| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| BAM Archive Database | This is the Server Role that indicates that BAM Archive Database is installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.2006.BAMArchiveDB | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 2f5415fc-9a47-3a4b-9f05-8951dc665acd |
| BAM OLAP Cubes | This is the Server Role that indicates that BAM OLAP Cubes are installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.2006.BAMOLAPCubes | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 9217b023-fd59-8198-87f5-aeefa9ff55e4 |
| BAM Portal | This is the Server Role that indicates that BAM Portal is installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.2006.BAMPortal | System.WebSite | False | True | False | False | False | Public | f7d7485f-7c08-6e59-4507-3c7eda9dd1ca |
| BAM Primary Import Database | This is the Server Role that indicates that BAM Primary Import Database is installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.2006.BAMPrimaryImportDatabase | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 34383f21-ab3a-1c7a-80c7-5eae44697ac3 |
| BAM Star Schema Database | This is the Server Role that indicates that BAM Star Schema is installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.2006.BAMStarSchema | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 2e8172dd-6650-4277-fa74-f0f765a33ec2 |
| BizTalk Server | This is the Server Local Application that indicates that BizTalk Server is installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.2006.BizTalkServer.LocalApplication | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.BizTalkServer.BaseClass | False | True | False | False | False | Public | bfac484b-f732-0ab2-526a-cadf022d90f9 |
| BizTalk Server | This is the Server Role that indicates that BizTalk Server is installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.2006.BizTalkServer.ServerRole | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.BizTalkServer.BaseClass | False | True | False | False | False | Public | ff473248-1fd2-5aab-5f29-a2df6a180b63 |
| Management Database | This Database is the central meta-information store for all instances of BizTalk Server | Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.Management | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 89c6f20b-983e-9d6e-e6cf-bd9ff4627c66 |
| Message Box | The Message Box is the database that BizTalk uses to store messages, dehydrate orchestrations, store tracking data, and process subscriptions. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.MessageBox | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 7c01e452-c779-650e-6746-a91024ee33c0 |
| Rules Database | This Rules Database allows users to alter Orchestrations. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.Rules | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | dff1f90b-e3f6-a71e-d02b-e232b7737a3c |
| SSO Database | This Enterprise Single Sign-On credential Database securely stores the configuration information for receive locations. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.SSO | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 1710b5e4-d48d-0a03-0ad8-6625cd3c76dc |
| Tracking Database | This Tracking Database stores health monitoring data tracked by the BizTalk Server tracking engine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Databases.Tracking | System.Database | False | True | False | False | False | Public | b85eac43-e171-e487-521f-1eb315c58c04 |
| Adapter | A class that encapsulates the notion of an adapter. This will contain common properties. Intances will represent each of the different adapters installed on the server, for example, a file adapter. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Adapter | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | de9b6b25-7bad-46e2-6869-56351d27360b |
| Application | The application is a logical grouping within BizTalk Administration. It allows other entities within BizTalk to be grouped under the application. This would be useful to carry into Operations to enable health roll-up to each application. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Application | Microsoft.Windows.LocalApplication | False | True | False | False | False | Public | f9e4e46a-33ac-2c45-5f85-5688f7ce4d93 |
| BizTalk | This class is the root of all BizTalk Management, as such it is a singleton and requires no discovery. It is the root container for the rest of the management information. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.BizTalk | System.SoftwareInstallation | False | False | True | False | False | Public | 153a3ea3-7216-7e12-fb5d-505c3537ca59 |
| BizTalk Group | The management group for a set of 1 or more BizTalk Servers. This class contains the root information for the group, defining where the databases for the group are stored. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.BizTalkGroup | Microsoft.Windows.LocalApplication | False | True | False | False | False | Public | d9829607-7e8e-0330-c979-d49fd9083991 |
| BizTalk Server | This is the Server Role that indicates that BizTalk Server is installed on a machine. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.BizTalkServer.BaseClass | Microsoft.Windows.LocalApplication | True | True | False | False | False | Public | c881c0b1-07a8-93bf-1e21-35479fff6606 |
| Host | A host is a logical representation of a Microsoft Windows process that executes BizTalk Server artifacts such as send ports and orchestrations. A host can be either an in-process host, which means it is owned and managed by BizTalk Server, or an isolated host, which means that the BizTalk Server code is running in a process that is not controlled by BizTalk Server. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Host | Microsoft.Windows.LocalApplication | False | True | False | False | False | Public | e11b71e8-d7f0-68a8-d5fb-eae3144a89fd |
| Host Instance | A host instance is the instantiated representation of a host on a specific server. This is an actual process in a service that runs a message agent and associated adapters, orchestrations, etc. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.HostInstance | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Host | False | True | False | False | False | Public | ab106e29-59b5-0ee7-92d6-363dc28934a7 |
| Orchestration | An Orchestration is a business process built using the XLANG/s language and is executed in the XLANG Engine | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Orchestration | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 2bfa7c3d-ef90-91e2-3b89-57ed9f9153e6 |
| Primary Transport | Represents an endpoint configuration for a Send Port. Also known as (internally) as a Send Location. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Primary.Transport | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 38c21adf-6879-c8c9-1ba1-4ac7edda2c8c |
| Receive Location | A Receive Location is the configuration of a single endpoint to receive messages from external entities. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.ReceiveLocation | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 17a878f6-465e-8126-8854-c180297fad33 |
| Receive Port | A logical grouping of Receive Locations. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.ReceivePort | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | dbcebac4-db4d-ccdb-7855-b27f2123acd6 |
| Secondary Transport | Represents an endpoint configuration for a Send Port. Also known as (internally) as a Send Location. This second instance is known as the Backup Transport. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.Secondary.Transport | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | f340d7e0-5a1d-606a-9176-e711ed7866ef |
| Send Port | A send port is the location to which Microsoft BizTalk Server sends messages or from which BizTalk Server receives messages. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.SendPort | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 2e57eafc-ebde-815d-f67e-73457b0f0e16 |
| Send Port Group | A send port group is a named collection of send ports that BizTalk Server can use to send the same message to multiple destinations in one configuration. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Library.SendPortGroup | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | d277f0d8-0fee-8ad1-1878-e6b0a05463a1 |
| BizTalk Server Application Service | This Service is a direct correlation to a Host Instance. The Name of the Service includes the name of the Host Instance. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.BizTalkApplicationService | System.Service | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 2363eaa0-7092-d427-9e05-639060a7d775 |
| BizTalk Base EDI Service | Processes EDI Documents. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.BizTalkBaseEDIService | System.Service | False | True | False | False | False | Public | a6abb36a-88ae-f9b2-2018-6e4f920ebc9f |
| Enterprise Single Sign-on Service | Provides Single Sign-on services to enterprise applications. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.ESSOService | System.Service | False | True | False | False | False | Public | b7cc1eae-f8a3-ba5a-4766-342e33d2b8dd |
| Rules Engine Update Service | Notifies users about the deployment or un-deployment of polices. | Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.RuleEngineUpdateService | System.Service | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 951165cf-0872-5de1-f405-5cd832c3202d |