Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.10.0.ServiceDFS Replication Service (Windows Server 2016 and above)

Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.10.0.Service (ClassType)

This class represents the configuration settings for the DFS Replication service on a monitored computer running Windows Server 2016 and above.

Knowledge Base article:


This class represents the configuration settings for the DFS Replication service on a monitored computer running Windows Server 2016 and above. Many service-wide configuration settings are retrieved by querying the DFS Replication WMI class DfsrMachineConfig. The properties of instances of this class are set by the DFS Replication Service Configuration Discovery (Windows Server 2016 and above) rule. The following properties are defined for this class:


More information about the DfsrMachineConfig WMI class is available on MSDN (

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.Service

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
State  string  Service status The current state of the DFS Replication service on the monitored computer. false 20  False 
DebugLogFilePath  string  Debug logs Location on the monitored computer where the DFS Replication service stores its debug logs. false 256  False 
ConflictHighWatermarkPercent  decimal  Conflict And Deleted high watermark (\%) The configured high watermark threshold for Conflict And Deleted directories on the monitored computer. false   
ConflictLowWatermarkPercent  decimal  Conflict And Deleted low watermark (\%) The configured low watermark threshold for Conflict And Deleted directories on the monitored computer. false   
StagingHighWatermarkPercent  decimal  Staging Area high watermark (\%) The configured high watermark threshold for Staging directories on the monitored computer. false   
StagingLowWatermarkPercent  decimal  Staging Area low watermark (\%) The configured low watermark threshold for Staging directories on the monitored computer. false   
IsVirtualNode  string  Virtual Node Define if service is on a virtual node false 10  False 
IsRoDriverLoaded  string  RO Driver Loaded Defines if DFSR RO driver is loaded false 10  False 
OSVersion  string  Operating System Version Operating system version of the server false 256  False 
OSName  string  Operating System Name Operating system name of the server false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.10.0.Service" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="DFSRLib!Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.Service" Hosted="true" Singleton="false"/>