Dell CMC SNMP Trap : IO Virtualization configuration information

Dell.ModularChassis.CMC10747 (Rule)

Dell CMC has generated an IO Virtualization configuration informational event

Knowledge Base article:


Dell CMC has generated an IO Virtualization configuration informational event


Probable causes and corresponding resolutions for this condition are:



The Chassis manager has detected the presence of an adapter card in a slot not previously occupied.

No response action is required.

The Chassis manager has detected the removal of an adapter card from a specific slot.

No response action is required.

The Chassis manager has detected the insertion of an adapter card into a slot previously occupied.

No response action is required.

A PCIE Slot or PERC Virtual Adapter has been assigned to a server

No response action is required.

A PCIE Slot or PERC Virtual Adapter has been unassigned from a server

No response action is required.

The Chassis manager has discovered the presence of a PCIe card module with a PCIe card in it in a slot identified in the message.

No response action is required.

The Chassis manager has discovered the presence of a PCIe card module without a PCIe card in it in a slot identified in the message.

No response action is required.

PCIE card module is not discovered in the specified slot.

No response action is required.


Launch the CMC Console to debug further.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityInformation
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Dell Chassis Management Controller trap : IO Virtualization configuration information
Dell CMC has generated an IO Virtualization configuration informational event

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Dell.SNMPTrap.DSMT Default
Alert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Dell.ModularChassis.CMC10747" Enabled="true" Target="DAD!Dell.ModularChassis.CMC" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Dell.SNMPTrap.DSMT">
<PublisherName>Snmp Event</PublisherName>
<WriteAction ID="Alert" TypeID="SystemHealth!System.Health.GenerateAlert">
<Custom1>Alert Message ID = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsCA2MessageID"]$</Custom1>
<Custom2>Alert Message = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsCA2Message"]$</Custom2>
<Custom3>Alert FQDD = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsCA2FQDD"]$</Custom3>
<Custom4>Alert Chassis Service Tag = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsChassisServiceTag"]$</Custom4>
<Custom5>Alert Status = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsCA2AlertStatus"]$</Custom5>
<Custom6>Alert Global Status = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsGlobalCurrStatus"]$</Custom6>
<Custom7>Alert Chassis Location = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsProductChassisLocation"]$</Custom7>
<Custom8>Alert Chassis Name = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsProductChassisName"]$</Custom8>