Microsoft.BizTalk.Server.2016.BizTalkApplicationServiceBizTalk Application Service

Microsoft.BizTalk.Server.2016.BizTalkApplicationService (ClassType)

A Windows service that corresponds to a BizTalk host instance. This is an actual process that runs a message agent and associated adapters and orchestrations.

Knowledge Base article:


A BizTalk application service corresponds to a BizTalk host instance which is the physical installation of a host in a BizTalk Server. After you create a host (a logical container), you can add physical BizTalk servers (host instances) to the host, typically, an administrator uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) or the BizTalk Administration console to install host instances. The host instance is essentially btsntsvc.exe service, it runs on the BizTalk Server runtime machines and is responsible for running all the artifacts included in the given BizTalk Host.

The health of BizTalk Application service depends on the availability and status of the host instance (btsntsvc.exe).

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
Name  string  Name Name of the BizTalk application service true 256  False 
ImagePath  string  Image Path Image path false 256  False 
BizTalkHostName  string  BizTalk Host Name Name of the BizTalk host for which this service is an instance false 256  False 
BizTalkGroupName  string  BizTalk Group Name Name of the BizTalk group to which this service belongs false 256  False 
InstallPath  string  Install Path Installation path for the service false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.BizTalk.Server.2016.BizTalkApplicationService" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent" Hosted="true" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="Name" Type="string" Key="true" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="ImagePath" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="BizTalkHostName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="BizTalkGroupName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="InstallPath" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>