Data On Demand GetNetstatCsv write action

Community.DataOnDemand.WriteAction.GetNetstatCsv (WriteActionModuleType)

Displays established TCP connections collected via netstat -ano

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
WA WriteAction Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellWriteAction Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
Formatstring$Config/Format$Output formatAllowed values: csv, csvEx, json, text.
TimeoutSecondsint$Config/TimeoutSeconds$Timeout (Seconds)Script timeout in seconds

Source Code:

<WriteActionModuleType ID="Community.DataOnDemand.WriteAction.GetNetstatCsv" Accessibility="Public" Batching="false">
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="Format" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Format" Selector="$Config/Format$" ParameterType="string"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimeoutSeconds" Selector="$Config/TimeoutSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<WriteAction ID="WA" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellWriteAction">
Get CSV formatted netstat output for established TCP connections.
This script calls netstat to obtain information about network
connections at the host and filters and formats the output in a
CSV form friendly to automated consumption.
Permitted values: text, csv, json, list
PS &gt; .\Get-Netstat.ps1 -format csv

Returns netstat information in the default CSV format.
netsh is used to find out which ports are being listened to by
http.sys. Any TCP connections to such ports have their process
information faked up to an imaginary process called "HTTP.SYS"
with a PID of 5. (real PIDs are always a multiple of 4, so this
will never clash with a real process PID).

Output is sent to Write-Host to simplify consumption of output
when run as a SCOM agent task.

Copyright 2017 Squared Up Limited, All Rights Reserved.
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "")]
[string] $Format = "csv"

#Requires -Version 2.0
Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

# Cache for DNS lookup
$dnsCache = @{}
IPConfig /DisplayDNS | Select-String -Pattern "Record Name" -Context 0,5 | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.Context.PostContext[3] -Split ":")[1].Trim() -eq 'Answer') {
$dnsCache[($_.Context.PostContext[4] -Split ":")[1].Trim()] = ($_.Line -Split ":")[1].Trim()

# Emit CSV header
$output = @()
$output += 'Computername,PID,ProcessName,ProcessDescription,Protocol,LocalAddress,LocalPort,RemoteAddress,RemotePort,State,RemoteAddressIP,ServiceName,SessionId%EOL%'

# Get current process and service info
$procsByPid = @{}
Get-Process | ForEach-Object {
$procsByPid[$_.Id] = $_
$svcsByPid = @{}
Get-WmiObject win32_Service | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.ProcessId) {
$svcsByPid[$_.ProcessId] = $_

# See which port numbers are being listened to by HttpSys
$uriRe = [Regex]'^\s+\w+://[^:]+:(?&lt;PORT&gt;\d+)/'
$trueByHttpSysPort = @{}

$data = @()
netsh http show servicestate verbose=yes view=requestq | ForEach-Object {
$data += $_
for( $i = 0; $i -lt $data.Length; $i++) {

if ($data[$i] -match '^\s+Registered URLs:') {
$m = $uriRe.Match($data[$i])
while ($m.Success) {
$trueByHttpSysPort[$m.Groups['PORT'].Value] = $true
$m = $uriRe.Match($data[$i])

# Holds connection states
$stateMap = @{}
$establishedString = "ESTABLISHED"
foreach ($result in [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties().GetActiveTCPConnections())
$stateMap.Add("$($result.LocalEndPoint)-&gt;$($result.RemoteEndPoint)", $result.State)

# Run netstat.exe
$results = @(netstat -ano)

# Process the results...
foreach ($line in $results) {
# Only interested in established TCP connections
if ($line -notmatch '^\s*TCP\b') { continue }
if ($line -match '^\s*TCP\s+\[::') { continue }
$col = $line.split(' ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

# Ignore connections which are always going to be listening or loopback
if ($col[1].StartsWith('')) { continue }
if ($col[2].StartsWith('')) { continue }
if ($col[1].StartsWith('')) { continue }

# Only interested in established connections - update the established string so if a race occurs we can estimate based on the local text.
$cachedState = $stateMap["$($col[1])-&gt;$($col[2])"]
if ($cachedState -eq [System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState]::Established)
$establishedString = $col[3]
elseif ($cachedState -ne [System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState]::Established -or $col[3] -ne $establishedString)

# Now process the local and remote addresses
$addrs = New-Object string[] 3
$ports = New-Object string[] 3
for ($c = 1; $c -le 2; $c++) {
# $c = 1 for local address and 2 for remote address column...
if ($col[$c].StartsWith('[')) {
# IPv6
$toks = $col[$c].Split(']')
$addrs[$c] = $toks[0] + ']'
if ($toks.length -gt 1 -and $toks[1].Length -gt 1) { $ports[$c] = $toks[1].Substring(1) } else { $ports[$c] = "" }
} else {
$toks = $col[$c].Split(':')
$addrs[$c] = $toks[0]
if ($toks.length -gt 1) { $ports[$c] = $toks[1] } else { $ports[$c] = "" }

# Check if this is via HttpSys
if ($col[4] -eq 4) {
if ($trueByHttpSysPort.ContainsKey($ports[1])) {
$col[4] = 5 # We use invalid PID 5 to indicate that this port is used by HTTP.SYS

# Work out the service name (if any), process name and description
$serviceName = ""
$sessionId = 0
$procName = "Unknown"
$procDesc = ""
$procId = [int]$col[4]
$procIdUnsigned = [uint32]$col[4]
if ($svcsByPid.ContainsKey($procIdUnsigned)) {
$serviceName = $svcsByPid[$procIdUnsigned].Name
if ($procId -eq 4) {
$procName = $procDesc = "SYSTEM"
} elseif ($procId -eq 5) {
$procName = $procDesc = "HTTP.SYS"
} elseif ($procsByPid.ContainsKey($procId)) {
$proc = $procsByPid[$procId]
$procName = $proc.ProcessName
$sessionId = $proc.SessionId
if($procName -eq 'svchost'){
if ($svcsByPid.ContainsKey($procIdUnsigned)) {
$procDesc = $svcsByPid[$procIdUnsigned].DisplayName
} else {
$procDesc = 'svchost'
if ($proc.MainModule -and $proc.MainModule.FileVersionInfo -and $proc.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileDescription) {
$procDesc = $proc.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileDescription

# Get the host name
$dnsName = $addrs[2]
if ($dnsCache.ContainsKey($addrs[2])) {
$dnsName = $dnsCache[$addrs[2]]

# CSV escape procDesc and shorten, appending ... if not already present
$maxlength = 128
if ($procDesc.length -gt $maxlength) {
$procDesc = $procDesc.Substring(0, $maxlength) -replace '(?&lt;!\.{3})$','...'
$procDesc = '"' + $procDesc.Replace('"','""') + '"'

# Emit a CSV line for our consumer...
$output += '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},"{11}",{12}%EOL%' -f `

# Produce output in requested format

if ($Format -eq 'text')
ConvertFrom-Csv ($output -replace '%EOL%','') `
| Format-Table -AutoSize `
| Out-String -Width 4096 `
| Write-Host
elseif ($Format -eq 'csv')
$output -replace '%EOL%','' `
| Out-String -Width 4096 `
| Write-Host
elseif ($Format -eq 'csvEx')
$output `
| Out-String -Width 4096 `
| Write-Host
elseif ($Format -eq 'json')
ConvertFrom-Csv ($output -replace '%EOL%','') `
| ConvertTo-Json `
| Out-String -Width 4096 `
| Write-Host
elseif ($Format -eq 'list')
ConvertFrom-Csv ($output -replace '%EOL%','') `
| Format-List `
| Out-String -Width 4096 `
| Write-Host

# Done. (do not remove blank line following this comment as it can cause problems when script is sent to SCOM agent!)
<Node ID="WA"/>