Host Group Disk Space Forecasting

Microsoft.Virtualization.Reports.ForecastMachineGroupDiskSpace (Report)

Element properties:


Report Localization:

R.FCChartDisk Space Usage ForecastDisk Space Usage Forecast
R.FC.YAxisUsed Disk Space In \%Used Disk Space In \%
R.FC.XAxisTime LineTime Line
R.Legend.Limit95\% Forecast Confidence Interval95\% Forecast Confidence Interval
R.Legend.TSDataHistorical DataHistorical Data
R.Legend.FCDataForecast Data
R.FCTblDisk Space Usage Forecast(\%)Disk Space Usage Forecast (\%)
R.UsedSpaceUsed Disk Space(\%)Used Disk Space (\%)
R.DeviationStandard DeviationStandard Deviation
R.MBChartDisk Used/Total MBytesDisk Used/Total megabytes
R.MBChart.XAxisTime LineTime Line
R.Legend.UsedMBUsed SpaceUsed Space
R.Legend.TotalMBTotal SpaceTotal Space
R.MBTblDisk Used/Total MBytesDisk Used/Total MBytes
R.MBTblUsedMBUsed Disk Space(MB)Used Disk Space (in megabytes)
R.MBTblTotalSpaceTotal SpaceTotal Space
R.NoEnoughDataMsgWarning: Not enough Historical data provided for this sub report. Try to change the date range for historic data or the forecast granularity for this sub report.Warning: Not enough Historical data provided for this sub report. Try to change the date range for historic data or the forecast granularity for this sub report.
R.ErrorMessage.Cause.3There is not enough historical data to generate forecasting data, at least 2 historical data points are necessary.

Source Code:

<Report ID="Microsoft.Virtualization.Reports.ForecastMachineGroupDiskSpace" Accessibility="Public" Visible="false">
<ReportString ID="R.FCChart"/>
<ReportString ID="R.FC.YAxis"/>
<ReportString ID="R.FC.XAxis"/>
<ReportString ID="R.Legend.Limit"/>
<ReportString ID="R.Legend.TSData"/>
<ReportString ID="R.Legend.FCData"/>
<ReportString ID="R.FCTbl"/>
<ReportString ID="R.Date"/>
<ReportString ID="R.UsedSpace"/>
<ReportString ID="R.Deviation"/>
<ReportString ID="R.MBChart"/>
<ReportString ID="R.MBChart.YAxis"/>
<ReportString ID="R.MBChart.XAxis"/>
<ReportString ID="R.Legend.UsedMB"/>
<ReportString ID="R.Legend.TotalMB"/>
<ReportString ID="R.MBTbl"/>
<ReportString ID="R.MBTblUsedMB"/>
<ReportString ID="R.MBTblTotalSpace"/>
<ReportString ID="R.NoEnoughDataMsg"/>
<ReportString ID="R.ErrorMessage.Cause.3"/>