Failed to acquire exclusive access to remote registry

Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.RegistryLockFailed.Monitor (UnitMonitor)

Monitor for when the Management Server failed to acquire the appropriate exclusive access to the remote registry on the target computer.

Knowledge Base article:


The Management Server was unable to obtain an exclusive lock on the Registry.


This can happen when another Management Server is also attempting to install the agent or when anti-virus or other spyware detection software has locked the registry for its scan or quarantine feature.


Ensure that only one Management Server is attempting to remotely install the agent. If you are sure that there is only one server that is pushing an agent, temporarily add an exclusion to your anti-virus software or spyware software to exclude the MOMAgentInstaller.exe process during the installation.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorMicrosoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.ConfigHealthRollup
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.AgentManagerFailureMonitor
Alert Message
Failed Agent Push/Repair - Could not acquire exclusive access to remote registry
An agent push install or repair was attempted and failed. The task was run from the management server {1} against the computer {0}.

Additional details:
Task Start Time: {3} UTC
Task End Time: {4} UTC

Full Event Description: {5}

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.RegistryLockFailed.Monitor" Accessibility="Internal" Enabled="true" Target="SCLibrary!Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager" ParentMonitorID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.ConfigHealthRollup" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.AgentManagerFailureMonitor" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.RegistryLockFailed.Monitor.AlertMessage">
<OperationalState ID="AgentManagerFailure" MonitorTypeStateID="AgentInstallationFailure" HealthState="Error"/>
<OperationalState ID="AgentManagerSuccess" MonitorTypeStateID="AgentInstallationSuccess" HealthState="Success"/>