| DisplayName | Description | ID | Source | Target | Type | Accessibility | Abstract |
 | Has Working User | The user that worked the billable time | System.WorkItem.BillableTimeHasWorkingUser | System.WorkItem.BillableTime | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Closed By User | Relationship between a trouble ticket and the user that closed it | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketClosedByUser | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Trouble Ticket Has Action Log | Relationship between a trouble ticket and its action log | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketHasActionLog | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket.ActionLog | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has Analyst Comment | Relationship between a trouble ticket and its analyst comments | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketHasAnalystComment | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket.AnalystCommentLog | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has Audit Comment | Relationship between a trouble ticket and its audit comments | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketHasAuditComment | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket.AuditCommentLog | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has Notification Log | Relationship between a trouble ticket and its notification log | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketHasNotificationLog | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket.NotificationLog | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has User Comment | Relationship between a trouble ticket and its user comments | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketHasUserComment | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket.UserCommentLog | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Resolved By User | Relationship between a trouble ticket and the user that resolved it | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicketResolvedByUser | System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | About Configuration Item | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and the configuration item it affects | System.WorkItemAboutConfigItem | System.WorkItem | System.ConfigItem | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Affected User | Affected User | System.WorkItemAffectedUser | System.WorkItem | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Assigned To User | The user the work item is assigned to | System.WorkItemAssignedToUser | System.WorkItem | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Closed By User | Relationship between a work item and the user that closed it | System.WorkItemClosedByUser | System.WorkItem | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Created By User | The user that created the work item | System.WorkItemCreatedByUser | System.WorkItem | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Depends On Work Item | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and the work items that it depends on | System.WorkItemDependsOnWorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Contains Work Item | Relationship between a work item group and the work items that it contains | System.WorkItemGroupContainsWorkItems | System.WorkItemGroup | System.WorkItem | System.Containment | Public | True |
 | Work Item Has Action Log | Relationship between a work item and its action log | System.WorkItemHasActionLog | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem.ActionLog | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has Billable Time | The billable time of the work item | System.WorkItemHasBillableTime | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem.BillableTime | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has Child Work Item | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and its child work items | System.WorkItemHasChildWorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.Containment | Public | False |
 | Work Item Has Comment Log | Relationship between a work item and its comment logs | System.WorkItemHasCommentLog | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem.CommentLog | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has File Attachment | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and its attached files | System.WorkItemHasFileAttachment | System.WorkItem | System.FileAttachment | System.Membership | Public | False |
 | Has Parent Work Item | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and its parent work item | System.WorkItemHasParentWorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Affects Service | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and the services that the work item affects | System.WorkItemImpactsService | System.WorkItem | System.Service | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Is Related to Configuration Item | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and a configuration item | System.WorkItemRelatesToConfigItem | System.WorkItem | System.ConfigItem | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Is Related To Work Item | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and other related work items | System.WorkItemRelatesToWorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Requested By User | The user that requested the work item | System.WorkItemRequestedByUser | System.WorkItem | System.User | System.Reference | Public | False |
 | Resolves Work Item | Relationship between a work item, such as an incident or a change request, and the work items that it resolves | System.WorkItemResolvesWorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.WorkItem | System.Reference | Public | False |