Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.HPPrinters.JsXHPPrintersSnmpDeviceElementHP Printer

Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.HPPrinters.JsXHPPrintersSnmpDeviceElement (ClassType)

This is the HP Printer Snmp Device Element

Element properties:

Base ClassJalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.JsXDeviceElement

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
mModelNumber  string  Model number Model number false 256  False 
mSerialNumber  string  Serial number Serial number false 256  False 
mFirmwareDateCode  string  Firmware rom date code Firmware rom date code false 256  False 
mTotalRamSize  string  Total ram size Total ram size false 256  False 
mHostApplicationAvailableMemory  string  Host application available memory Host application available memory false 256  False 
mDescription  string  Description Description false 256  False 
mContact  string  Contact Contact false 256  False 
mLocation  string  Location Location false 256  False 
mModel  string  Model Model false 256  False 
Address  string  IP Address IP Address false 256  False 
ID  string  ID ID true 256  False 
Environment  string  Environment Environment from where Xian is monitoring the device true 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.HPPrinters.JsXHPPrintersSnmpDeviceElement" Abstract="false" Accessibility="Public" Hosted="false" Base="Jalasoft.Xian.OpsMgr2007MP.Types.Core!Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.JsXDeviceElement">
<Property ID="mModelNumber" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mSerialNumber" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mFirmwareDateCode" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mTotalRamSize" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mHostApplicationAvailableMemory" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mDescription" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mContact" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mLocation" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="mModel" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="Address" Type="string"/>
<Property ID="ID" Type="string" Key="true"/>
<Property ID="Environment" Type="string" Key="true"/>