Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Storage.VMHostDiskSanal Makine Konak Diski (özet)

Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Storage.VMHostDisk (ClassType)

Bu özet türü Sanal Makine Konak Diski için temel türdür

Element properties:

Base ClassSystem.LogicalEntity

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (TRK) Description (TRK) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
ID  string  Kimlik Sanal Makine Konak Diski Tanımlayıcısı true 2147483647  False 
Capacity  string  Kapasite Sanal Makine Konak Disk Kapasitesi false 2147483647  False 
IsClustered  bool  Kümelenmiş Sanal Makine Konak Diski Kümelenmiş false 256   
IsSanAttached  bool  San Ekli Sanal Makine Konak Diskine San Ekli false 256   
IsPassThroughCapable  bool  Doğrudan Uyumlu Sanal Makine Konak Diski Doğrudan Uyumlu false 256   
DiskID  string  Disk Kimliği Sanal Makine Konak Diski Disk Kimliği false 2147483647  False 
Location  string  Konum Sanal Makine Konak Diski Konumu false 2147483647  False 
SMLunID  string  LUN Kimliği Sanal Makine Konak Diski LUN Kimliği false 2147483647  False 
AvailableCapacity  string  Kullanılabilir Kapasite Sanal Makine Konak Diski Kullanılabilir Kapasitesi false 2147483647  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Storage.VMHostDisk" Accessibility="Public" Hosted="true" Abstract="true" Singleton="false" Base="System!System.LogicalEntity">
<Property ID="ID" Key="true" Type="string" CaseSensitive="false" MaxLength="2147483647" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Identificator"/>
<Property ID="Capacity" Key="false" Type="string" CaseSensitive="false" MaxLength="2147483647" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Capacity(bytes)"/>
<Property ID="IsClustered" Key="false" Type="bool" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Is Clustered"/>
<Property ID="IsSanAttached" Key="false" Type="bool" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Is San Attached"/>
<Property ID="IsPassThroughCapable" Key="false" Type="bool" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Is Pass Through Capable"/>
<Property ID="DiskID" Key="false" Type="string" CaseSensitive="false" MaxLength="2147483647" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Disk ID"/>
<Property ID="Location" Key="false" Type="string" CaseSensitive="false" MaxLength="2147483647" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Location"/>
<Property ID="SMLunID" Key="false" Type="string" CaseSensitive="false" MaxLength="2147483647" Comment="Used to disambiguate remote storage"/>
<Property ID="AvailableCapacity" Key="false" Type="string" CaseSensitive="false" MaxLength="2147483647" Comment="Virtual Machine Host Disk Available Capacity (bytes)"/>