Memory allocation failure

Memory_allocation_failure_1_Rule (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:

Management Pack
The Network Address Translation (NAT) protocol encountered a memory allocation failure.
The most common reason for this error is there is not enough available memory in the system.
If the server is low on memory, take appropriate action to increase the available memory. See Help and Support Center for information on low memory.
Sample Event
Sample Event#1: The DHCP allocator was unable to allocate %1 bytes of memory.This may indicate that the system is low on virtual memory,or that the memory-manager has encountered an internal error.
Sample Event#2: The DNS proxy agent was unable to allocate %1 bytes of memory.This may indicate that the system is low on virtual memory,or that the memory-manager has encountered an internal error.
Sample Event#3: The Network Address Translator (NAT) was unable to allocate %1 bytes.This may indicate that the system is low on virtual memory,or that the memory-manager has encountered an internal error.
Sample Event#4: The H.323 transparent proxy was unable to allocate %1 bytes of memory.This may indicate that the system is low on virtual memory,or that the memory-manager has encountered an internal error.
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Element properties:

Alert GenerateFalse
Event LogSystem

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider Default
WriteToDB WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Memory_allocation_failure_1_Rule" Enabled="true" Target="Microsoft.Windows.RemoteAccess.2012.Class.VPNServer" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDB" TypeID="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent"/>