EMC.SI.ESIServiceDELLEMC Enterprise SI Service Connection

EMC.SI.ESIService (ClassType)

Instance of Connection to DELLEMC Enterprise Storage Integrator Service

Knowledge Base article:


This class represents the DELLEMC Enterprise Storage Integrator service.


This class views the DELLEMC Enterprise Storage Integrator Services as a web service. It also hosts the class that represents an DELLEMC storage system.

For additional information, refer to the DELLEMC Enterprise Storage Integrator for Windows Suite Technical Notes or Online Help.


For more information or technical support, refer to DELLEMC Online Support at support.emc.com.

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.Windows.ComputerRole

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
ESIServiceHost  string  DELLEMC Enterprise SI Service Host true 256  False 
Port  int  Port true 256   
Version  string  Version false 256  False 
ProxyServer  string  Proxy Server Optional : proxy server name and port to be used for connection e.g. proxy_server:80 false 256  False 
BypassList  string  Bypass List Optional : defines list of host names that can be connected to by bypassing proxy server e.g. *.microsoft.com false 256  False 
IgonreCertificateErrors  bool  Ignore Certificate Errors If set true connection is established even if certificate related errors happen. If set to false connection fails if certificate related error happens false 256   
HTTPStoHTTPFallBack  bool  HTTPS to HTTP Fall Back if set to true it will try to connect with http protocol if https connection attempt failed false 256   
SystemRefreshIntervalMinutes  string  Service Refresh Interval (Minutes) Refresh Interval at which DELLEMC Enterprise SI Service refreshes cache for all discovered DELLEMC Enterprise Storage Integrator components. false  False 
UserName  string  User Name Optional : Specifies user name and domain used to connect to SI service e.g. sr5dom\esiscom. If not specified windows native authentication is used with account specified in DELLEMC Enterprise SI service Monitoring Account Run As Profile false 256  False 
Password  string  Password Optional : Specifies password used with user name to connect to SI service e.g. sr5dom\esiscom. It is ignored if user name is not specified false 256  False 
FilterFilePath  string  Storage System Filter File Path Optional : Full path to csv file located on monitoring agent machine that contains list of names of Storage Systems to be monitored or to be excluded from monitoring by this agent false 256  False 
DebugLevel  int  Trace Level If set to 0 tracing is disabled. If set to value higher than 0 tracing events are send to operations manager event log on agent machine. The higher the value the more granular logging false 256   

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="EMC.SI.ESIService" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ComputerRole" Hosted="true" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="ESIServiceHost" Type="string" Key="true" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="1"/>
<Property ID="Port" Type="int" Key="true" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="1"/>
<Property ID="Version" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="1"/>
<Property ID="ProxyServer" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="BypassList" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="IgonreCertificateErrors" Type="bool" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="HTTPStoHTTPFallBack" Type="bool" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="SystemRefreshIntervalMinutes" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="4" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="UserName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="Password" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="FilterFilePath" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="DebugLevel" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>