Microsoft.ISAServer.2006.EnterpriseMicrosoft ISA 2006 Enterprise

Microsoft.ISAServer.2006.Enterprise (ClassType)

Instances of this class represent ISA 2006 Enterprises

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.ForeFrontEdgeSecurityAndAccess.ServiceComponent

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
PersistentName  string  Persistent Name Persistent Name of the Enterprise true 256  False 
DateCreated  string  Date Created Creation Date for this Enterprise false 256  False 
Description  string  Description Description of Enterprise false 256  False 
CrossArrayLinkTranslationState  bool  Cross Array Link Translation State Specifies if Cross Array Link Translation is Enabled false 256   
CrossArrayLinkTranslationParticipatingArrays  string  Cross Array Link Translation Participating Arrays List of all arrays participating in Cross Array Link Translation false 256  False 
CrossArrayLinkTranslationPreferencedServer  string  Cross Array Link Translation Preferenced Server Configuration Specifies the configuration to use for retrieval of content from a published server if a website is published in more than one array false 256  False 
RuleElementEnterpriseRemoteManagementComputers  string  Rule Element: Enterprise Remote Management Computers Membership of the rule element "Enterprise Remote Management Computers" which includes object allowed to manage ISA Server remotely false 256  False 
PrincipalName  string  Principal Name FQCN of the installed server. false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.ISAServer.2006.Enterprise" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="Microsoft.ForeFrontEdgeSecurityAndAccess.ServiceComponent" Hosted="false" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="PersistentName" Type="string" Key="true" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="DateCreated" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="Description" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="CrossArrayLinkTranslationState" Type="bool" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="CrossArrayLinkTranslationParticipatingArrays" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="CrossArrayLinkTranslationPreferencedServer" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="RuleElementEnterpriseRemoteManagementComputers" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="PrincipalName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>