Dell MD Array Partially Complete Disk Group or Disk Pool

Dell.MDStorageArray.ABBXMLEvent421 (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:


Partially Complete Disk Group or Disk Pool

The causes and resolutions refer to the Dell Modular Disk Storage Manager recovery guru. Launch Dell Modular Disk Storage Manager to diagnose and fix the recovery failure as follows:


One or more physical disks are missing from a disk group or disk pool. There are still enough physical disks remaining that the virtual disks can continue servicing I/O. However, the virtual disks may not be able to continue I/O if more physical disks are removed or fail. The Recovery Guru Details area provides specific information you will need as you follow the recovery steps.

Caution: Electrostatic discharge can damage sensitive components. Always use proper antistatic protection when handling components. Touching components without using a proper ground may damage the equipment.

Important Notes

Affected Disk Groups

Affected Disk Pools





The affected object is a disk group

Go to step 2.

The affected object is a disk pool

Go to 'Completing a Physical Disk Replacement.'




You removed the physical disks - either inadvertently or you need to replace the physical disks

Go to 'Completing a Physical Disk Replacement.'

You removed the physical disks because you intend to export these physical disks to another storage array

Go to 'Completing a Disk Group Export.'

You have inserted physical disks from another storage array and already selected the Force Import option



The missing physical disks were not imported with the rest of the physical disks because they were damaged

Go to 'Completing a Physical Disk Replacement.'

You want to import the original physical disks that were associated with the disk group or disk pool in the source storage array

Go to 'Completing a Disk Group Import.'

Completing a Physical Disk Replacement




You inadvertently removed the physical disks

Perform the following steps:


Reinsert all removed physical disks. The fault indicator lights may be lit for a short time (one minute or less).


Go to step 3.

You want to use new physical disks or Unassigned physical disks as replacements

Perform the following steps:


Verify that the replacement physical disks are:

  • A capacity equal to or greater than the failed physical disks you removed.

  • Certified for use in this storage array.


Insert all replacement physical disks. The fault indicator lights may be lit for a short time (one minute or less).




The affected object is a disk pool

Reconstruction will begin and the physical disk will automatically be incorporated into the disk pool. Go to step 3.

The affected object is a disk group

Go to step 2.


Assign a physical disk to take over for the missing physical disk by completing the following steps:


Refer to the Details area to find out which disk group has been affected.


Highlight the affected disk group on the Storage and Copy Services tab in the Array Management Window, and then select the Storage > Disk Group > Replace Physical Disks menu option.


Select the missing physical disk that corresponds to the to the slot location (identified in the Details area).


Select an appropriate replacement physical disk, and then click the Replace Physical Disk button.


  • When the replace operation begins, data is reconstructed on the new physical disk using information on the other physical disks comprising the disk group. This reconstruction should begin automatically. The physical disk's fault indicator lights will go off and the activity indicator lights of the physical disks in the disk group will start flashing.

  • If you are replacing a physical disk in a storage array that contains hot spares, data reconstruction will start on the hot spare before you insert the new physical disk. The data on the replacement physical disk may not be reconstructed until after it has completed the process on the hot spare.


When the physical disk reconstruction completes and the disk group is Optimal, go to step 3.


Click the Recheck button to rerun the Recovery Guru. The failure should no longer appear in the Summary area. If the failure appears again, contact your Technical Support Representative.

Completing a Disk Group Export


Reinsert all of the missing physical disks associated with this disk group into the original slots. The Details area provides the physical location of the missing physical disks as well as the affected disk group.


Wait for the disk group and its associated virtual disks to display an Optimal status.


On the Storage and Copy Services tab in the Array Management Window, select the disk group you want to export.


Select the Storage > Disk Group > Advanced > Export menu option.


Follow the instructions in the Export Disk Group wizard to successfully export the disk group.


Click the Recheck button to rerun the Recovery Guru. The failure should no longer appear in the Summary area. If the failure appears again, contact your Technical Support Representative.

Completing a Disk Group Import


Insert all of the missing physical disks associated with this disk group with the original physical disks from the source storage array. The Details area provides the physical location of the missing physical disks as well as the affected disk group.

Note: If the original physical disks are not available, you can also use the Replace Physical Disk option in the MD storage management software to reconstruct other unassigned physical disks in the storage array to take over for the missing physical disks.


Wait for the disk group and its associated virtual disks to display an Optimal status.


Click the Recheck button to rerun the Recovery Guru. The failure should no longer appear in the Summary area. If the failure appears again, contact your Technical Support Representative.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Dell MD Array Partially Complete Disk Group or Disk Pool

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.ScriptGenerated.EventProvider Default
Alert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default
WriteToDW WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.PublishEventData Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Dell.MDStorageArray.ABBXMLEvent421" Enabled="onEssentialMonitoring" Target="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ScriptGenerated.EventProvider">
<WriteAction ID="Alert" TypeID="SystemHealth!System.Health.GenerateAlert">
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDW" TypeID="SCDW!Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.PublishEventData"/>