Site Data Collector Discovery

ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SiteDataCollector.Discovery (Discovery)

Discovers MP site data collector, which is used for collecting and monitoring data on the XenApp/XenDesktop site level. Site data collector is hosted on the XenApp/XenDesktop Delivery Controller computer with the lowest ID in a site.
By default all data for all sites are being monitored. With discovery parameters described below, specific sites can be included/excluded in/from discovery.

- SiteIncludeRegExPattern: Only sites (with belonging components) with site name matching this regular expression will be discovered. This parameter must have the same value as "Delivery Controller Discovery" discovery "SiteIncludeRegExPattern" parameter.
- SiteExcludeRegExPattern: Only sites (with belonging components) with site name NOT matching this regular expression will be discovered. This parameter must have the same value as "Delivery Controller Discovery" discovery "SiteExcludeRegExPattern" parameter.

NOTE: When using filer parameters, the same parameters must also be changed in 'Delivery Controller Discovery' and 'Delivery Groups and Hypervisor Connections Discovery' discoveries accordingly.

Element properties:


Object Discovery Details:

Discovered Classes and their attribuets:
Discovered relationships and their attribuets:

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
Discovery DataSource ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DS.SiteDataCollector.DiscoveryProvider Default