User Logon Process - Logon Scripts Time (Alert)

Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.LogonScriptsTime.Alert (Rule)

Generates alert if time taken for the logon scripts to be executed exceeds a threshold value.

Knowledge Base article:


Helps to identify a user whose logon scripts phase was very slow. This logon phase covers the time taken for the logon scripts to be executed.


Overridable parameters:


The recurring interval of time in seconds in which to run the rule (the default value is set to 300 seconds).


Info alert threshold (the default value is set to 30 seconds).


Warning alert threshold (the default value is set to 60 seconds).


Critical alert threshold (the default value is set to 120 seconds).


Used for troubleshooting (the default value is set to false).


Logon scripts can have a large impact on start time. Some of the most common ways that logon scripts increase logon times are:


To identify if this is a general issue on a delivery group, compare the user's load scripts time to the average time for all users in this Delivery Group for the last seven days.

See Delivery Group Average Logon Performance

Check also the User - Logon Activity (Troubleshooting) report to get information about this user's logons in the past.

Some scripts may complete a lot of actions, including calls to other scripts, long loops, mapping network drives, and others.

Optimize and merge logon scripts where possible. Windows Server 2008 introduced Group Policy Preferences, which when used can reduce, or in some cases eliminate, the need for logon scripts. When not using Group Policy Preferences, assign logon scripts to users via GPOs, rather than the AD User Account property setting.


In addition to alert description, some information is also available in Alert Context tab:


Click the following link to get more info about logon process:

XenApp/XenDesktop Connection Process and Communication Flow

Also, please see the following Citrix article on troubleshooting slow XenApp logons:

How to Troubleshoot Slow Logons

You may also want to check out the Citrix logon optimization guide:

Logon Optimization Guide

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DS.Logons.AlertProvider Default
filterProper ConditionDetection Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.CD.Logons.Alert.ConditionDetection Default
Alert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default