Microsoft.BizTalk.R2.BizTalkRFID.DeviceBizTalk RFID Device

Microsoft.BizTalk.R2.BizTalkRFID.Device (ClassType)

This is the Role that indicates that RFID Device is installed.

Element properties:

Base ClassSystem.Device

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
Name  string  Device Name This is the Device Name. true 256  False 
Version  string  Version This is the current Device Version. false 256  False 
Vendor  string  Vendor This is the Device Manufacturer. false 256  False 
DeviceId  string  Device ID This is the Device ID Number. false 256  False 
FirmwareVersion  string  Firmware Version This is the Firmware version and number. false 256  False 
Network  string  Network This is the Communication transport supported by device. false 256  False 
Sources  string  Sources Antenna or GPIO Port. false 256  False 
IPAddress  string  IP Address This is the Device IP Address. false 256  False 
Port  string  Port This is the Device Port Number. false 256  False 
Status  string  Status This is the Device Status. false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.BizTalk.R2.BizTalkRFID.Device" Accessibility="Public" Base="System!System.Device" Hosted="true" Abstract="false" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="Name" Type="string" Key="true"/>
<Property ID="Version" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Vendor" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="DeviceId" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="FirmwareVersion" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Network" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Sources" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="IPAddress" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Port" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Status" Type="string"/>