ServiceManager.Report.ServiceManagement.SP.GetCMCollectionSummaryData.Install (Resource)

Element properties:

File NameServiceManager.Report.ServiceManagement.SP.GetCMCollectionSummaryData.Install.sql

Source Code:

<Resource ID="ServiceManager.Report.ServiceManagement.SP.GetCMCollectionSummaryData.Install" Accessibility="Public" FileName="ServiceManager.Report.ServiceManagement.SP.GetCMCollectionSummaryData.Install.sql"/>

File Content: ServiceManager.Report.ServiceManagement.SP.GetCMCollectionSummaryData.Install.sql

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE name = N'ServiceManager_Report_ServiceManagement_SP_GetCMCollectionSummaryData')
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.ServiceManager_Report_ServiceManagement_SP_GetCMCollectionSummaryData

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ServiceManager_Report_ServiceManagement_SP_GetCMCollectionSummaryData]
@StartDate datetime = NULL,
@EndDate datetime = NULL,
@LanguageCode nvarchar(max)= 'ENU',
@GroupByForReport nvarchar(max) = NULL,
@TimeAggregation nvarchar(max) = NULL,
@ServiceDimKeys nvarchar(max)= NULL,
@GroupDimKeys nvarchar(max)= NULL,
@CollectionDimKeys nvarchar(max)= NULL,
@CIDimKeys nvarchar(max)= NULL

DECLARE @Error int
DECLARE @ExecError int

DECLARE @WattPerComputer INT = 150
DECLARE @CostOfPower FLOAT = 0.15

EXEC [dbo].[ServiceManager_Report_ServiceManagement_SP_GetServiceContainsComputersMap]
@StartDate = @StartDate,
@EndDate = @EndDate,
@ServiceDimKeys = @ServiceDimKeys,
@GroupByForReport = @GroupByForReport,
@TimeAggregation = @TimeAggregation,
@CIDimKeys = @CIDimKeys OUTPUT

EXEC [dbo].[ServiceManager_Report_ServiceManagement_SP_GetOMGroupContainsComputersMap]
@StartDate = @StartDate,
@EndDate = @EndDate,
@GroupDimKeys = @GroupDimKeys,
@GroupByForReport = @GroupByForReport,
@TimeAggregation = @TimeAggregation,
@CIDimKeys = @CIDimKeys OUTPUT

EXEC [dbo].[ServiceManager_Report_ServiceManagement_SP_GetCMCollectionContainsComputersMap]
@StartDate = @StartDate,
@EndDate = @EndDate,
@CollectionDimKeys = @CollectionDimKeys,
@GroupByForReport = @GroupByForReport,
@TimeAggregation = @TimeAggregation,
@CIDimKeys = @CIDimKeys OUTPUT

IF(@StartDate) is NULL SET @StartDate = '1900/01/01'
IF(@EndDate) is NULL SET @EndDate = '2100/01/01'
SET @EndDate = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @EndDate)

DECLARE @StartDateKey int
DECLARE @EndDateKey int
SET @StartDateKey = CONVERT(nvarchar(8), @StartDate, 112)
SET @EndDateKey = CONVERT(nvarchar(8), @EndDate, 112)
SET @ServiceDimKeys = ISNULL(@ServiceDimKeys, '')
SET @GroupDimKeys = ISNULL(@GroupDimKeys, '')
SET @CollectionDimKeys = ISNULL(@CollectionDimKeys, '')

DECLARE @groupByConfigItems AS TABLE (
GroupById uniqueidentifier,
GroupByDimKey int,
GroupByBME uniqueidentifier,
GroupByEntityDimKey int,
GroupByName nvarchar(max),
ConfigItemDimKey int,
ConfigItemEntityDimKey int,
ConfigItemBME uniqueidentifier,
CreatedDate datetime,
DeletedDate datetime

DECLARE @ciListDoc XML = @CIDimKeys
INSERT INTO @groupByConfigItems
SELECT c.value('@GroupById[1]', 'uniqueidentifier'),
c.value('@GroupByDimKey[1]', 'int'),
c.value('@GroupByBME[1]', 'uniqueidentifier'),
c.value('@GroupByEntityDimKey[1]', 'int'),
c.value('@GroupByName[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'),
c.value('@ConfigItemDimKey[1]', 'int'),
c.value('@ConfigItemEntityDimKey[1]', 'int'),
c.value('@ConfigItemBME[1]', 'uniqueidentifier'),
c.value('@CreatedDate[1]', 'datetime'),
c.value('@DeletedDate[1]', 'datetime')
FROM @ciListDoc.nodes('/root/CI') AS T(c)

DECLARE @computerDimKeys AS TABLE (
GroupById uniqueidentifier,
GroupByDimKey int,
GroupByBME uniqueidentifier,
GroupByEntityDimKey int,
GroupByName nvarchar(max),
ComputerDimKey int,
ComputerEntityDimKey int,
ComputerBME uniqueidentifier,
CreatedDate datetime,
DeletedDate datetime

INSERT INTO @computerDimKeys
SELECT configItems.GroupById ,
configItems.GroupByDimKey ,
configItems.GroupByBME ,
configItems.GroupByEntityDimKey ,
configItems.GroupByName ,
FROM @groupByConfigItems configItems
INNER JOIN ComputerDimvw compDim ON configItems.ConfigItemEntityDimKey = compDim.EntityDimKey

IF ( @ServiceDimKeys = '' AND @GroupDimKeys = '' AND @CollectionDimKeys = '' )
INSERT INTO @computerDimKeys
SELECT DISTINCT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CompDim.ComputerDimKey, CompDim.EntityDimKey, CompDim.BaseManagedEntityId, '1/1/1900', NULL
FROM dbo.ComputerDimvw CompDim
WHERE CompDim.IsDeleted = 0

DECLARE @selectdatedim AS TABLE(DateKey int,
CalendarDate DateTime,
WeeklyAggregate int

INSERT INTO @selectdatedim
WeeklyAggregate = CAST(CONVERT(varchar,DATEADD(DAY, (DD.WeekNumberInYear - 1)*7, CONVERT(nvarchar(4),DD.YearNumber) + '-1-1 00:00:00'),112) AS INT)
from DateDim DD

DECLARE @summary AS TABLE(Area NVARCHAR(256), Measure NVARCHAR(256), [DateTime] INT, Value FLOAT)

INSERT INTO @summary
SELECT 'Compliance Management' AS Area, 'Software Compliance Management(%)' AS Measure, selectedDateDim.WeeklyAggregate AS [DateTime],
ROUND(SUM(CAST(factSWUpd.IsInstalled AS INT)) * 100.0 / ISNULL(NULLIF(SUM(CAST(factSWUpd.IsInstalled AS INT) + CAST(factSWUpd.IsMissing AS INT)), 0), 1), 2) AS Value
FROM dbo.ComputerDimvw dimComp
INNER JOIN @computerDimKeys comp ON dimComp.ComputerDimKey = comp.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN dbo.ComputerHasSoftwareUpdateInstalledFactvw factSWUpd on dimComp.ComputerDimKey = factSWUpd.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN @selectdatedim selectedDateDim ON factSWUpd.DateKey = selectedDateDim.DateKey
WHERE factSWUpd.DateKey >= @StartDateKey AND factSWUpd.DateKey < @EndDateKey
GROUP BY selectedDateDim.WeeklyAggregate

INSERT INTO @summary
SELECT 'Compliance Management' AS Area, 'Security Bulletin Compliance(%)' AS Measure, selectedDateDim.WeeklyAggregate AS [DateTime],
ROUND(SUM(CAST(factSWUpd.IsInstalled AS INT)) * 100.0 / ISNULL(NULLIF(SUM(CAST(factSWUpd.IsInstalled AS INT) + CAST(factSWUpd.IsMissing AS INT)), 0), 1), 2) AS Value
FROM dbo.ComputerDimvw dimComp
INNER JOIN @computerDimKeys comp ON dimComp.ComputerDimKey = comp.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN dbo.ComputerHasSoftwareUpdateInstalledFactvw factSWUpd on dimComp.ComputerDimKey = factSWUpd.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN @selectdatedim selectedDateDim ON factSWUpd.DateKey = selectedDateDim.DateKey
INNER JOIN dbo.SoftwareUpdateDimvw dimSU ON factSWUpd.SoftwareUpdateDimKey = dimSU.SoftwareUpdateDimKey
WHERE factSWUpd.DateKey >= @StartDateKey AND factSWUpd.DateKey < @EndDateKey
AND ( dimSU.BulletinID <> '' AND dimSU.BulletinID IS NOT NULL) -- security bulletin
GROUP BY selectedDateDim.WeeklyAggregate

IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM sys.tables WHERE name = '#ComputerOnSummary')
DROP TABLE #ComputerOnSummary

IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM sys.tables WHERE name = '#ComputerActiveSummary')
DROP TABLE #ComputerActiveSummary

SELECT WeeklyAggregate AS [DateTime], SUM(Hour0 + Hour1 + Hour2 + Hour3 + Hour4 + Hour5 + Hour6 + Hour7 + Hour8 + Hour9 +
Hour10 + Hour11 + Hour12 + Hour13 + Hour14 + Hour15 + Hour16 + Hour17 + Hour18 + Hour19 +
Hour20 + Hour21 + Hour22 + Hour23) AS Value
INTO dbo.#ComputerOnSummary
FROM dbo.PowerActivityDayFactvw factPwr
INNER JOIN dbo.ComputerDimvw dimComp ON factPwr.ComputerDimKey = dimComp.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN @computerDimKeys comp ON dimComp.ComputerDimKey = comp.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN PowerActivityRecordEventType outrigger ON factPwr.PowerActivityRecordEventTypeId = outrigger.PowerActivityRecordEventTypeId
INNER JOIN @selectdatedim selectedDateDim ON selectedDateDim.DateKey = factPwr.DateKey
WHERE CAST(CAST(factPwr.DateKey AS CHAR(8)) AS DATETIME) >= @StartDate AND CAST(CAST(factPwr.DateKey AS CHAR(8)) AS DATETIME) < @EndDate
AND outrigger.ID = 'System.Power.ActivityRecordEnum.ComputerOn'
GROUP BY selectedDateDim.WeeklyAggregate

SELECT WeeklyAggregate AS [DateTime], SUM(Hour0 + Hour1 + Hour2 + Hour3 + Hour4 + Hour5 + Hour6 + Hour7 + Hour8 + Hour9 +
Hour10 + Hour11 + Hour12 + Hour13 + Hour14 + Hour15 + Hour16 + Hour17 + Hour18 + Hour19 +
Hour20 + Hour21 + Hour22 + Hour23) AS Value
INTO dbo.#ComputerActiveSummary
FROM dbo.PowerActivityDayFactvw factPwr
INNER JOIN dbo.ComputerDimvw dimComp ON factPwr.ComputerDimKey = dimComp.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN @computerDimKeys comp ON dimComp.ComputerDimKey = comp.ComputerDimKey
INNER JOIN PowerActivityRecordEventType outrigger ON factPwr.PowerActivityRecordEventTypeId = outrigger.PowerActivityRecordEventTypeId
INNER JOIN @selectdatedim selectedDateDim ON selectedDateDim.DateKey = factPwr.DateKey
WHERE CAST(CAST(factPwr.DateKey AS CHAR(8)) AS DATETIME) >= @StartDate AND CAST(CAST(factPwr.DateKey AS CHAR(8)) AS DATETIME) < @EndDate
AND outrigger.ID = 'System.Power.ActivityRecordEnum.ComputerActive'
GROUP BY selectedDateDim.WeeklyAggregate

INSERT INTO @summary
SELECT 'Power' AS Area, 'Total Consumption (KWH)' AS Measure, [DateTime], ROUND((compOnSummary.Value * @WattPerComputer)/(60 * 1000), 2) AS Value
FROM dbo.#ComputerOnSummary compOnSummary

INSERT INTO @summary
SELECT 'Power' AS Area, 'Cost of Power' AS Measure, [DateTime], ROUND((((compOnSummary.Value * @WattPerComputer)/(60 * 1000)) * @CostOfPower), 2) AS Value
FROM dbo.#ComputerOnSummary compOnSummary

INSERT INTO @summary
SELECT 'Power' AS Area, 'Unused Consumption (%)' AS Measure, compActiveSummary.[DateTime], CASE WHEN compOnSummary.Value > 0 THEN ROUND(((100. * compActiveSummary.Value)/compOnSummary.Value), 2) ELSE 0 END AS [Value]
FROM dbo.#ComputerOnSummary compOnSummary
INNER JOIN dbo.#ComputerActiveSummary compActiveSummary ON compOnSummary.DateTime = compActiveSummary.DateTime

SELECT * from @summary
SET @Error = @@ERROR


GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.ServiceManager_Report_ServiceManagement_SP_GetCMCollectionSummaryData TO reportuser