Clustered Data ONTAP: OCPMDB Maintetance Rule

DataONTAP.Cluster.OCPMDBMaintenance.Rule (Rule)

This rule rebuilds indexes on the OCPMDB tables for better performance. By default this rule runs once every day.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateFalse

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource System.Scheduler Default
PowerShellWriteActionID WriteAction Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellWriteAction DataONTAP.SecureReference.RunAsProfile

Source Code:

<Rule ID="DataONTAP.Cluster.OCPMDBMaintenance.Rule" Target="DataONTAP.Cluster.ManagementServerResourcePool" Enabled="true" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="System!System.Scheduler">
<Interval Unit="Days">1</Interval>
<WriteAction ID="PowerShellWriteActionID" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellWriteAction" RunAs="DS!DataONTAP.SecureReference.RunAsProfile">
# Copyright (c) 2015 NetApp.
# OCPMDBMaintenance.ps1
# This script is used to run OCPMDB Maintenance work.

#Script utilities
function GetInstallPath
$netappRegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\NetApp\OnCommand\MS_Plugin"
$ibmRegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\IBM\OnCommand\MS_Plugin"

if (Test-Path -path $netappRegPath)
# Check for the registry key value of the install location for NetApp
$key = get-itemproperty $netappRegPath
elseif (Test-Path -path $ibmRegPath)
# Check for IBM registry key since can't find NetApp
$key= get-itemproperty $ibmRegPath
throw ("OnCommand Plug-in for Microsoft is not installed on " + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "`r`n")

return $key.InstallPath

function CreateAppDomain
$setup = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.SetupInformation;
$setup.ShadowCopyFiles = $true
return [AppDomain]::CreateDomain("OC.Cluster.OM.Powershell.NonDefaultAppDomain",

function InvokeMethodInAppDomain([AppDomain]$appDomain,
#In SCOM a Powershell script is executed in a MonitoringHost.exe process.
#Lifetime of a MonitoringHost.exe is not controlled by us and it continues to run after the script is done, possibly
#running other scripts or the same script again. A script is executed in a default AppDomain (by SCOM design) and
#as a result any assemblies loaded by script can not be unloaded because the defualt AppDomain can not be unloaded.
#Impossibility of unloading an assembly becomes a problem when then the assembly DLL is being updated
#(i.e. during an istallation), the problem is that even after the assembly DLL is updated,
#the new assembly code is not loaded if the assembly is already loaded.
#The solution for this problem is to load an assembly to a non-default domain which can be unloaded when the script is done.

#The OC.Cluster.OM.AppDomainInvoker assembly has to be in the GAC
$AppDomainInvokerAssembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('OC.Cluster.OM.AppDomainInvoker')

$result = [OC.Cluster.OM.AppDomainInvoker.AppDomainInvoker]::InvokeMethod($appDomain,

return $result

import-module operationsmanager


$scriptName = "OCPMDBMaintenance.ps1"

$api = new-object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI'

$api.LogScriptEvent($scriptName, 7000, 0, "Starting OCPMDB maintenance.")

$nonDefaultAppDomain = CreateAppDomain

$installPath = GetInstallPath

InvokeMethodInAppDomain $nonDefaultAppDomain `
(Join-Path $installPath 'OC.Cluster.OM.Server.dll') `
"OC.Cluster.OM.Server.OCPMDB.OCPMDBTasks" `
@() `
$MonitoringMethodName `

$taskOutput = "OCPMDB Maintenance completed sucessfully!"

#write the task output to the script output

$api.LogScriptEvent($scriptName, 7001, 0, $taskOutput)
if ($api)
$api.LogScriptEvent($scriptName, 7002, 1, "OCPMDB Maintenance failed.`r`n" + $Error)

#throw the current error so that it will be displayed in the SCOM task output and status of the task will be set as failed
if ($nonDefaultAppDomain)
$nonDefaultAppDomain = $null
