Dell Server Performance DSMT

Dell.ManagedServer.ServerPerformanceDSMT (DataSourceModuleType)

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DSP1 DataSource System.SimpleScheduler Default
PB1 ProbeAction Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
IntervalSecondsint$Config/IntervalSeconds$Interval SecondsInterval Seconds for the Server Performance DSMT
LogLevelint$Config/LogLevel$LogLevelLogLevel for the Server Performance DSMT

Source Code:

<DataSourceModuleType ID="Dell.ManagedServer.ServerPerformanceDSMT" Accessibility="Public" Batching="false">
<xsd:element name="IntervalSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="SyncTime" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="LogLevel" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="Warning" type="xsd:double"/>
<xsd:element name="Critical" type="xsd:double"/>
<xsd:element name="LowerWarning" type="xsd:double"/>
<xsd:element name="LowerCritical" type="xsd:double"/>
<xsd:element name="HighWarning" type="xsd:double"/>
<xsd:element name="HighCritical" type="xsd:double"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="IntervalSeconds" Selector="$Config/IntervalSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="LogLevel" Selector="$Config/LogLevel$" ParameterType="int"/>
<ModuleImplementation Isolation="Any">
<DataSource ID="DSP1" TypeID="System!System.SimpleScheduler">
<ProbeAction ID="PB1" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe">
param($LogLevel, $Critical, $Warning, $HighWarning, $LowerWarning, $HighCritical, $LowerCritical)
$api = New-Object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI'

$scriptname = "DelliSMServerPerformanceCookDownUMT"
$logDirectory = "DellManagedServeriSM_log"

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
if ($LogLevel -ne 0)
$TempFolder = $env:SystemRoot + "\Temp"
$LogLocation = $TempFolder + "\" + $logDirectory + "\"
If(!(Test-Path -path($TempFolder)))
# create the directory if not present
New-Item $TempFolder -type directory

If(!(Test-Path -path($LogLocation)))
# create the directory if not present
New-Item $LogLocation -type directory
$Global:LogFileLocation = $LogLocation + $scriptname + ".log"
If(!(Test-Path -path($LogFileLocation)))
# create the file if it does not exist
New-Item $LogFileLocation -type file
$logFileSize = Get-ChildItem $LogFileLocation | ForEach-Object {($_.Length/1KB)}
If ($logFileSize -gt 512)
# existingLogFile is greater than 512 KB
$archiveTime = Get-Date -f ""
Rename-Item $LogFileLocation ("ArchivedLog_" + $scriptname + "_" + $archiveTime + ".log")
New-Item $LogFileLocation -type file
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
$message = "Exception in creating log file. Exception-Message:" + $ErrorMessage + $FailedItem
Function psDebugLog
param($level, $message)
if (($level -gt 0) -and ($level -le $LogLevel))
$currentTime = Get-Date -f ""
Out-File -FilePath $LogFileLocation -InputObject ($currentTime + " :: " + $message) -Append -EA SilentlyContinue

psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Server Performance CookDownUMT Script is Started"

# Update for all profiles inventory.
$profiles = @(

$hash_profileInstances = @{}

foreach($profile in $profiles)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Health UMT Retriving " + $profile + " Profile")
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$ProfileInstances = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2\dcim -ClassName $profile
#Converting single-objects into arrays, as some profiles are not arrrays
if($ProfileInstances -ne $null)
if($ProfileInstances -isnot [system.array])
$temparray = @()
$temparray += $ProfileInstances
$ProfileInstances = $temparray
# Then add array into Hash Map.
$hash_profileInstances.Add($profile, $ProfileInstances)
$ErrorMessage = $_.exception.Message
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Exception in Retriving Profile " + $profile + " Exception-Message:" + $ErrorMessage
$dcimSystemViewArray = $hash_profileInstances.Item("DCIM_SystemView")
$dcimSystemView = $null
if($dcimSystemViewArray -ne $null){
$dcimSystemView = $dcimSystemViewArray[0];

$dcimPSNumericSensorArray = $hash_profileInstances.Item("DCIM_PSNumericSensor")
$dcimNumericSensorArray = $hash_profileInstances.Item("DCIM_NumericSensor")
$dcimAggregationMetricValueArray = $hash_profileInstances.Item("DCIM_AggregationMetricValue")
$dcimBaseMetricValueArray = $hash_profileInstances.Item("DCIM_BaseMetricValue")
$dcimNicStatisticsArray = $hash_profileInstances.Item("DCIM_NICStatistics")
$dcimPCIeSSDViewArray = $hash_profileInstances.Item("DCIM_PCIeSSDView")

if($dcimSystemView -ne $null)
if(($dcimPSNumericSensorArray -ne $null) -and ($dcimPSNumericSensorArray.count -gt 0))
foreach($dcimPSNumericSensor in $dcimPSNumericSensorArray)
$deviceId = $dcimPSNumericSensor.DeviceID
$currentReading = $dcimPSNumericSensor.CurrentReading
$unitModifier = $dcimPSNumericSensor.UnitModifier
$lcaseDeviceID = $deviceId.ToLower()
$status = "Normal"
#Condition for power consumption performance graph: If the device Id contains 'pwrconsumption', then this condition will proceed.
if ($lcaseDeviceID.Contains("pwrconsumption"))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Power Consumption Performance UMT is started")

If ($currentReading -ge 0)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Power Consumption Performance UMT for PSInstance: " + $deviceId + ", CurrentReading: " +$currentReading)

if($currentReading -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($currentReading -lt $Critical) -and ($currentReading -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Power Consumption (Watts)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)

psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Power Consumption Performance UMT Script is Ended"

#Condition for Amperage Power Supply 1 performance graph: If the device Id contains 'ps1current1', then this condition will proceed.
if ($lcaseDeviceID.Contains("ps1current1"))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Amperage Power Supply 1 Perf UMT is started")
if ($currentReading -ge 0)
$perValue = $currentReading * [Math]::Pow(10,$unitModifier)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Amperage Power Supply 1 UMT for PSInstance:" + $deviceId + ", CurrentReading: " +$perValue)
if($perValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($perValue -lt $Critical) -and ($perValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Amperage Power Supply 1(Amps)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Amperage Power Supply 1 UMT Script is Ended"

#Condition for Amperage Power Supply 2 performance graph: If the device Id contains 'ps2current2', then this condition will proceed.
if ($lcaseDeviceID.Contains("ps2current2"))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Amperage Power Supply 2 Perf UMT is started")
if ($currentReading -ge 0)
$perValue = $currentReading * [Math]::Pow(10,$unitModifier)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Amperage Power Supply 2 UMT for PSInstance:" + $deviceId + ", CurrentReading: " +$perValue)
if($perValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($perValue -lt $Critical) -and ($perValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Amperage Power Supply 2(Amps)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Amperage Power Supply 2 UMT Script is Ended"

if(($dcimNumericSensorArray -ne $null) -and ($dcimNumericSensorArray.count -gt 0))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("AmbientTempPerf UMT is started")
foreach($dcimNumericSensor in $dcimNumericSensorArray)
$deviceId = $dcimNumericSensor.DeviceID
$currentReading = $dcimNumericSensor.CurrentReading
$unitModifier = $dcimNumericSensor.UnitModifier
$lcaseDeviceID = $deviceId.ToLower()
#Condition for Ambient SystemBoardInlet Temperature performance graph: If the device Id contains 'inlet', then this condition will proceed.
if ($lcaseDeviceID.Contains("inlet"))
$status = "Normal"
$perValue = $currentReading * [Math]::Pow(10,$unitModifier)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("AmbientTempPerfInlet UMT for NSInstance:" + $deviceId + ", CurrentReading: " +$perValue)
if(($perValue -ge $HighCritical) -or ($perValue -le $LowerCritical))
$status = "Error"
elseif((($perValue -lt $HighCritical) -and ($perValue -ge $HighWarning)) -or
(($perValue -gt $LowerCritical) -and ($perValue -le $LowerWarning)))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Ambient SystemBoardInlet Temperature(centigrade)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
#Condition for Ambient SystemBoardExhaust Temperature performance graph: If the device Id contains 'exhaust', then this condition will proceed.
if ($lcaseDeviceID.Contains("exhaust"))
if ($currentReading -ge 0)
$status = "Normal"
$perValue = $currentReading * [Math]::Pow(10,$unitModifier)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("AmbientTempPerfExhaust UMT for NSInstance:" + $deviceId + ", CurrentReading: " +$perValue)
if(($perValue -ge $HighCritical) -or ($perValue -le $LowerCritical))
$status = "Error"
elseif((($perValue -lt $HighCritical) -and ($perValue -ge $HighWarning)) -or
(($perValue -gt $LowerCritical) -and ($perValue -le $LowerWarning)))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Ambient SystemBoardExhaust Temperature(centigrade)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "AmbientTempPerf UMT Script is Ended"

if(($dcimAggregationMetricValueArray -ne $null) -and ($dcimAggregationMetricValueArray.count -gt 0))
foreach($dcimAggregationMetricValue in $dcimAggregationMetricValueArray)
$instanceId = $dcimAggregationMetricValue.InstanceID
$metricValue = $dcimAggregationMetricValue.MetricValue
$lcaseInstanceId = $instanceId.ToLower()

#Condition for Peak Power performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'power', 'max, 'cont' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("power")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("max")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("cont")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Power Performance UMT is started")
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("powerhdrm")) -eq $false)
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Power Performance UMT for Peak Power Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Peak Power")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Power Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for Peak Amperage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains both of these 'current', 'max' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("current")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("max")))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Amperage Performance UMT is started")
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$metricValue = $metricValue / 10
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Amperage Performance UMT for Peak Amperage Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Peak Amperage")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Amperage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for Peak Headroom performance graph: If the Instance Id contains both of these 'powerhdrm', 'max' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("powerhdrm")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("max")))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Headroom Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Headroom Performance UMT for Peak Power Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Peak Headroom")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Peak Headroom Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Average Memory Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'avg', 'memoryusage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("avg")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("memoryusage")) -and
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average Memory Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average Memory Usage Performance UMT for Instance: " + $instanceId + ", MetricValue: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Average Memory Usage(last hour)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average Memory Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Maximum Memory Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'max', 'memoryusage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("max")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("memoryusage")) -and
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum Memory Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum Memory Usage Performance UMT for Instance: " + $instanceId + ", MetricValue: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Maximum Memory Usage(last hour)")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum Memory Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Peak Memory Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'peak', 'memoryusage' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("peak")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("memoryusage")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak Memory Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak Memory Usage Performance UMT for Instance: " + $instanceId + ", MetricValue: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Peak Memory Usage")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak Memory Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Average IO Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'avg', 'iousage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("avg")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("iousage")) -and
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average IO Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average IO Usage Performance UMT UMT for Instance: " + $instanceId + ", MetricValue: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Average IO Usage(last hour)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average IO Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Maximum IO Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'max', 'iousage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("max")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("iousage")) -and
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum IO Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum IO Usage Performance UMT UMT for Instance: " + $instanceId + ", MetricValue: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Maximum IO Usage(last hour)")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum IO Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Peak IO Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'peak', 'iousage' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("peak")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("iousage")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board peak IO Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board peak IO Usage Performance UMT UMT for Instance: " + $instanceId + ", MetricValue: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Peak IO Usage")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak IO Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Maximum SYS Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'max', 'sysusage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("max")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("sysusage")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("1h")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum SYS Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum SYS Usage Performance UMT for Max Power Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Maximum SYS Usage(last hour)")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum SYS Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Peak SYS Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'peak', 'sysusage' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("peak")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("sysusage")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak SYS Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak SYS Usage Performance UMT for Peak CUPS Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Peak SYS Usage")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak SYS Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Average SYS Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'avg', 'sysusage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("avg")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("sysusage")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("1h")))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average SYS Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average SYS Usage Performance UMT for Average CUPS Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Average SYS Usage(last hour)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average SYS Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Average SYS Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'avg', 'sysusage', '1d' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("avg")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("sysusage")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("1d")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Capacity Planning Check Performance Graph Script is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Capacity Check System Board Average SYS Usage(last day)")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Capacity Planning Check Performance Graph Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Maximum CPU Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'max', 'cpuusage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("max")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("cpuusage")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("1h")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum CPU Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum CPU Usage Performance UMT for Max Power Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Maximum CPU Usage(last hour)")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Maximum CPU Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Peak CPU Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains both of these 'peak', 'cpuusage' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("peak")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("cpuusage")))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak CPU Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak CPU Usage Performance UMT for Peak CUPS Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Peak CPU Usage")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Peak CPU Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Condition for System Board Average CPU Usage performance graph: If the Instance Id contains all of these 'systemboard', 'avg', 'cpuusage', '1h' then this condition will proceed.
if (($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("systemboard")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("avg")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("1h")) -and ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("cpuusage")))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average CPU Usage Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average CPU Usage Performance UMT for Average CUPS Instance: " + $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
if ($metricValue -ge 0)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","System Board Average CPU Usage(last hour)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("System Board Average CPU Usage Performance UMT Script is Ended")

if(($dcimBaseMetricValueArray -ne $null) -and ($dcimBaseMetricValueArray.count -gt 0))

foreach($dcimBaseMetricValue in $dcimBaseMetricValueArray)
$instanceId = $dcimBaseMetricValue.InstanceID
$energyMetricValue = $dcimBaseMetricValue.MetricValue
$metricValue = $dcimBaseMetricValue.MetricValue
$className = "Dell.ManagedServer.EnergyConsPerf"
$lcaseInstanceId = $instanceId.ToLower()

#Condition for Energy Consumption performance graph: If the Instance Id contains 'energy' then this condition will proceed.
if ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("energy"))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Energy Consumption Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Energy Consumption UMT for EnergyConsInstance:"+ $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $energyMetricValue)
If ($energyMetricValue -ge 0)
if($energyMetricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($energyMetricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($energyMetricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Energy Consumption(KWh)")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Energy Consumption Performance UMT Script is Ended"

#Condition for Instantaneous Headroom performance graph: If the Instance Id contains 'powerhdrm' then this condition will proceed.
if ($lcaseInstanceId.Contains("powerhdrm"))
$status = "Normal"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Instant Headroom Performance UMT is started")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Instant Headroom Performance UMT for HeadroomInstance:"+ $instanceId + ", Metric Value: " + $metricValue)
If ($metricValue -ge 0)
if($metricValue -ge $Critical)
$status = "Error"
elseif(($metricValue -lt $Critical) -and ($metricValue -ge $Warning))
$status = "Warning"
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","Instantaneous Headroom")
$propertyBag.AddValue("Status", $status)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Instant Headroom Performance UMT Script is Ended"

if(($dcimNicStatisticsArray -ne $null) -and ($dcimNicStatisticsArray.count -gt 0))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Transmitted Bytes Performance UMT is started")
foreach($dcimNicStatistics in $dcimNicStatisticsArray)
$deviceId = $dcimNicStatistics.FQDD
$performanceValue = $dcimNicStatistics.TxBytes
if( ($performanceValue -eq $null) -or ($performanceValue -eq "") -or ($performanceValue -eq "Not Available"))
$performanceValue = 0
if ($performanceValue -ge 0)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Transmitted Bytes Performance UMT for NIC: " + $deviceId + ", PerformanceValue: " +$performanceValue)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","NIC Transmitted Bytes")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "NIC Transmitted Bytes Performance UMT Script is Ended"

#NIC Received Packets
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Received Packets Performance UMT is started")
$performanceMulticast = $dcimNicStatistics.RxMutlicast
$performanceUnicast = $dcimNicStatistics.RxUnicast
if( ($performanceMulticast -eq $null) -or ($performanceMulticast -eq "") -or ($performanceMulticast -eq "Not Available"))
$multiCast = 0
$multiCast = [Double]($performanceMulticast)
if( ($performanceUnicast -eq $null) -or ($performanceUnicast -eq "") -or ($performanceUnicast -eq "Not Available"))
$uniCast = 0
$uniCast = [Double]($performanceUnicast)
$performanceValue = $multiCast + $uniCast
if ($performanceValue -ge 0)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Received Packets Performance UMT for NIC: " + $deviceId + ", PerformanceValue: " +$performanceValue)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","NIC Received Packets")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "NIC Received Packets Performance UMT Script is Ended"

#Received NIC Bytes
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Received Bytes Performance UMT is started")
$value = $dcimNicStatistics.RxBytes

If ( ($value -eq $null) -OR ($value -eq "") -OR ($value -eq "Not Available"))
$value = 0

If ($value -ge 0)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Received Bytes Performance UMT for NICRXBytes Instance: " + $deviceId + ", PerformanceValue: " + $value)

$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","NIC Received Bytes")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Received Bytes Performance UMT Script is Ended")

psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Transmitted Packets Performance UMT is started")
$multivalue = $dcimNicStatistics.TxMutlicast
$univalue = $dcimNicStatistics.TxUnicast

If ( ($multivalue -eq $null) -OR ($multivalue -eq "") -OR ($multivalue -eq "Not Available"))
$multivalue = 0
$multivalue = [Double]($multivalue)

If ( ($univalue -eq $null) -OR ($univalue -eq "") -OR ($univalue -eq "Not Available"))
$univalue = 0
$univalue = [Double]($univalue)

$value = $multivalue + $univalue

If ($value -ge 0)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Transmitted Packets Performance UMT for NICTxPackets Instance: " + $deviceId + ", PerformanceValue: " + $value)

$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","NIC Transmitted Packets")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("NIC Transmitted Packets Performance UMT Script is Ended")

#Disk Performance
if(($dcimPCIeSSDViewArray -ne $null) -and ($dcimPCIeSSDViewArray.count -gt 0))
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Disk Performance UMT is started")
foreach($dcimPCIeSSD in $dcimPCIeSSDViewArray)
$deviceId = $dcimPCIeSSD.FQDD
$remainingRatedWriteEndurance = $dcimPCIeSSD.RemainingRatedWriteEndurance
if ($remainingRatedWriteEndurance -ge 0)
psDebugLog -level 1 -message ("Disk Performance UMT for disk: " + $deviceId + ", PerformanceValue: " +$remainingRatedWriteEndurance)
$propertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$propertyBag.AddValue("PerformanceMetricName","SSD Wear Percentage")
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Disk Performance UMT Script is Ended"
psDebugLog -level 1 -message "Server Performance CookDownUMT Script is Ended"
<Node ID="PB1">
<Node ID="DSP1"/>