| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| Application Management Component | | Provance.Class.ApplicationManagementComponent | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | e8aa4e39-ab41-3092-aa1e-65826a7d9e01 |
| Application Management Group | For future use. | Provance.Class.ApplicationManagementGroup | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | 298eb176-3360-4ef7-1161-8104eadd593f |
| Provance Administration Settings |
Change status thresholds, currencies/exchange rates, hardware asset manipulation and workflow configuration
| Provance.Class.AssetAdminSettings | System.SolutionSettings | False | False | True | False | False | Public | e2e5e9aa-c60c-df40-4d22-8b9f1d6cbdaa |
| Computer Asset | | Provance.Class.ComputerAsset | Provance.Class.HardwareAssetStandard | False | False | False | False | False | Public | ba506d19-dc9c-d257-e9d5-7ea7267d3f49 |
| Disposal Agreement | | Provance.Class.DisposalAgreement | Provance.Class.HardwareAgreement | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 9dedd874-a801-bc29-5eb1-fef9fc0df795 |
| Enrollment | An enrollment is a definition of scope for agreements. The title collection and device collection defines what titles and devices are associated with the agreement. | Provance.Class.Enrollment | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | ed0b43e8-6a49-22cf-1f57-6e587f13263a |
| General Asset | | Provance.Class.GeneralAsset | Provance.Class.HardwareAssetStandard | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 44dacd83-58e7-92f3-9e2d-74ea707847c8 |
| Hardware Agreement | Contains the common set of properties for all hardware agreements. (Not intended for direct use.) | Provance.Class.HardwareAgreement | Provance.Class.Agreement | True | False | False | False | False | Internal | f7ba3694-f62d-c310-99b4-4df1d062d228 |
| Hardware Alert Item | | Provance.Class.HardwareAlertItem | Provance.Class.AlertItem | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | 0b8f0753-c7a7-7954-fc3f-3a8783a29dd9 |
| Hardware Asset Base | Contains the common set of properties for all hardware assets. (Not intended for direct use.) | Provance.Class.HardwareAsset | System.ConfigItem | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 0651928d-1752-80ff-15bd-d8e397f5460d |
| Hardware Asset Standard | Contains the common set of properties for all physical hardware assets. (Not intended for direct use.) | Provance.Class.HardwareAssetStandard | Provance.Class.HardwareAsset | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 20770b0f-04a8-6702-e446-c47a0d5e4418 |
| Hardware Catalog (base) | Contains the common set of properties for all hardware catalog items. (Not intended for direct use.) | Provance.Class.HardwareCatalog | System.ConfigItem | True | False | False | False | False | Internal | 34f0e917-db01-8058-1816-4d98a5945959 |
| Hardware Catalog - Non-serialized | | Provance.Class.HardwareCatalogNonSerialized | Provance.Class.HardwareCatalog | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 1e4bca0e-599b-4ea4-112a-61ed4b062d62 |
| Hardware Catalog - Serialized | | Provance.Class.HardwareCatalogSerialized | Provance.Class.HardwareCatalog | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 4b9722f8-53a7-5295-b3ed-a4b3734435c3 |
| Hardware Catalog - Virtual | | Provance.Class.HardwareCatalogVirtualMachine | Provance.Class.HardwareCatalog | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 576437a1-d0f9-7a4b-d58b-94f8e9859a16 |
| Hardware Cost Event | | Provance.Class.HardwareCostEvent | Provance.Class.CostEvent | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | 4b3762d9-17f0-2659-d420-692b26db5a79 |
| Hardware Maintenance Agreement | | Provance.Class.HardwareMaintenanceAgreement | Provance.Class.HardwareAgreement | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 8ecdadad-1251-bf09-af83-f41e51e66f39 |
| Infrastructure Asset | | Provance.Class.InfrastructureAsset | Provance.Class.HardwareAssetStandard | False | False | False | False | False | Public | aa00889a-398e-885a-a766-7a995b60106f |
| Lease Agreement | | Provance.Class.LeaseAgreement | Provance.Class.HardwareAgreement | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 157be8d9-2ac0-9d8f-b84e-6e2e86a2402c |
| Mobile Asset | | Provance.Class.MobileAsset | Provance.Class.HardwareAssetStandard | False | False | False | False | False | Public | e328645b-bb47-3c91-166b-4b29745fd41d |
| Monthly Software Usage | | Provance.Class.MonthlySoftwareUsage | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | dee772f5-4e6e-151e-b271-fb999a48e573 |
| Non-Owned Asset | | Provance.Class.NonOwnedAsset | Provance.Class.HardwareAsset | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 76ad857f-1843-6041-b492-651332b7abe5 |
| Non-Serialized Asset | | Provance.Class.NonSerializedAsset | Provance.Class.HardwareAsset | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 099a06fa-a628-4afb-7f3c-631d8db97033 |
| Other Hardware Device | | Provance.Class.OtherHardwareDevice | Provance.Class.ConfigurationItemBase | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | f9738d53-bc9c-f58a-ea4f-a0b437c224bb |
| Other Software Item | | Provance.Class.OtherSoftwareItem | Provance.Class.ConfigurationItemBase | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | a6779d31-28d9-8b09-a8fe-b321268a65b0 |
| Product Licensing Condition | | Provance.Class.ProductLicensingCondition | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | ba3de728-0e0e-14b6-c765-f1daef056286 |
| Product Licensing Definition | | Provance.Class.ProductLicensingDefinition | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | cfec791b-87d9-e974-5b63-11af6f75d5d5 |
| Product Licensing Requirement | | Provance.Class.ProductLicensingRequirement | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 75aafa37-bd31-833b-8303-da18e88c48e8 |
| Product Licensing Segment | | Provance.Class.ProductLicensingSegment | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 9d72d516-7369-446e-70be-3781a5765bdd |
| Product Usage Right | | Provance.Class.ProductUsageRight | Provance.Class.ProductUsageRightBase | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | bc16f2b5-ad82-de30-25f6-e648b40270e2 |
| Product Usage Right (base) | Contains the common set of properties for all product usage right classes. (Not intended for direct use.) | Provance.Class.ProductUsageRightBase | System.ConfigItem | True | False | False | False | False | Internal | 334344f6-66fc-4b84-4cad-445d335b2a0e |
| Sku | | Provance.Class.Sku | Provance.Class.SkuBase | False | False | False | False | False | Public | effbd45d-8b3e-d8f0-c95d-ac344121cc94 |
| Software Agreement (base) | Contains the common set of properties for all software agreement classes. (Not intended for direct use.) | Provance.Class.SoftwareAgreement | Provance.Class.Agreement | True | False | False | False | False | Internal | de12f60e-92a2-4e21-2683-399da916645b |
| Software Alert Item | | Provance.Class.SoftwareAlertItem | Provance.Class.AlertItem | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | ac697285-3771-2e3a-5621-eaca1bb63e06 |
| Software Apptitle | Contains the common set of properties for all software suites and/or bundles. (Not intended for direct use.) | Provance.Class.SoftwareApptitle | System.ConfigItem | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 6787d2d4-ff82-1f05-f750-314bc633a748 |
| Software Bundle | A group of products or titles that may be packaged in multiple ways, but can be licensed under a single bundle license. | Provance.Class.SoftwareBundle | Provance.Class.SoftwareApptitle | False | False | False | False | False | Public | bd29f5f5-2c76-5022-5283-990b4b385374 |
| Software Bundle Version | | Provance.Class.SoftwareBundleVersion | Provance.Class.SoftwareVersion | False | False | False | False | False | Public | a6538184-3612-32c5-1f71-e1b63173d2c8 |
| Software Category | | Provance.Class.SoftwareCategory | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 5a87f2b2-9b56-1895-69a3-881e4e00f755 |
| Software License Key | | Provance.Class.SoftwareLicenseKey | System.Entity | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 2d97443b-c9a4-6f05-7d1b-6f43360dfd80 |
| Software License Purchase | | Provance.Class.SoftwareLicensePurchase | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | af31563d-89a7-526e-d147-515439c52ebc |
| Software Licensing Agreement | | Provance.Class.SoftwareLicensingAgreement | Provance.Class.SoftwareAgreement | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 1dd2b770-4644-ccb1-abd7-fd9057692ac8 |
| Software Management Profile | | Provance.Class.SoftwareManagementProfile | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Internal | c7d2d3a9-3dae-5fcb-bc4e-4833c1cb5049 |
| Software Support Agreement | | Provance.Class.SoftwareSupportAgreement | Provance.Class.SoftwareAgreement | False | False | False | False | False | Public | cc0b79fe-d8a4-1a71-ebc7-e01c51eb75c2 |
| Software Support Purchase | | Provance.Class.SoftwareSupportPurchase | System.ConfigItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | d0e01668-61ba-5bd7-58d9-c5e30a30ce1f |
| Software Title | | Provance.Class.SoftwareTitle | Provance.Class.SoftwareApptitle | False | False | False | False | False | Public | eb508edc-dda4-c360-6cc5-0d937a5a1ee9 |
| Software Title Version | | Provance.Class.SoftwareTitleVersion | Provance.Class.SoftwareVersion | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 470b0e83-27bb-f9ce-afee-62e774a9ea4f |
| Software Usage Metering Rule | | Provance.Class.SoftwareUsageMeteringRule | System.AdminItem | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 679a3913-6da2-ead0-04bd-73669d396572 |
| Software Version | | Provance.Class.SoftwareVersion | System.ConfigItem | True | False | False | False | False | Public | e3c02d18-5588-1aba-359e-20f08a6b631e |
| Virtual Machine Asset | | Provance.Class.VirtualMachineAsset | Provance.Class.HardwareAsset | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 9f832b02-b2ef-37b1-6828-e7c9952c6e00 |
| Warranty Agreement | | Provance.Class.WarrantyAgreement | Provance.Class.HardwareAgreement | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 5ef0eac3-c893-eab5-ea5a-75c680bcbdcd |