs, iStart

NumberOfEntries = 0
iStart = 0

objADOComm.CommandText = "SELECT '" &amp; ldapProp &amp; ";range=" &amp; iStart &amp; "-*' FROM '" &amp; Replace(ldapPath, "'", "''") &amp; "'"
Set rs = objADOComm.Execute()
If (Not rs.EOF) Then
iStart = iStart + objADOComm.Properties("Page Size")
If 8204 = VarType(rs.Fields(0).Value) Then
NumberOfEntries = NumberOfEntries + UBound(rs.Fields(0).Value) - LBound(rs.Fields(0).Value) + 1
NumberOfEntries = iStart
End If
End If
Loop While (NumberOFEntries = iStart) And (Not rs.EOF) And (objADOComm.Properties("Page Size") &gt; 0)

End Function

'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' $ScriptName: "GetLongParameter" $
' Purpose: Common function used by Collect_Server_Information.vbs and Verify_Test_Mailboxes.vbs files
' $File: FindTestAccounts.vbs $
Const FAILED_TO_FIND_TST_MB_MSG = "Error while querying for the test mailboxes. Detailed information:"

Function FindTestAccounts(strServerName)
' What is returned? Semicolon ";" delimeted list of:
' 1. Account name
' 2. Mdb name
' 3. Storage Group Name
' 4. Server Name
Dim testServerMailbox_RegPath
Dim mdbMailboxNames_RegPath

Dim sRegValue, sAccountFromRegistry, arrAccounts, numberOfAccounts, index

Dim strMailboxes : strMailboxes = ""

Dim sCommand
Dim oConnect, command, rs, i
Dim objADsPathname

Dim strAccount, strMdb, strStorageGroup, strServer, strDisplayName

If strServerName = "" Or IsEmpty(strServerName) Or IsNull(strServerName) Then
FindTestAccounts = Empty
Exit Function
End If

testServerMailbox_RegPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange MOM\Accounts\" &amp; strServerName &amp; "\TestServerMailbox"
mdbMailboxNames_RegPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange MOM\Accounts\" &amp; strServerName &amp; "\MDBMailboxNames"
On Error Resume next

'Retrieve TestServerMailbox value
sRegValue = RegRead(testServerMailbox_RegPath)
If Err Then
If not (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = Err.Number) Then
On Error Goto 0
sRegValue = strServerName &amp; "MOM"
End If
End If

sRegValue = Trim(sRegValue)

'Deals with the case when the value was created but not touched
' in which RegRead will return the registry path or empty
If (sRegValue = testServerMailbox_RegPath) Or (sRegValue = "") Then
sRegValue = strServerName &amp; "MOM"
End If

sAccountFromRegistry = sRegValue

'Retrieve mdbMailboxNames value
sRegValue = RegRead(mdbMailboxNames_RegPath)
If Err Then
If not (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = Err.Number) Then
On Error Goto 0
sRegValue = strServerName &amp; "MOM*"
End If
End If

sRegValue = Trim(sRegValue)

'Deals with the case when the value was created but not touched
' in which RegRead will return the registry path or empty
If (sRegValue = testServerMailbox_RegPath) Or (sRegValue = "") Then
sRegValue = strServerName &amp; "MOM*"
End If

sAccountFromRegistry = sAccountFromRegistry &amp; "," &amp; sRegValue

arrAccounts = Split(sAccountFromRegistry, ",")
numberOfAccounts = UBound(arrAccounts) + 1

For index = 0 to numberOfAccounts-1
arrAccounts(index) = Trim( arrAccounts(index))

If Err Then
CreateEvent _
FAILED_TO_FIND_TST_MB_MSG &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Description: " &amp; Err.Description &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Source: " &amp; Err.Source &amp; _
REC_DELIM &amp; "Number: " &amp; HResultToString(Err.Number)
Exit Function
End If

'Form select statement to query AD to see if the user accounts exist and to get properties such users' homeMDB
sCommand = "SELECT homeMDB, AdsPath, cn, displayName FROM '" &amp; GetRootGC().ADsPath &amp; "' WHERE " &amp; _
" samAccountName='" &amp; arrAccounts(0) &amp; "' AND objectclass='user' AND objectCategory='person' "

If numberOfAccounts &gt; 0 Then
For index = 1 to numberOfAccounts-1
sCommand = sCommand &amp; " OR samAccountName='" &amp; arrAccounts(index) &amp; "' AND objectclass='user' AND objectCategory='person' "
End If

sCommand = sCommand &amp; " ORDER BY samAccountName "

set oConnect = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConnect.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"

set command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
command.ActiveConnection = oConnect
command.CommandText = sCommand
command.Properties("Page Size") = 100
command.Properties("Timeout") = 20 'seconds
command.Properties("searchscope") = 2 'ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
command.Properties("Chase referrals") = 96 ' 0x60 = 0x20 | 0x40 ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ALWAYS
command.Properties("Cache Results") = false 'do not cache the result set

set rs = command.Execute()
If Err Then
CreateEvent _
FAILED_TO_FIND_TST_MB_MSG &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Description: " &amp; Err.Description &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Source: " &amp; _
Err.Source &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Number: " &amp; HResultToString(Err.Number)
Exit Function
End If

set objADsPathname = CreateObject("Pathname")

If not rs.EOF then
While not rs.EOF
If Err Then
CreateEvent _
FAILED_TO_FIND_TST_MB_MSG &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Description: " &amp; Err.Description &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Source: " &amp; _
Err.Source &amp; REC_DELIM &amp; "Number: " &amp; HResultToString(Err.Number)
Exit Function
End If

strMdb = ""
strStorageGroup = ""
strServer = ""
strDisplayName = ""

For i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count-1
If rs.Fields(i).Name = "cn" Then
strAccount = rs.Fields(i).Value
End If

If rs.Fields(i).Name = "homeMDB" Then
If rs.Fields(i).Value &lt;&gt; "" Then
objADsPathname.Set rs.Fields(i).Value, 4
objADsPathname.EscapedMode = 4

strMdb = objADsPathname.GetElement(0)
If Len(strMdb) &gt; 3 Then strMdb = Right(strMdb, Len(strMdb) - 3)

strStorageGroup = objADsPathname.GetElement(1)
If Len(strStorageGroup) &gt; 3 Then strStorageGroup = Right(strStorageGroup, Len(strStorageGroup) - 3)

strServer = objADsPathname.GetElement(3)
If Len(strServer) &gt; 3 Then strServer = Right(strServer, Len(strServer) - 3)
End If
End If

If rs.Fields(i).Name = "displayName" Then
strDisplayName = rs.Fields(i).Value
End If

If strAccount &lt;&gt; "" Then
strMailboxes = strMailboxes _
&amp; strAccount &amp; ";" _
&amp; strMdb &amp; ";" _
&amp; strStorageGroup &amp; ";" _
&amp; strServer &amp; ";" _
&amp; strDisplayName &amp; ";"
End If

End If

FindTestAccounts = strMailboxes
End Function

'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' $ScriptName: "Collect Server Information" $
' Purpose: Report the Exchange configuration including its storage groups and databases, these events are
' used by the configuration reports.
' $File: Collect_Server_Information.vbs $
'Event ID Constants
Const EX2K_INFO_EVENT_ID = 9002
Const SG_INFO_EVENT_ID = 9003

INFO_DELIM = vbCr &amp; vbCr

' Global objects
Dim oArgs, TargetNetbiosComputer
Dim strOutput

Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
if oArgs.Unnamed.Count &lt; 1 Then
Call WScript.Quit(-1)
end if

TargetNetbiosComputer = oArgs(0)

strOutput = "Exchange Server Information" &amp; REC_DELIM
GetEx2kInfoFromAD TargetNetbiosComputer, strOutput

' -- Subs -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub GetEx2kInfoFromAD(strComputer, strOutput)
Dim strScope, strDN, strSearchFilter, strQuery, strSrvProps, strSrvFriendlyProps, strSrvs, strSrv
Dim arrData, strExtraInfo, strExtraFriendlyProps

Dim strSMTPQueueProps, strSMTPQueueFriendlyProps, strSMTPQueues, strSMTPQueue
Dim strMTAProps, strMTAFriendlyProps, strMTAs, strMTA

Dim regEx, strMailboxes, strMailboxSplit, nMailboxes, i
Dim strMailboxArray, strTemp

Dim strSGProps, strSGFriendlyProps, strSGs, strSG, strStorageGroupName
Dim strMDBProps, strMDBFriendlyProps, strMDBs, strMDB, strMdbName, validTestMailbox, Matches

' Constants to access properties in the mailboxes array
Const ACCOUNT = 0
Const MDB = 1
Const SERVER = 3
Const CHECKED = 5
Const NUM_OF_PROPERTIES = 6 ' ATTENTION: Include any new property above this item and update its value


' To do: get the list of servers that we should not generate alert about test mailboxes
strScope = "subTree"
strDN = "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; GetNamingContext("configurationNamingContext") &amp; "&gt;"
strSearchFilter = "(&amp;(objectCategory=msExchExchangeServer)(cn=" &amp; strComputer &amp; "))"
strQuery = strDN &amp; ";" &amp; strSearchFilter &amp; ";*;" &amp; strScope
strSrvProps = "distinguishedName,canonicalName,msExchHomeRoutingGroup,name,serverRole,serialNumber,messageTrackingEnabled,msExchDataPath,msExchInstallPath,whenCreated"
strSrvFriendlyProps = "cn,canonicalName,msExchHomeRoutingGroup,Exchange Server,Server Role,Version,Message Tracking,Message Tracking Log Directory,Install path,Date of installation"
strSrvs = ""

GetADSIInfo strSrvProps, strQuery, strSrvs, ";", REC_DELIM

For each strSrv in Split(strSrvs, REC_DELIM)
If strSrv = "" Then Exit For

' Get some extra information about the Exchange Server
arrData = Split(strSrv, ";")
GetADSIInfo "msExchRoutingMasterDN", "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; arrData(2) &amp; "&gt;;;*;subTree", strExtraInfo, ";", REC_DELIM

If strExtraInfo &lt;&gt; "" Then
strExtraInfo = arrData(3) &amp; ";" &amp; GetTokValue(1, "", "/", arrData(1))&amp; ";" &amp; GetCNValue(5, arrData(0)) &amp; ";" &amp; _
GetCNValue(3, arrData(0)) &amp; ";" &amp; GetCNValue(1, arrData(2)) &amp; " (master connector: " &amp; GetCNValue(1, strExtraInfo) &amp; ");"

If arrData(4) = "1" Then
strExtraInfo = strExtraInfo &amp; "Front-End"
ElseIf arrData(4) = "0" Then
strExtraInfo = strExtraInfo &amp; "Back-End"
strExtraInfo = strExtraInfo &amp; "undefined"
End If

strExtraFriendlyProps = "Exchange Server,Domain,Organization,Administrative group,Routing group,Server role"
strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strExtraInfo, strExtraFriendlyProps, 0, 0, True)
End If

strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strSrv, strSrvFriendlyProps, 5, 1, False)

If Not IsEx2KServer() Then
strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(GetVirusScanState(), "Information Store virus scanning", 0, 1, False)
End If

' Get the Queue directories
strDN = "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; Left(strSrv,InStr(strSrv,";") - 1) &amp; "&gt;"
strSearchFilter = "(objectCategory=protocolCfgSMTPServer)"
strQuery = strDN &amp; ";" &amp; strSearchFilter &amp; ";*;" &amp; strScope
strSMTPQueueProps = "adminDisplayName,msExchAuthenticationFlags,msExchSmtpQueueDirectory,msExchSmtpBadMailDirectory,msExchSmtpPickupDirectory,msExchSmtpDropDirectory"
strSMTPQueueFriendlyProps = "SMTP Queue,Authentication (acceptable methods),Queue directory,Bad mail directory,Pickup directory,Drop directory"
strSMTPQueues = ""

GetADSIInfo strSMTPQueueProps, strQuery, strSMTPQueues, ";", REC_DELIM
For each strSMTPQueue in Split(strSMTPQueues, REC_DELIM)
If strSMTPQueue = "" Then Exit For
arrData = Split(strSMTPQueue, ";")

arrData(1) = TranslateSMTPAuthFlags(arrData(1))
strSMTPQueue = Join(arrData, ";")

strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strSMTPQueue, strSMTPQueueFriendlyProps, 0, 0, True)
Next ' each strSMTPQueue in Split(strSMTPQueues, REC_DELIM)

' Get the MTA info
strDN = "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; Left(strSrv,InStr(strSrv,";") - 1) &amp; "&gt;"
strSearchFilter = "(objectCategory=mTA)"
strQuery = strDN &amp; ";" &amp; strSearchFilter &amp; ";*;" &amp; strScope
strMTAProps = "adminDisplayName,msExchMTADatabasePath"
strMTAFriendlyProps = "MTA Server,Database path"
strMTAs = ""

GetADSIInfo strMTAProps, strQuery, strMTAs, ";", REC_DELIM
For each strMTA in Split(strMTAs, REC_DELIM)
If strMTA = "" Then Exit For
strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strMTA, strMTAFriendlyProps, 0, 0, True)
Next ' each strMTA in Split(strMTAs, REC_DELIM)

strOutput = ""

' RegExp to be used to match test mailboxes
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "^" &amp; strComputer &amp; "MOM.*"
regEx.IgnoreCase = TRUE
regEx.Global = TRUE

' Collect info about the test mailboxe accounts
strMailboxes = FindTestAccounts(strComputer)
If strMailboxes &lt;&gt; "" Then
strMailboxSplit = Split (strMailboxes,";",-1,1)
nMailboxes = UBound(strMailboxSplit)/5 ' FindTestAccounts returns 5 props for each MDB
Redim strMailboxArray (nMailboxes,6) ' We store one property more in the array
For i = 0 to nMailboxes-1
strMailboxArray(i,ACCOUNT) = strMailboxSplit(5*i+ACCOUNT)
strMailboxArray(i,MDB) = strMailboxSplit(5*i+MDB)
strMailboxArray(i,STORAGE_GROUP) = strMailboxSplit(5*i+STORAGE_GROUP)
strMailboxArray(i,SERVER) = strMailboxSplit(5*i+SERVER)
strMailboxArray(i,DISPLAYNAME) = strMailboxSplit(5*i+DISPLAYNAME)
strMailboxArray(i,CHECKED) = False
Next ' i = 0 to nMailboxes-1
End If

' Get the Storage group info
strDN = "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; Left(strSrv,InStr(strSrv,";") - 1) &amp; "&gt;"
strSearchFilter = "(&amp;(objectCategory=msExchStorageGroup)(|(!msExchRestore=*)(!msExchRestore=TRUE)))"
strQuery = strDN &amp; ";" &amp; strSearchFilter &amp; ";*;" &amp; strScope
strSGProps = "distinguishedName,name,msExchESEParamCircularLog,msExchESEParamLogFilePath,msExchESEParamSystemPath"
strSGFriendlyProps = "cn,Storage Group,Circular log enabled,Transaction log location,System path location"
strSGs = ""

GetADSIInfo strSGProps, strQuery, strSGs, ";", REC_DELIM

For each strSG in Split(strSGs, REC_DELIM)
If strSG = "" Then Exit For

strOutput = "Storage Group Information" &amp; INFO_DELIM
strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strSG, strSGFriendlyProps, 1, 0, True)

strStorageGroupName = Split(strSG, ";")(1)

' Get the Private MDBs info
strDN = "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; Left(strSG,InStr(strSG,";") - 1) &amp; "&gt;"
strSearchFilter = "(objectCategory=msExchPrivateMDB)"
strQuery = strDN &amp; ";" &amp; strSearchFilter &amp; ";*;" &amp; strScope

strMDBProps = "name,msExchEDBFile,msExchSLVFile,homeMDBBL"
strMDBFriendlyProps = "Private MDB,Exchange database,Exchange streaming database,Number of mailboxes"
strMDBs = ""

GetADSIInfo strMDBProps, strQuery, strMDBs, ";", REC_DELIM

For each strMDB in Split(strMDBs, REC_DELIM)
If strMDB = "" Then Exit For

strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strMDB, strMDBFriendlyProps, 0, 1, True)
strMdbName = Left(strMDB,InStr(strMDB,";") - 1)

validTestMailbox = 0
For i = 0 to nMailboxes-1
If (StrComp(strMailboxArray(i,SERVER),strComputer,vbTextCompare) = 0) and _
(StrComp(strMailboxArray(i,STORAGE_GROUP),strStorageGroupName,vbTextCompare) = 0) and _
(StrComp(strMailboxArray(i,MDB),strMdbName,vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strMailboxArray(i,ACCOUNT))

If Matches.Count &gt; 0 Then
strMailboxArray(i, CHECKED) = True
validTestMailbox = 1
strTemp = strMailboxArray(i,ACCOUNT) &amp; " (Display Name: """ &amp; strMailboxArray(i,DISPLAYNAME) &amp; """)"
strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strTemp, "MOM test mailbox", 0, 2, True)
End If
End If
Next ' i = 0 to nMailboxes-1

If (validTestMailbox = 0) Then
If IsEmpty(strMailboxes) Then
strTemp = "&lt;NO TEST MAILBOX FOR THIS MDB&gt;"
End If
strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strTemp, "MOM test mailbox", 0, 2, True)
End If
Next ' For each private MDB

' Get the public MDBs info
strDN = "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; Left(strSG,InStr(strSG,";") - 1) &amp; "&gt;"
strSearchFilter = "(objectCategory=msExchPublicMDB)"
strQuery = strDN &amp; ";" &amp; strSearchFilter &amp; ";*;" &amp; strScope
strMDBProps = "name,msExchEDBFile,msExchSLVFile"
strMDBFriendlyProps = "Public MDB,Exchange database,Exchange streaming database"
strMDBs = ""

GetADSIInfo strMDBProps, strQuery, strMDBs, ";", REC_DELIM

For each strMDB in Split(strMDBs, REC_DELIM)
If strMDB = "" Then Exit For
strOutput = strOutput &amp; OutputInfo(strMDB, strMDBFriendlyProps, 0, 1, True)
Next ' each strMDB in Split(strMDBs, REC_DELIM)

strOutput = ""
Next ' For each Storage Group

End Sub

Function IsEx2KServer()
IsEx2KServer = False


Dim version
version = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup\newestbuild")

If version = EX2K_VERSION_NUMBER Then IsEx2KServer = True
End Function


Function TranslateSMTPAuthFlags(str)
Dim lngAuthFlag : lngAuthFlag = CLng(str)
Dim strRes : strRes = ""

If (lngAuthFlag And AUTH_FLAG_ANONYMOUS) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
strRes = "Anonymous access"
End If

If (lngAuthFlag And AUTH_FLAG_BASIC) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
If strRes &lt;&gt; "" Then strRes = strRes &amp; ", "
strRes = strRes &amp; "Basic authentication"
End If

If (lngAuthFlag And AUTH_FLAG_NTLM) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
If strRes &lt;&gt; "" Then strRes = strRes &amp; ", "
strRes = strRes &amp; "Integrated Windows Authentication"
End If

If strRes = "" Then strRes = "None"
TranslateSMTPAuthFlags = strRes
End Function

Dim CachedVSState : CachedVSState = ""

Function GetVirusScanState()
Dim Value

If CachedVSState &lt;&gt; "" Then
GetVirusScanState = CachedVSState
Exit Function
End If

On Error Resume Next
Value = RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\VirusScan\Enabled")
If Err Then
CachedVSState = "Not installed"
If VarType(Value) = vbLong Then
If Value = 0 Then
CachedVSState = "Disabled"
CachedVSState = "Enabled"
End If
CachedVSState = "Misconfigured"
End If
End If

GetVirusScanState = CachedVSState
End Function

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