Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.MessageBoxMessage Box

Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.MessageBox (ClassType)

The Message Box is the database that BizTalk uses to store messages, dehydrate orchestrations, store tracking data, and process subscriptions.

Element properties:

Base ClassSystem.Database

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
MsgBoxDBServerName  string  Message Box DataBase Server Name Contains the name of the SQL Server where the MessageBox setting database is located. true 256  False 
MsgBoxDBName  string  Message Box DataBase Name Overrides the initial catalog part of the BizTalk Management database connect string, and represents the database name. This property was not implemented for BizTalk Server and is reserved for future use. true 256  False 
MgmtDbNameOverride  string  Management Database Name Override
Overrides the initial catalog part of the BizTalk Management database connection string.
Note: The BizTalk Management database is also referred to as the BizTalk Configuration database.
true 256  False 
MgmtDbServerOverride  string  Management Database Server Override Overrides the data source part of the BizTalk Management database connect string. This property was not implemented for BizTalk Server and is reserved for future use. true 256  False 
DisableNewMessagePublication  bool  Disable New Message Publication Enables or disables the publication of new messages in the MessageBox setting. false 256   
IsMasterMsgBox  bool  Is Master Message Box Indicates whether this MessageBox is the master MessageBox. false 256   
DatabaseName  string  Database Name This is the name of the database false 256  False 
DatabaseServer  string  Database Server This is the name of the database server false 256  False 
RecoveryModel  string  Recovery Model A recovery model is a database property that controls the basic behavior of the backup and restores operations for a database. false 256  False 
DatabaseAutogrow  string  Database Autogrow This is the setting for the database to auto grow false 256  False 
DatabaseSize  string  Database Size This is the database size (MB) false 256  False 
LogAutogrow  string  Log Autogrow This is the setting for the Log to Auto grow false 256  False 
Updateability  string  Updateability Indicates whether data can be modified. false 256  False 
UserAccess  string  User Access Indicates which users can access the database false 256  False 
Collation  string  Collation Gets or sets the default collation used by the database. false 256  False 
LogSize  string  Log Size This is the log size (MB) false 256  False 
Owner  string  Owner This is the owner of the Database false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.MessageBox" Base="System!System.Database" Abstract="false" Accessibility="Public" Hosted="true" Singleton="false">
<Property Type="string" ID="MsgBoxDBServerName" Key="true"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="MsgBoxDBName" Key="true"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="MgmtDbNameOverride" Key="true"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="MgmtDbServerOverride" Key="true"/>
<Property Type="bool" ID="DisableNewMessagePublication"/>
<Property Type="bool" ID="IsMasterMsgBox"/>
<Property ID="DatabaseName" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="DatabaseServer" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="RecoveryModel" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="DatabaseAutogrow" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="DatabaseSize" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="LogAutogrow" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Updateability" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="UserAccess" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Collation" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="LogSize" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Owner" Type="string"/>