| DisplayName | Description | ID | Type | Isolation | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Idera SQL DM DataSource SqlInst AlertCounts | This module uses a schedule, PowerShell script and filter to spit out a property bag with the latest alert counts and details for a specified SQL Instance being monitored by SQL DM | Idera.SQLDM.DataSource.SqlInst.AlertCounts | DataSourceModuleType | Any | Internal | |
| SQLDM DataSource to Filter AlertData by SqlInst | This module takes the SQLDM Alert Poller property bags as input, then filters them by Sql Instance Name allowing the Alerts to be converted into events linked to the corresponding SQL instance object. This approach also allows cookdown (the script will execute once and the property bags produced then shared across all instances) | Idera.SQLDM.DataSource.SqlInst.AlertData | DataSourceModuleType | Any | Internal | |
| Idera SQLDM DataSource Maps SqlInstance Alerts To Events | This module maps incoming SQL DM Alerts to Operations Manager event objects. | Idera.SQLDM.DataSource.SqlInst.AlertData.MapToEvent | DataSourceModuleType | Any | Internal | |
| Idera SQLDM DMalert MapToEvent DataSource | This module uses the module which polls the DM database for alerts to get the new alerts since the last poll, and maps those into generic OM event objects. This basically emulates a received Windows Event for each DM Alert found.
This module implements the mapping of DM Alert fields to Event fields | Idera.SQLDM.DMalert.MapToEvent.DataSource | DataSourceModuleType | Any | Internal | |
| Idera SQL DM Timed PoSH DMalert Poller | Executes a PowerShell script on a schedule to read the Alerts since the last invocation, and pass each alert through as a property bag. | Idera.SQLDM.Timed.PoSH.DMalert.Poller | DataSourceModuleType | Any | Internal | |
| Idera SQL DM Timed Instance Status Provider | This module runs on a schedule, using a PowerShell script to gather and forward the Alerts counts and details for all managed instances as OpsMgr PropertyBags.
The module can be used as part of larger modules to build a health workflow or to collect status count data | Idera.SQLDM.Timed.PoSh.PropertyBagProvider | DataSourceModuleType | Any | Internal | |