Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.Linux.PS.LoggerModule (DeployableResource)

Element properties:

File NameLoggerModule.psm1

Source Code:

<DeployableResource ID="Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.Linux.PS.LoggerModule" Accessibility="Public" FileName="LoggerModule.psm1" HasNullStream="false"/>

File Content: LoggerModule.psm1


# Fujitsu
# Copyright 2014-2019 FUJITSU LIMITED
# LoggerModule.psm1
# Summary:
# Logger module for Linux MP PowerShell scripts

# set Script variables:
$script:LoggerConfigFile = "SVISCOM-LinLog"
$script:SectionRoot = "root"
$script:SectionCommentSection = "CommentSection"
$script:SectionServerDiscovery = "ServerDiscovery"
$script:SectionComponentsMonitor = "ComponentsMonitor"
$script:SectionPerformanceMonitor = "PerformanceMonitor"
$script:SectionAlertsMonitor = "AlertsMonitor"
$script:SectionLogParser = "LogParser"
$script:SectionCommentHosts = "CommentHosts"
$script:TagDebugMode = "DebugMode"
$script:TagOverWrite = "OverWrite"
$script:TagHostsDiscovery = "HostsForDiscovery"
$script:TagHostsMonitoring = "HostsForMonitoring"

$script:MPScriptVersion = ""
$script:LogFilePath = "$($Env:TEMP)\SVISCOM\SVISCOM-Lin"
$script:ErrFilePrefix = "PRIMERGYAlertTrace"
$script:DebugMode = $False
$script:DebugFile = $False
$script:OverWrite = $True
$script:DebugForHost = $False
$script:OutsideMP = $False
$script:LogBuffer = $Null
$script:ScriptName = "Script.ps1"

$script:LogFileName = "$script:LogFilePath\PRIMERGYLogTrace.log"
$script:ErrFileName = "$($script:LogFilePath)\$($script:ErrFilePrefix).log"

function Get-BaseName {
Returns base name for provided path.
Function returns base name for provided path.
Path from which will be extracted file name.
$sFile = Get-BaseName -Path "test.txt"
Param ([string] $Path)

try {
return [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path)
} catch {
return $Path

function Format-CenterString {
Returns string centered by surrounding it with spaces.
Function returns string that is centered to provided length by surrounding it with spaces.
Text to center.
Length of new centered text. Lentgth must be > Text.Length.
$sText = Format-CenterString -Text "test" -Length 10
Param (
[string] $Text,
[int] $Length

$Left = $Length - $Text.Length
$Right = [int]($Left / 2)
$Left = $Left - $Right

return "$(" " * $Left)$Text$(" " * $Right)"

function New-LoggerSampleConfig {
Creates sample configuration file.
Function creates sample configuration file for all PoSh scripts in management pack.
$fileOK = $False
$pathOK = $False
$SampleConfigName = "$($script:LogFilePath)\$($script:LoggerConfigFile).sample.xml"
if (! (Test-Path -Path $script:LogFilePath)) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $script:LogFilePath | Out-Null
if (Test-Path -Path $script:LogFilePath) {
$pathOK = $True

if (Test-Path -Path $SampleConfigName) {
$txt = Get-Content $SampleConfigName
foreach ($obj in $txt) {
if ($obj.contains($script:MPScriptVersion)) {
$fileOK = $True

# we write a new sample file every time the MP is changed
if (($pathOK -eq $True) -and ($fileOK -eq $False)) {
if (Test-Path -Path $SampleConfigName) {
Remove-Item -Path $SampleConfigName -Force | Out-Null

New-Item -Path $SampleConfigName -ItemType File | Out-Null
Add-Content -Path $SampleConfigName -Value @"
SVISCOM-Lin Debug XML file for Linux MP Version $($script:MPScriptVersion)
With this file logging for all PowerShell scripts within the management pack can be enabled.

Rename the file, by removing '.sample' part from name, to enable reading this file.

Each of the sections (before '$SectionCommentHosts') in this file represents a script.

DebugMode enables logging (yes) or disables logging (no)
OverWrite defines continuous logging (no) or single script run logging (yes)
In the sections below single servers for logging can be selected.
Use '$TagHostsDiscovery' to select for which hosts discovery scripts should log information,
use '$TagHostsMonitoring' to select for which hosts monitoring scripts should log information.
As a value enter 'all' (without quote signs) for all servers or particular comma separated hostnames.
See the examples below.

function Read-XmlLogFile {
Set up debug variables for provided configuration.
Function reads xml configuration file and set up debug variables for provided configuration parameters.
Section for PoSh script in configuration file.
Tag for host names in configuration file.
Hostname to check.
Script is run outside of management pack.
Read-XmlLogFile -Section "ServerDiscovery" -HostTag "HostsForDiscovery" -Hostname "localhost"
Param (
[string] $Section,
[string] $HostTag,
[string] $Hostname,
[bool] $OutsideMP = $False

$XmlFileName = "$($script:LogFilePath)\$($script:LoggerConfigFile).xml"
$ListOfHosts = ""
$obj = ""

$DebugMode = $OutsideMP
$DebugForHost = $OutsideMP
$OverWrite = $True

if ((Test-Path -Path $script:LogFilePath) -and (Test-Path -Path $XmlFileName)) {
[xml]$xmlfile = Get-Content $XmlFileName

$TempBaseName = Get-BaseName $Hostname
$TargetBaseName = $TempBaseName.ToLower()

if ($xmlfile.$SectionRoot.$Section.$TagDebugMode -ne $null) {
$thisVal = $($xmlfile.$SectionRoot.$Section.$TagDebugMode).ToUpper()
if ($thisVal -eq "YES") {
$DebugMode = $True

if ($DebugMode) {
if ($xmlfile.$SectionRoot.$Section.$TagOverWrite -ne $null) {
$thisVal = $($xmlfile.$SectionRoot.$Section.$TagOverWrite).ToUpper()
if ($thisVal -eq "NO") {
$OverWrite = $False

if ($xmlfile.$SectionRoot.$HostTag -ne $null) {
$DebugHosts = $($xmlfile.$SectionRoot.$HostTag).ToLower()
} else {
$DebugHosts = ""

# Look, if DEBUG shall run for this server.
# There are two possibilities to check: "all" server DEBUG is on or this server is in the list.
if ($DebugHosts -eq "all") {
$DebugForHost = $True
} else {
# look, if this host is in the list of DebugHosts
$ListOfHosts = $($DebugHosts).split(",")
Write-LogDebug "Searching for host: '$PrincipalName' in list of DebugHosts: $DebugHosts"
foreach ($obj in $ListOfHosts) {
$TestBaseName = Get-BaseName "$obj"
if ($TestBaseName -eq $TargetBaseName) {
$DebugForHost = $True

return $DebugForHost, $OverWrite

function New-LogFile {
Creates new/overwrites existing log file.
Function creates new or overwrites existing log file - depending on read configuration parameters.
Is debug mode enabled.
Overwrites log file.
Log file name (full path to file).
Log file path to create if not exists.
Param (
[bool] $DebugMode,
[bool] $OverWrite,
[string] $LogFileName,
[string] $LogFilePath

if ($DebugMode) {
if (!(Test-Path -Path $LogFilePath)) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LogFilePath | Out-Null

if (Test-Path -Path $LogFileName) {
if ($OverWrite -eq $True) {
Remove-Item -Path $LogFileName -Force | Out-Null

if (!(Test-Path -Path $LogFileName)) {
New-Item -Path $LogFileName -ItemType File | Out-Null

Add-Content -Path $LogFileName -Value @"

********** $(Format-CenterString (Get-Date -Format F) $LogFileName.Length) **********
********** $($LogFileName) **********
********** $(Format-CenterString ("MP Version: $($script:MPScriptVersion)") $LogFileName.Length) **********


# Exportable functions:

function New-Logger {
Creates new logger object for PoSh script.
Function set up logger object for PowerShell script.
Section for PoSh script in configuration file.
Tag for host names in configuration file
Host name of server for which script is running.
Name of PoSh script for log purposes.
.PARAMETER CreateSampleConfig
Switch for creating sample configuration file.
.PARAMETER OutsideManagementPack
Script is run outside of management pack.
$logger = New-Logger -Section "ServerDiscovery" -HostTag "HostsForDiscovery" -ServerName "localhost" -ScriptName "DiscoveryScript.ps1" -CreateSampleConfig
Param (
[string] $Section = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -Section must be set.", "Section"),
[string] $HostTag = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -HostTag must be set.", "HostTag"),
[string] $ServerName = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -ServerName must be set.", "ServerName"),
[string] $ScriptName = "Script.ps1",
[switch] $CreateSampleConfig,
[switch] $OutsideManagementPack

$writeDebug = {
Writes debug message into log file.
Function writes debug message into log file.
Debug message to write.
$logger.Debug("This is debug message")
Param (
[string] $Text

if ($this.DebugMode) {
if ($this.OutsideMP) {
$this.LogBuffer += $Text

if (($this.LogFileName.Length -gt 0) -and (Test-Path -Path $this.LogFileName)) {
$DateTime = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Add-Content -Path $this.LogFileName -Value "$DateTime $Text"

$writeError = {
Writes error message into log file.
Function writes error message into log file.
Error number.
Error message to write.
$logger.Error(404, "Page not found")
Param (
[int] $ErrNo,
[string] $Text


$DateTime = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Add-Content -Path $this.ErrFileName -Value "[$($ErrNo)] [$($DateTime)] [$($this.ScriptName)] $($Text)"

$writeBuffer = {
Outputs log buffer in the pipeline or console.
If script is run outside of management pack - function outputs script logs in the pipeline or console.
if ($this.OutsideMP) {
Write-Output $this.LogBuffer

$DebugMode, $OverWrite = (Read-XmlLogFile $Section $HostTag $ServerName ([bool]$OutsideManagementPack))
$LogFilePrefix = "PRIMERGY" + (Get-BaseName $ScriptName)
$LogFileName = "$($script:LogFilePath)\$($LogFilePrefix)Trace_$($ServerName).log"

$loggerObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Type = "Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.PS.Logger"
Version = $script:MPScriptVersion
OutsideMP = [bool]$OutsideManagementPack
DebugMode = $DebugMode
OverWrite = $OverWrite
LogFileName = $LogFileName
ErrFileName = "$($script:LogFilePath)\$($script:ErrFilePrefix)_$($ServerName).log"
ScriptName = $ScriptName
LogBuffer = @()
$loggerObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Debug" -Value $writeDebug
$loggerObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Error" -Value $writeError
$loggerObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "OutputBuffer" -Value $writeBuffer

if ($CreateSampleConfig) {

New-LogFile -DebugMode $DebugMode -OverWrite $OverWrite -LogFileName $LogFileName -LogFilePath $script:LogFilePath

return $loggerObject


Export-ModuleMember -Variable 'SectionServerDiscovery', 'SectionComponentsMonitor', 'SectionConnectionMonitor', 'SectionAlertsMonitor', 'SectionHostServer',
'SectionPerformanceMonitor', 'SectionLogParser', 'TagHostsDiscovery', 'TagHostsMonitoring'
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-Logger'