Alerts Per Day

ODR.Report.AlertsPerDay.LinkedReport (LinkedReport)

Alert per day ODR report

Knowledge Base article:


How does this report work?

The Alert per Day report shows an overview of all alerts across all Management Packs in one day. The report is a custom report that shows the number of alerts generated per rule or monitor per day within the last week. The report has predefined settings to run with a 7 day recurring date range.

The reports executes automatically as all defaults are predefined.

If you have opted into sending operational data to Microsoft this data will be generated to an xml file and send back to Microsoft. It will be used to improve Management Pack quality.

How to use this report?

If you want to review what data is generated, you can open this report and execute it.

Element properties:


Source Code:

<LinkedReport ID="ODR.Report.AlertsPerDay.LinkedReport" Accessibility="Public" Visible="true" Base="ODR.Report.AlertsPerDay">
<ParameterBlock xmlns="" columns="1">
<Control type="Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Report.ParameterControl.RelativeDateTimePicker" rowSpan="2" columnSpan="1">
<ReportParameter name="TimeZone" binding="TimeZone">
<ReportParameter name="TimeZoneName" binding="TimeZoneName"/>
<ReportParameter name="StartDate_BaseType" binding="StartDate_BaseType"/>
<ReportParameter name="StartDate_BaseValue" binding="StartDate_BaseValue">
<ReportParameter name="StartDate_OffsetType" binding="StartDate_OffsetType"/>
<ReportParameter name="StartDate_OffsetValue" binding="StartDate_OffsetValue"/>
<ReportParameter name="EndDate_BaseType" binding="EndDate_BaseType"/>
<ReportParameter name="EndDate_BaseValue" binding="EndDate_BaseValue">
<ReportParameter name="EndDate_OffsetType" binding="EndDate_OffsetType"/>
<ReportParameter name="EndDate_OffsetValue" binding="EndDate_OffsetValue"/>
<Property name="MaxWidth">
<Parameter Name="StartDate_BaseType">
<Parameter Name="StartDate_OffsetType">
<Parameter Name="StartDate_OffsetValue">
<Parameter Name="EndDate_BaseType">
<Parameter Name="EndDate_OffsetType">
<Parameter Name="EndDate_OffsetValue">