ConfigMgr 2007 Perf Threshold: SHV Condition – SoH Expired TTL > 2000 over 30 minutes

SMSv4_Perf_Threshold__SHV_Condition__SoH_Expired_TTL__2000_over_30_minutes_14_Rule (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:


During a 30-minute interval, the system health validator received more than 2,000 statements of health that failed the validity period check.


This condition occurs when a client's statement of health is outside the validity period that is configured in the component properties of the system health validator point.

The system health validator point gives a client in this condition a health state of non-compliant so that it can be remediated to produce a newer statement of health. The client is instructed to re-evaluate its statement of health..


No action required.

The client automatically generates a new statement of health when it receives the instruction from the server.


For more information about Configuration Manager 2007, see the Configuration Manager Documentation Library Web page.

For more assistance, see a list of additional support options in the support section of the Configuration Manager Web site at Support for Configuration Manager.

Element properties:

Instance NameSMS SHV Validator
Counter NameCondition: SoH Expired (TTL)
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityLow
Alert Message
ConfigMgr 2007 性能阈值:SHV 条件 – SoH 过期 TTL 数 > 2000 (30 分钟内)
$Target/Host/Property[Type="WindowsLibrary!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]/NetbiosComputerName$ - ConfigMgr 2007 性能阈值:SHV 条件 – SoH 过期 TTL 数 > 2000 (30 分钟内)。

值 =

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
_042F904B_BD2A_4E58_AC31_2975F7E384CC_ DataSource System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.Performance.FilteredDataProvider Default
DeltaFilter ConditionDetection System.Performance.DeltaValueCondition Default
GenerateAlert WriteAction System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.AlertResponse Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="SMSv4_Perf_Threshold__SHV_Condition__SoH_Expired_TTL__2000_over_30_minutes_14_Rule" Target="Microsoft.SystemCenter.ConfigurationManager.2007.Microsoft_SMSv4_System_Health_Validator_Servers_Installation" Enabled="true" ConfirmDelivery="false" Comment="Mom2005ID='{1DB9B315-0B62-4C75-89C4-9D3E21C8405A}';MOM2005ComputerGroupID={760B2D6C-C722-4F7F-82AA-2F37283EC65A}">
<DataSource ID="_042F904B_BD2A_4E58_AC31_2975F7E384CC_" Comment="{042F904B-BD2A-4E58-AC31-2975F7E384CC}" TypeID="MomBackwardCompatibility!System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.Performance.FilteredDataProvider">
<CounterName>Condition: SoH Expired (TTL)</CounterName>
<ObjectName>SMS SHV Validator</ObjectName>
<ConditionDetection ID="DeltaFilter" TypeID="PerformanceLibrary!System.Performance.DeltaValueCondition">
<WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" TypeID="MomBackwardCompatibility!System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.AlertResponse">
<Description>$Target/Host/Property[Type="WindowsLibrary!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]/NetbiosComputerName$ - ConfigMgr 2007 Perf Threshold: SHV Condition &#x2013; SoH Expired TTL &gt; 2000 over 30 minutes.

value =
<Name>ConfigMgr 2007 Perf Threshold: SHV Condition &#x2013; SoH Expired TTL &gt; 2000 over 30 minutes</Name>
<ServerRole>SMS Server</ServerRole>