Client Monitoring System Error Group - Total Hit Count Perf Collection rule

Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.Internal.SystemBucketTotalHitCountPerfCollection (Rule)

This rule enables collecting perf data related to total hit counts per system error group

Knowledge Base article:


This rule is used internally for collecting perf data related to total hit counts per system error group. This rule should not be overridden as it will have an adverse negative impact on monitoring.


This section is not applicable for this type of rule.


There is no user action for this type of rule.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateFalse

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
Scheduler DataSource System.Scheduler Default
PerfDataWriter WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.Internal.MapQueriedPerfData Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.Internal.SystemBucketTotalHitCountPerfCollection" Target="AEMLib!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.CrashListener" Enabled="true" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<DataSource ID="Scheduler" TypeID="System!System.Scheduler">
<Interval Unit="Minutes">15</Interval>
<WriteAction ID="PerfDataWriter" TypeID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.Internal.MapQueriedPerfData">
<Query>DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(1000), @Query NVARCHAR(1000);SELECT @TableName = ManagedTypeTableName FROM ManagedType WHERE TypeName = 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.SystemBucket';SET @Query = N'select sum(AC.HitCount), AC.SourceEntityId from AemCrashCounters AC join [' + @TableName + '] SB on AC.SourceEntityId = SB.BaseManagedEntityId where AC.EntityTypeId = 1 group by AC.SourceEntityId';EXEC sp_executesql @Query</Query>