Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.MXServerPRIMERGY MX Server

Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.MXServer (ClassType)

Fujitsu PRIMERGY MX Server

Element properties:

Base ClassFujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.Server

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
NetworkName  string  Network Name Network Name of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers true 256  False 
Manufacturer  string  Manufacturer Manufacturer of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers false 256  False 
Model  string  Model Model Name of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers false 256  False 
ChassisModel  string  Chassis Model Chassis Model Name of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers false 256  False 
SerialNumber  string  Serial Number Serial Number of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers false 256  False 
ChassisID  string  Chassis ID Combination of Chassis Model Name and Serial Number of Fujitsu PRIMERGY BX Servers false 256  False 
SystemFirmware  string  System Firmware System Firmware Information of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers false 256  False 
SystemType  string  System Type System Type of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Server false 256  False 
PhysicalMemory  string  Physical Memory Physical Memory Size by Mega Bytes of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Server false 256  False 
TotalDisk  string  Total Logical Disks Size Total Size of Logical Disks by bytes of Fujitsu PRIMERGY Server false 256  False 
MonitoringAgents  string  Monitoring Agents Management Pack Monitoring Source (ServerView Agents (SCCI) / Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)) false 256  False 
MonitoringWMI  string  WMI Windows Management Instrumentation false 256  False 
ManagementConsoleVersion  string  Management Console Version Version of PRIMERGY Management Software false 256  False 
BMC  string  BMC Address (IPv4) Address of integrated Remote Management Controller (BMC) IPv4 false 256  False 
BMC_DNS  string  BMC DNS name DNS name of integrated Remote Management Controller (BMC) false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.MXServer" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.Server" Hosted="true" Singleton="false"/>