| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Parent Monitor | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert Auto Resolve | Monitor Type | Remotable | Accessibility | RunAs |
 | ABAP Availability | Application Server ABAP Availability Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Availability | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Java Availability | Application Server Java Availability Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Availability.Java | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Background Program Errors | AppServer Background Program Errors | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Background.ProgramErrors | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Background Utilisation | Percentage of the background processing capacity currently utilized; the value is averaged over the background work processes and, by default, averaged over the last hour | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Background.Utilisation | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | CPU 5 Minutes LoadAverage | Average number of processes in a host system that are ready for execution but must wait to be processed by the CPU | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.CPU.5minLoadAverage | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | CPU Utilization | Average usage of the CPU in a host system; the value shows how intensively the CPU is used and how much processing capacity is still available | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.CPU.Utilization | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog DB Request Time | Average time for processing logical database requests | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.DBRequestTime | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog Steps | Average number of dialog steps per minute | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.DialogSteps | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog Logon Load Quality | Logon Quality | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.LogonLoadQuality | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog Private Mode Utilization | Percentage of dialog work processes in PRIV mode | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.PrivModeUtilisation | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog Program Errors | AppServer Dialog Program Errors | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.ProgramErrors | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog QueueTime | Average wait time in the dispatcher queue | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.QueueTime | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog Average Response Time | Average Response Time per Dialog Step | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.ResponseTime | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog Users Logged In | Number of users that are currently logged onto an application server | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.UsersLoggedIn | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Dialog Utilisation | Average utilization of the dialog work processes of an application server | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Dialog.Utilisation | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Filesystem Free Space | Application Server Filesystem Free Space (MB) Montor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Filesystem.Freespace | ozsoft.sap.AppServer.Filesystem | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Filesystem Percentage Used | Application Server Filesystem Percentage Used Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Filesystem.PercentageUsed | ozsoft.sap.AppServer.Filesystem | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | CPU Usage | Java Process CPU Usage | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.JavaProcess.CPU.Usage | ozsoft.sap.AppServer.JavaProcess | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Duration of Last Full GC | Java Process Duration of Last Full GC | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.JavaProcess.GC.LastFullDuration | ozsoft.sap.AppServer.JavaProcess | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Memory Size of Local Objects | Java Process Memory Size of Local Objects | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.JavaProcess.Memory.SizeLocalObjects | ozsoft.sap.AppServer.JavaProcess | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Process Restarts | Java Process Restarts | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.JavaProcess.Restarts | ozsoft.sap.AppServer.JavaProcess | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Process Status | Java Process Status | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.JavaProcess.Status | ozsoft.sap.AppServer.JavaProcess | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | OS Collector State | Application OS Collector Status Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.OSCollector.State | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Page In | Average number of page-ins per second | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Paging.Page_In | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Page Out | Average number of page-outs per second | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Paging.Page_Out | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Program HitRatio | Percentage of the database queries that were met from the Propgram buffer (hit rate) and did not have to be passed on to the database | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Program.HitRatio | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Program Swaps | Application Server Swaps (per minute) due to a full Propgram buffer | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Program.Swap | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Shortdumps | Shortdumps generated on an application server | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3Abap.Shortdumps | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Shortdumps Frequency | Shortdumps Frequency on an application server | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3Abap.ShortdumpsFrequency | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Extended Memory Slots | Application Server Current Number of Extended Memory Slots | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3MemMgmtResources.EmSlotsAct | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Extended Memory | Application Server Extended Memory Utilization Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3MemMgmtResources.EsAct | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Heap | Application Server Private Memory Utilization (\%) Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3MemMgmtResources.HeapAct | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Work Processes in Private Mode | Application Server Current number of work processes in PRIV mode | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3MemMgmtResources.PrivWpNo | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | R/3 Paging Used | R/3 RollPaging: Paging Used | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3RollPaging.R3PagingUsed | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | R/3 Roll Used | R/3 RollPaging: Roll Used | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.R3RollPaging.R3RollUsed | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Table Definition Swap | Swaps (per minute) due to a full Table Definition buffer | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.TableDefinition.Swap | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Update ABAP Errors | Update Abap Errors Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Update.AbapErrorInUpdate | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Update 1 Errors | Update 1 Errors Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Update.ErrorsInWpUD1 | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Update 2 Errors | Update 2 Errors Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Update.ErrorsInWpUD2 | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Update 1 Work Processes | Update 1 Number of Work Processes Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Update.NumberOfWpUD1 | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Update 2 Work Processes | Update 2 Number of Work Processes Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Update.NumberOfWpUD2 | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Update 1 Utilisation | Update 1 Utilisation Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Update.Utilisation1 | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Update 2 Utilisation | Update 2 Utilisation Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.AppServer.Update.Utilisation2 | ozsoft.sap.AppServer | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Background Job Delay | Batch Job Delay (sec) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Job.Delay | ozsoft.sap.Job | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Background Job Runtime+Delay | SAP Background Job Runtime+Delay (sec) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Job.DelayAndRuntime | ozsoft.sap.Job | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Background Job Duration | SAP Background Job Duration (start/end sec) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Job.Duration | ozsoft.sap.Job | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Background Job Runtime | Background Job Runtime (sec) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Job.Runtime | ozsoft.sap.Job | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Background Job Status | SAP Background Job Status | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Job.Status | ozsoft.sap.Job | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Backups are Running | Backups are Running | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Backups.BackupsRunning | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Days Since Last Backup Of Master | Days Since Last Backup Of Master | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Backups.DaysSinceLastBackupOfMaster | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Days Since Last Backup Of Msdb | Days Since Last Backup Of Msdb | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Backups.DaysSinceLastBackupOfMsdb | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Days Since Last Backup of R3 | Days Since Last Backup of R3 | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Backups.DaysSinceLastBackupOfR3 | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Data Hit Ratio | Data Hit Ratio (\%) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Cache.DataHitRatio | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Procedure Hit Ratio | Procedure Hit Ratio (\%) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Cache.ProcedureHitRatio | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | CPU used by SQL Server | CPU used by MS SQL Server (\%) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.CPU.CPUUsedbySQL | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | DB File Autogrowth | SQL Server DB File Autogrowth | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.DBFile.Autogrowth | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL.DBFile | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | DB File Free Space on Disk | SQL Server DB File Free Space on Disk | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.DBFile.DiskFreeSpace | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL.DBFile | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | DB File Free Space in File | SQL Server DB File Free Space in File | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.DBFile.FileFreeSpace | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL.DBFile | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | DB File I/O Access Time | SQL Server DB File I/O Access Time | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.DBFile.IOAccess | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL.DBFile | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | DB File Stats | SQL Server DB File Stats | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.DBFile.Stats | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL.DBFile | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Disk IO Errors | Disk IO Errors | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Errors.DiskIO | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Error Log Messages | Error Log Messages | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Errors.ErrorLogMessages | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Network Packet Errors | Network Packet Errors | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.Errors.NetworkPacket | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Diskperf -y on? | Diskperf -y on? | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.IO.DiskperfOn | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Indexes Missing in DB | Number of Indexes Missing in DB | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.ItemsMissingInDB.Indexes | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Tables Missing in DB | Number of Tables Missing in DB | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.ItemsMissingInDB.Tables | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Views Missing in DB | Number of Views Missing in DB | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.ItemsMissingInDB.Views | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Most Expensive Statement CPU Time | Most Expensive Statement CPU Time (ms) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.MostExpensiveStatement.CPUTime | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Most Expensive Statement Elapsed Time | Most Expensive Statement Elapsed Time (ms) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.MostExpensiveStatement.ElapsedTime | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Most Expensive Statement Logical Reads | Most Expensive Statement Logical Reads | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.MostExpensiveStatement.LogicalReads | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Startup Parameters: OS Build Data | OS Build Data | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.StartupParameters.OSBuildData | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Startup Parameters: SQL Server Build Data | SQL Server Build Data | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.StartupParameters.SQLServerBuildData | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Startup Parameters: SQL Server Memory Setting | SQL Server Memory Setting | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.StartupParameters.SQLServerMemorySetting | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Startup Parameters: SQL Server Setup | SQL Server Setup | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.StartupParameters.SQLServerSetup | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Startup Parameters: SQL Server Trace Flags | SQL Server Trace Flags | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.StartupParameters.SQLServerTraceFlags | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Transaction Log: Percentage Used | Percentage Used of Transaction Log | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.TransactionLog.PercentageUsed | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Transaction Log: Time Since Last Backup | Time Since Last Backup of Transaction Log | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.MSSQL.TransactionLog.TimeSinceLastBackup | ozsoft.sap.MSSQL | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Archiving: Archiver destination full | Number of full Archiver destinations | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Archiving.ArchiverDestinationFull | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | False | | | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Archiving: Last successfull archive log backup | Days since Last successfull archive log backup | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Archiving.LastArchiveLogBackup | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Database Last successful complete backup | Days since Database Last successful complete backup | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Backup.LastCompleteBackup | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | False | | | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Buffers: Buffer cache | Buffer cache hit ratio | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Buffers.BufferCache | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Buffers: Library cache | Library cache hit ratio | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Buffers.LibraryCache | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Buffers: Redo log buffer | Redo log buffer size (MB) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Buffers.RedoLogBuffer | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Last successfull Database health check | Days since Last successfull Database health check | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.HealthCheck.LastCheck | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent Primary indexes | >Inconsistent Primary indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.InconsistentObjects.PrimaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent Secondary indexes | Inconsistent Secondary indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.InconsistentObjects.SecondaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent Tables | Inconsistent Table | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.InconsistentObjects.Tables | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent Views | Inconsistent View | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.InconsistentObjects.Views | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Locks: Age of oldest exclusive transaction lock | Age of the oldest exclusive transaction lock | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Locks.OldestExclTransactionLock | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Missing Primary Indexes | Missing Primary Indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.MissingObjects.PrimaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Missing Secondary Indexes | Missing Secondary Indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.MissingObjects.SecondaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Missing Table Objects | Missing View Objects | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.MissingObjects.Tables | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Missing View Objects | Missing View Objects | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.MissingObjects.Views | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Optimizer: Last successful update statistics | Days since Last successful update statistics | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Optimizer.LastUpdateStats | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Optional indexes: Indexes not created | Indexes not created | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.OptionalIndexes.NotCreated | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Optional indexes: Too many indexes created | Too many indexes created | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.OptionalIndexes.TooMany | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Segments: Segments approaching max_extents | Number of Segments approaching max_extents | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Segments.ApproachingMaxExtents | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Segments: Fewest allocatable extents for a segment | Fewest allocatable extents for a segment | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Segments.FewestAllocatableExtents | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Segments: Fewest extents left before max_extents | Fewest extents left before max_extents | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Segments.FewestLeftBeforeManExtents | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Segments: Most allocated extents in any segment | Number of most allocated extents in any segment | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Segments.MostAllocatedExtents | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Segments: Segments with non-zero pctincrease | Number of segments with non-zero pctincrease | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Segments.NonZeroPercentIncrease | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Segments: Segments with too few allocatable extents | Number of segments with too few allocatable extents | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Segments.TooFewAllocatableExtents | ozsoft.sap.Oracle | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Tablespace Free Space | Tablespace Free Space (MB) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Tablespace.FreeSpace | ozsoft.sap.Oracle.Tablespace | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Tablespace Status | Tablespace Status | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Tablespace.Status | ozsoft.sap.Oracle.Tablespace | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Tablespace Used Space | Used Space (MB) | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.Oracle.Tablespace.UsedSpace | ozsoft.sap.Oracle.Tablespace | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Inbound tRFC/qRFC Calls in the ARFCRSTATE table | ARFCSSTATE: Inbound tRFC/qRFC Calls - Number of calls in the ARFCRSTATE table | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.qRfc.Inbound.Calls | ozsoft.sap.System | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Outbound tRFC Calls with status CPICERR | ARFCSSTATE: Outbound tRFC Calls - Number of calls with status CPICERR | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.qRfc.Outbound.CPIC | ozsoft.sap.System | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Outbound tRFC Calls with status SYSFAIL | ARFCSSTATE: Outbound tRFC Calls - Number of calls with status SYSFAIL | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.qRfc.Outbound.SYSFAIL | ozsoft.sap.System | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Outbound tRFC Calls with status SYSLOAD | ARFCSSTATE: Outbound tRFC Calls - Number of calls with status SYSLOAD | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.qRfc.Outbound.SYSLOAD | ozsoft.sap.System | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | qRFC Queue Entries | qRFC Queue Entries Number | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.qRfc.QueueEntries | ozsoft.sap.qRFC | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | RFC Destination Availability | RFC Destination Availability \% | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.RfcDest.Status | ozsoft.sap.RFCDEST | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | CCMS Alert Rate | SAP Connector CCMS Alert Insertion Rate Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.SAPConnector.AlertRate | ozsoft.sap.Connector | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Failed System Connections | SAP Connector Failed System Connections Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.SAPConnector.FailedSystems | ozsoft.sap.Connector | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | CCMS PerfCounters Rate | SAP Connector CCMS Performance Counter Insertion Rate Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.SAPConnector.PerfCounterRate | ozsoft.sap.Connector | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Main Loop Duration | SAP Connector Main Loop Duration Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.SAPConnector.Timer | ozsoft.sap.Connector | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Transaction Average DB Request Time | Transaction Average DB Request Time per Dialog Step | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.SLA.Dialog.DBRequestTime | ozsoft.sap.SLA | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Transaction Average Queue Time | Transaction Average Queue Time per Dialog Step | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.SLA.Dialog.QueueTime | ozsoft.sap.SLA | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Transaction Average Response Time | Transaction Average Response Time per Dialog Step | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.SLA.Dialog.ResponseTime | ozsoft.sap.SLA | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | RFC Connect Availability | SAP RFC Connect Availability Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.System.Availability | ozsoft.sap.System | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | ABAP Availability | SAP ABAP Availability Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.System.Availability.ABAP | ozsoft.sap.System | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | J2EE Availability | SAP J2EE Availability Monitor | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.System.Availability.J2EE | ozsoft.sap.System | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Last Successful Backup | Days Since Last Successful Backup | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Backup.LastSuccessful | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Buffer Pool: Overall Buffer Quality | DB2 Overall Buffer Quality of Buffer Pool | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.BufferPool.OverallBufferQuality | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Buffers: Catalog Cache Quality | Catalog Cache Quality | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Buffers.CatalogCacheQuality | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Buffers: Package Cache Quality | Package Cache Quality | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Buffers.PackageCacheQuality | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Status | DB2 Contaner Status | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Container.Status | ozsoft.sap.UDB.Container | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent Primary Indexes | Inconsistent Primary Indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.InconsistentObjects.PrimaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent Secondary Indexes | Inconsistent Secondary Indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.InconsistentObjects.SecondaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent Table Objects | Inconsistent View Objects | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.InconsistentObjects.Tables | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Inconsistent View Objects | Inconsistent View Objects | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.InconsistentObjects.Views | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Locks: Deadlocks | DB2 Deadlocks | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Locks.Deadlocks | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Lock Escalations | DB2 Lock Escalations | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Locks.Escalations | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Exclusive Lock Escalations | DB2 Exclusive Lock Escalations | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Locks.ExclusiveEscalations | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Lock Timeouts | DB2 Lock Timeouts | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.Locks.Timeouts | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType2 | True | Public | |
 | Missing Log Files | DB2 Missing Log Files | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.LogFiles.Missing | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.PerformanceState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Missing Primary Indexes | Missing Primary Indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.MissingObjects.PrimaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Missing Secondary Indexes | Missing Secondary Indexes | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.MissingObjects.SecondaryIndexes | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Missing Table Objects | Missing View Objects | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.MissingObjects.Tables | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |
 | Missing View Objects | Missing View Objects | ozsoft.sap.Monitor.UDB.MissingObjects.Views | ozsoft.sap.UDB | System.Health.ConfigurationState | Operations | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | ozsoft.sap.CCMSMetricMonitorType | True | Public | |