
TeamFoundationServer2008.TFSApplicationTier (ClassType)

TFS Application Tier

Knowledge Base article:


The TFS Application Tier is the top level class and the most important of all the classes. It is the container under which all of the TFS objects are organized both logically and physically.

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.Windows.ComputerRole

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
TFSATComputerName  string  TFSATComputerName The Primary TFS Application Tier machine true 256  False 
DataTierHostName  string  DataTierHostName Host where TFS SQL resides false 256  False 
InstallLocation  string  InstallLocation The location where TFS is installed false 256  False 
BISDB  string  BISDB BI Database false 256  False 
BISDWDB  string  BISDWDB The Data warehouse false 256  False 
BISANALYSISDB  string  BISANALYSISDB Analysis Database false 256  False 
BaseReportsUrl  string  BaseReportsUrl The URL for Base Reports false 256  False 
ReportsServiceUrl  string  ReportsServiceUrl URL for Reporting Services false 256  False 
WssAdminServiceUrl  string  WssAdminServiceUrl WSS Admin Service URL false 256  False 
WssBaseServerUrl  string  WssBaseService Base Service for WSS false 256  False 
DataSourceServerUrl  string  DataSourceServerUrl Data Source Server URL false 256  False 
WssBaseSiteUrl  string  WssBaseSiteUrl WSS Base Site URL false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="TeamFoundationServer2008.TFSApplicationTier" Accessibility="Internal" Abstract="false" Base="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ComputerRole" Hosted="true" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="TFSATComputerName" Type="string" Key="true" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="DataTierHostName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="InstallLocation" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="BISDB" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="BISDWDB" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="BISANALYSISDB" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="BaseReportsUrl" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="ReportsServiceUrl" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="WssAdminServiceUrl" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="WssBaseServerUrl" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="DataSourceServerUrl" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>
<Property ID="WssBaseSiteUrl" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" Length="256" MinLength="0"/>