Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.HostInstanceHost Instance

Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.HostInstance (ClassType)

A host instance is the instantiated representation of a host on a specific server. This is an actual process in a service that runs a message agent and associated adapters, orchestrations, etc.

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.BizTalk.Library.Host

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
Name  string  Name Name true 256  False 
MgmtDbServerOverride  string  Management Database Server Override Management Database Server Override true 256  False 
MgmtDbNameOverride  string  Management Database Name Override Management Database Name Override. true 256  False 
HostName  string  Host Name Host Name false 256  False 
HostType  string  Host Type Host Type false 256  False 
NTGroupName  string  NT Group Name NT Group Name false 256  False 
ClusterInstanceType  string  Cluster Instance Type This property tells whether the BizTalk Host Instance NT service is clustered. false 256  False 
ConfigurationState  string  Configuration State Contains the installation state for given instance of the BizTalk host. false 256  False 
IsDisabled  bool  Disabled Enables or disables a host instance. false 256   
Logon  string  Logon Contains the logon information that this BizTalk host instance is using. false 256  False 
RunningServer  string  Running Server Running Server false 256  False 
ServiceState  string  Service State Contains the state of the host instance. false 256  False 
UniqueID  string  Unique ID Contains the unique ID of the host instance. false 256  False 
ServerName  string  Server Name Server Name false 256  False 
MgmtDbServerOverride  string  Management Database Server Override Management Database Server Override false 256  False 
MgmtDbNameOverride  string  Management Database Name Override Management Database Name Override false 256  False 
IsMapped  bool  Mapped Mapped false 256   
HostName  string  Host Name Host Name false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.HostInstance" Abstract="false" Accessibility="Public" Hosted="true" Singleton="false" Base="Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Host">
<Property Type="string" ID="ServerName"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="MgmtDbServerOverride"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="MgmtDbNameOverride"/>
<Property Type="bool" ID="IsMapped"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="HostName"/>