System.RequestOfferingRequest Offering

System.RequestOffering (ClassType)

Defines the basic properties of request offerings

Element properties:

Base ClassSystem.Offering

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive Default Value EnumType
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of the object. false 4000  False     
ID  string  ID ID true 65536  False     
Domain  string  Domain Domain false 65536  False     
Path  string  Path Path false 65536  False     
Internal_ManagementPackId  guid  Management Pack Id Management Pack Id false 256       
Internal_ElementId  guid  Element Id Element Id false 256       
Internal_ParentId  guid  Parent Id Parent Id false 256       
Comment  string  Comment Comment false 256  False     
Title  string  Title Offering title false 256  False     
Notes  string  Notes Offering notes false 4000  False     
BriefDescription  string  Brief description Offering brief description false 4000  False     
Overview  string  Overview Offering overview false 4000  False     
PublishDate  datetime  Published Date Offering publish date false 256       
Image  binary  Image Offering icon false 256       
Status  enum  Status Offering status false 256    System.Offering.StatusEnum.Draft  System.Offering.StatusEnum 
EstimatedTimeToCompletion  string  Estimated Time For Completion Estimated time to complete the request false 4000  False     
HideGotoRequestButton  bool  Hide Go To Request Button Hide go to request button false 256    false   
TargetTemplate  string  Target Template Template used by the request offering false 4000  False     
PresentationMappingTemplate  string  Presentation Mapping Template Maps type projection properties to prompts false 655360  False     

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="System.RequestOffering" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="System.Offering">
<Property ID="EstimatedTimeToCompletion" Type="string" MaxLength="4000"/>
<!--Used to hide go to request button in portal. fix for DCR #227275-->
<Property ID="HideGotoRequestButton" Type="bool" DefaultValue="false"/>
<Property ID="TargetTemplate" Type="string" MaxLength="4000"/>
<!--Schematized XML to be represented as an element-->
<Property ID="PresentationMappingTemplate" Type="string" MaxLength="655360"/>