Proceduralize the Data Retention Process

ID_c5e879c9_262e_496e_8ff4_f17772b8b0bb (ObjectTemplate)

Maintain a procedure by which logs are retained for the period prescribed by your organization, default system documentation is removed, and demonstration applications are removed.

Log Retention Configuration
Default Documentation Removal
Demonstration Application Removal

Element properties:


Source Code:

<ObjectTemplate ID="ID_c5e879c9_262e_496e_8ff4_f17772b8b0bb" TypeID="GRCControl!System.Compliance.ManualControlActivityProjection">
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/ExternalName$">$MPElement[Name='GRC!System.Compliance.SourceNameEnum.MicrosoftCorporation']$</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/ExternalId$">ID_c5e879c9_262e_496e_8ff4_f17772b8b0bb</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/ExternalVersion$">1.0</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/Type$">$MPElement[Name='GRCControl!System.Compliance.ControlActivity.TypeEnum.Preventive']$</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/Title$">Proceduralize the Data Retention Process</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/DisplayName$">ID_c5e879c9_262e_496e_8ff4_f17772b8b0bb Proceduralize the Data Retention Process</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/Description$">Windows XP SP3:Maintain a procedure by which logs are retained for the period prescribed by your organization, default system documentation is removed, and demonstration applications are removed.

Log Retention Configuration
Default Documentation Removal
Demonstration Application Removal</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/ImplementationMethod$">Document your organization's established procedure in the following "Procedure Steps" section, and then manually assert whether this process is being followed within the organization for assets within the GRC program scope.

Procedure Steps
Replace the content in this field with a high-level summary of the procedure your organization executes for this control.</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/AdditionalGuidance$">No additional guidance is provided.</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/TestSummary$">Manual Assertion

Manually assert whether the procedure has been sufficiently and reasonably performed since the last assertion.

Manual assertions should be recorded at a frequency that is commensurate with audit sample sizes and frequencies, which can vary according to GRC authority document requirements and your organization's audit schedule. Determine what personnel will make the manual assertion by asking the GRC program manager. Typically, this assertion will be made by an analyst who observes an IT professional that enacts the process.

Record the compliance state as an assertion within the GRC program with one of the following states: compliant, noncompliant, error, or unknown.

Manual Assertion Steps:

1. Open the Service Manager Console.
2. Click the Compliance and Risk Items Workspace.
3. Expand the Control Management folder, then the Control Activities folders and select the All Control Activities View.
4. In the Control Activities View, select control activities for which you want to add a result and in the Task pane select Edit Control Activity. Service Manager Console launches the Control Activity form with the selected control activity.
5. In the Control Activity form, in the Task pane, select the Add Result Console task. Service Manager Console launches the Select Template dialog.
6. Select one of the templates for the results (Compliant, Non-Compliant, Unknown or Error). The Result form will open with the Result set to the control activity template name (for example, Compliant means Result = Compliant, and so on). The owner field is populated with the current user name.
7. Select one of the programs from the Program Section before Results (OK button is enabled).
8. Save the results by clicking OK in the dialog. Service Manager Console creates a Number of Managed Entity Results per Configuration Item in Scope for the selected programs. Service Manager Console will close the Add Result dialog and create a relationship between the control activity and Managed Entitiy Result in the CMDB. The Control Activity form remains open and displays the updated control activity in the form.</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/TestId$"/>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/TestName$"/>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/SupportedControlObjectives$">ID_74db08af_8e32_4883_964b_e88bde2adbee</Property>
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='GRC!System.Compliance.ControlActivity']/Technology$">$MPElement[Name='System.Compliance.CATechnology.XPSP3']$</Property>